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Non registered shots.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by PaulQuin, 9 May 2018.

  1. PaulQuin

    PaulQuin Member

    21 Mar 2018
    You make it out as a fact that it would be because of my connection. That's over ambitious.
    My connection is fine guys!
    Also, why should I be put in a disadvantage because the game doesn't sync properly & why should the opponent be put in an advantage?
    I shot has to count without putting the opponent in advantage over syncing issues or who knows by the game.
    Now if you still say that the fault is on my side, then I respectfully disagree with you.
  2. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    That depends on how you define "your" side. The problem lies between you and the server. It may not be something you personally have control over. It may not even be something your ISP has control over. That does not take away that the "syncing issue" is on your side of the network composed of the server and the 10 players in the battle, therefore the consequences are for you instead of for the other 9 people.

    Also look at it this way: if your device would be the determining factor, it would be the same for everyone else. That means that every time you play against an opponent with a terrible connection, you'd be taking a lot of damage from projectiles that visually miss you, invisible projectiles, invisible torpedoes etc. It would really mess up the game if every person with connection problems made those problems everyone else's problems instead of their own.
  3. PaulQuin

    PaulQuin Member

    21 Mar 2018
    You are still claiming it's because of my connection, which is over ambitious. It's a claim!
    I've got high speed unlimited fibre broadband.
    It can be syncing issues in other parts of the infrastructure. The server for example. Or something else.
  4. TonyStar123

    TonyStar123 Active Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Somewhere in Battle Bay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    I had the same issue with a enforcer and a speeder. Both times i clearly saw the impact of a explosive cannon on their ship. I thought it was just lag and the damage will register. Nope the damage just won't appear.
    PaulQuin likes this.

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