Speeder has been a super volatile ship for a while. Now, I'm no pushover with the speeder. In a close fight, there's very few people who can consistently take me down, something that is true even post-4.0. However, I get the feeling that I'm dancing on the edge of a knife, every time I get into a battle. Nothing feels "light" anymore. What with the huge damage boost, there's no room for a knifefighting speeder with selfheal.
Nor is there room for an enforcer with a single TS. TS, at the rate that it's being nerfed, is heading to a point where double TS will be the only possible way to play it.
Devs. Please consider the fact that double bubble is not the biggest problem in the yellow department.
@Miika, with your stats, I think you must have seen a big drop in double bubble enfos post-3.2. I don't know if the stats reflect it, but I have seen it. I see less of those guys these days. Now, it's not the token TS nerf that did it. I speak from experience, as an ex-DB user, it was the agi change that did it. It was simply so much more fun knifing with the enforcer, compared to being hyper conservative with DB.
If you want to see less DB users on the Bay, if you wish to reduce its dominance, you have to make more twoslot yellow items. You have to make the other existing twoslot more viable. I think you'll see a big change in the metagame in a good way

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