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New Weapon Ideas

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 30 Aug 2017.

  1. - ZeroFactor -

    - ZeroFactor - New Member

    29 Aug 2017
    Glue gun: [YELLOW]

    movement speed is unaffected but turret turns 80% slower (or something like that)
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Repair glow: works like repair pulse but ships have to stay in the fixer's glow radius to be healed. 1 slot item. Lasts 10 seconds with a 15 second cooldown
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Meanwhile, their Turbo is off so they're moving at base speed, which is very slow at Mk 6. Their only chance for an escape is a Nitro, which doesn't matter much when they're also taking full damage from every attack for *over* 10 seconds (don't forget Crew and Perks, even a Tesla Bolt can last longer than that). Why are Nitro and Rudder exempt from this thing anyway? o_O

    Defenders would be annoyed by the armor deletion, but what this would really do is make Speeder unplayable. Every Speeder and Enforcer would have little choice but to take it, but Enforcer isn't quite as nerfed by it as Speeder is. So, Enforcers would just instakill every Speeder as soon as they appeared.
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Reverse repair pulse same as pulse same slots same everything no need to add anything in crew training tree or anything.
    Reverse pulse will work same as normal pulse but healing friendly ships for 50% and own ship for 100%.
  5. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    I'd go for heat ray. Red Slot [1]. Continuous Incendiary damage for several seconds (works best if locked on target). Instant connect when in range. Can be obstructed by obstacles and friends, and if unfriend, he/she will take damage instead of the actual target.
  6. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Forgot about rudder, and nitro is so quick. And I meant max with crew training. (perks maybe extend it 3s or so) And It would be shorter than bolt, cause bolt can last 16+s
    You could still use OB and tesla shield while disabled, but when the bolt hits you, it takes out and OB/tesla shield that's running. (but then it leaves passives alone)
  7. Bradley Thorinsson

    Bradley Thorinsson Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Literally EVERYONE in the bay would be using this.

    Attached Files:

    Y0ur_Fath3r and The Otherguy like this.
  8. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    I was playing with Reaper on Overwatch and thought what if Fixers had a Life Drain? You would have to be in contact or very close to an enemy, then activate it to drain hip points. You would then have a limited amount of time to shoot it as a bolt on to a teammate or maybe it just self heals. Call it Armor Drain or Hit Point Drain. That would help against all those sneaky speeders that come up behind Fixers and batter them from behind at close range. A new idea also would be for it to be a hybrid item counting as 1 red slot and 1 green slot, since it both does damage and heals. I know that would be a lot of coding though.
  9. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    New Weapon idea. THE DEVLOP-NADER

    instant destruction. Take 3 red slots.
    U can arm it once and fire. Whomever u hit. Game over.
    The pro. Awesome power.
    The Con. If u fire it, your ship gets destroyed also.
    With great power comes great responsiblity.

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