It is just a combination of flare gun carronade and a cannon ,
And i dont want it ,why?
First : what is it in real life? Napalm?no , .....?no , all weapons are from real life.
Second: which crew member will in responsible of its training ? Bhurt ?he already has too much cannons to train, hey why i said cannons and not items? , because bhurt (cannoner) is responsible of all cannons ,but he can't handle another one . So which one ? It doesn't fit anyone of their talent .
In my opinion ( it can do too much to be 1 slot item , but 2 slots is too much for it , maybe if it deals damage during that 5s then it will 2 slots items ,so then enforcer can not use it ,and exc speeders can't use it and for fixers it will be useless ,
Without dealing damage It seems realistic to be 1 slot for you?
So then ,what it will be used for pellet-cannon combo ,no need their is flare-cannon combo , but it can help for both cannons and torps
,so enforcer can use it with pellet -blast-swift combo ,but it sets enemy on fire for 5s and others ability for 4s so due to the time between items reload it hardly manage to get benefits of both ( burning target and frozen target , that if it was swift then blast due to the (only 4s disability,and 5s burn) ,so speeder and fixers won't use it because if it is used with only 1 item combination there is a better one for any combo
,and for defender and shooter ? The third one
Third : it has an ark so it can not have more range than carronade or it will be useless ,so you should be close to enemy ,close enough so that torps won't deal damage at that range ,and then enforcer have to shoot balst and then swift (but then he won't have enough time tp benefit of (frozen target))
,and also what it will lose if all of its projectiles didn't land? Damage ? (If it deals damage ,it should be 1.5 slot then ) its turret disability and slowness? ( and this what make it useless for shooter and defender ,( they can't get near that much to have maximum 4s,and 5s a d if they did then no torp effects for them ) ,and its effects should be less at higher range,
I had other thing to say ,but till i wrote this i forgot them 0_o
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