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New Ship, Crew Member, Item Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by NathanaelK, 11 Jun 2018.


Which ideas do you guys support?

  1. Cloaker

  2. Fire Burst

    0 vote(s)
  3. Healing Burst

  4. Damage Burst

  5. Radar

    0 vote(s)
  6. Invisibility Drive

  7. Targeted Burst

    0 vote(s)
  8. Energy Bolt

  9. Sorry, but Battle Bay is perfect the way it is.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    I just got my Battle Bay account, and this is my first-ever post — I figured I should make it a good one. ;)

    I hear a lot of ideas from people for new weapons, or new crew members. The problem with adding these kinds of things to the Bay is that items have crewmembers associated with them, and those crewmembers are associated with a ship. So you can't just add one thing without messing up the perfect numbers, or changing an already-existing talent tree.
    Of course, as with most problems, there is a solution, and that is LOTS OF IDEAS.
    So here I've typed LOTS OF IDEAS that could be implemented without significantly changing anything already in place (the only affected things I can think of are the probability of combining into a specific item and the progress of the Captain's Journey.
    The items I came up with are either Blue or Yellow, because a) there are only a handful of items in those colours and b) there are so many weapons that it's almost impossible to come up with a truly creative idea for one. There's no particular reason as to why I didn't come up with Green items though.

    I'll start with the ship:
    The CLOAKER!

    In-Game Description: They can't shoot you if they can't see you. The Cloaker bleands in to her surroundings, using a nimbleness to glide right past the unfriends. She isn't too tough, but she doesn't need to be.
    You don't need to shoot from the shadows when you are the shadows.

    The Cloaker is camouflaged in battle. It is difficult but not impossible to see her — she looks like a dark distortion of whatever is behind her. Her nameplate never appears above her, and instead is always visible at the top of the screen, under the bars next to the Battle Clock. Unfriend Cloakers' nameplates appear under the Unfriend bar, and Friend Cloakers' nameplates appear under the Friend bar.
    This means that while it is difficult to see her whereabouts, everyone can see her health bar, and everyone will know if she is at low health and hiding somewhere.
    She has one, but only one green slot, which is enough to let her equip a Repair Bolt or Duct Tape, but not enough to make her the team's precious healer who can out-heal an enemy shooter.

    Mk 1: 2RR 1Y 1B
    Statistics - 600 Health, 0 Defense, 1.01 Speed, 42° Agility, 32° Turret Agility

    Mk 2: 2RR 2YY 1B
    Statistics - 750 Health, 0 Defense, 0.92 Speed, 39° Agility, 29° Turret Agility

    Mk 3: 3RR 2YY 1B
    Statistics - 1025 Health, 0 Defense, 0.84 Speed, 37° Agility, 27.5° Turret Agility

    Mk 4: 3RR 2YY 1G 2B
    Statistics - 1425 Health, 0 Defense, 0.78 Speed, 35° Agility, 26.3° Turret Agility

    Mk 5: 4RRR 2YY 1G 2B
    Statistics - 2125 Health, 0 Defense, 0.74 Speed, 34.4° Agility, 25° Turret Agility

    Mk 6: 4RRR 3YY 1G 3BB
    Statistics - 2675 Health, 0 Defense, 0.72 Speed, 34° Agility, 24° Turret Agility

    Mk 7: 4RRR 3YY 1G 3BB
    Statistics - 3350 Health, 0 Defense, 0.75 Speed, 35° Agility, 26° Turret Agility

    The Cloaker's associated crew members are Rohna and Spektre.

    Next, here are the crewmembers that would be implemented:

    ROHNA - Planner
    Rohna's talents improve the statistics of the Cloaker, the FIRE BURST, the HEALING BURST, the DAMAGE BURST, and the RADAR.

    SPEKTRE - Ghost
    Spektre's talents improve the statistics of the Cloaker, the INVISIBILITY DRIVE, the TARGETED BURST, and the ENERGY BOLT.

    Finally, the items that would be implemented:

    Fire Burst - Expands your shipwreck to catch more enemies in the flames!
    Effect: If/When you are destroyed, your shipwreck will be much larger than normal and only burn enemy ships.
    Slot Colour and Points: 1 Blue
    Radius: + X% (upgradeable) [Common: + 96.8% / Uncommon: + 162% / Rare: + 248% / Epic: + 342% / Legendary: + 613%]
    Damage: 80
    Perk: Fire Burst Damage: [Uncommon: + 10% / Rare: + 20% / Epic: + 30%]
    Associated Crew Member: Rohna

    Healing Burst - Sends a flurry of healing out to your friends when you're destroyed.
    Effect: If/When you are destroyed, Repair Bolts are sent out of your shipwreck to each of your remaining friends. The Repair Bolts take the most efficient route across the map, cannot pass through objects or ships, and cannot be stopped by any means.
    Slot Colour and Points: 2 Blue
    Hitpoints: X (upgradeable) [Common: 152 / Uncommon: 228 / Rare: 494 / Epic: 760 / Legendary: 1332]
    Projectile Speed: 15
    Radius: 0.3
    Perk: Repairing Boost
    Associated Crew Member: Rohna

    Damage Burst - Detonates when your ship is destroyed, damaging all nearby unfriends.
    Effect: If/When you are destroyed, your ship explodes, dealing damage to all unfriends in a radius around you. Your shipwreck remains after the explosion.
    Slot Colour and Points: 1 Blue
    Damage: X (upgradeable) [Common: 357 / Uncommon: 398 / Rare: 491 / Epic: 612 / Legendary: 1916]
    Radius: 5.8
    Perk: Damage Burst Radius: [Uncommon: + 7% / Rare: + 11% / Epic: + 15%]
    Associated Crew Member: Rohna

    Radar - Scans the surrounding waters for enemy ships.
    Effect: Rotates around you once (starting pointing straight in front of your ship and turning clockwise), appearing as a white line on the mini-map. Unfriends who pass under this line are revealed (their ship, their nameplate, and their position on the mini-map become visible) briefly to all friendly ships, then fade away again. Radar can detect Cloakers, and cancels out effects of the Invisibility Drive for the period in which ships are revealed. Unfriends have no way of knowing when an enemy Radar is activated.
    Slot Colour and Points: 1 Yellow
    Radius: X (upgradeable) [Common: 14.4 / Uncommon: 18.2 / Rare: 23.7 / Epic: 28.9 / Legendary: 47.3
    Cooldown: 16.3s
    Duration: 4s
    Perk: Radar Duration: [Uncommon: + 1s / Rare: + 1.5s / Epic: + 2s
    Associated Crew Member: Rohna

    Invisibility Drive - Hides your ship from sight for a period of time.
    Effect: Your nameplate and position on the mini-map disappear from view for all friends and unfriends. Your ship remains visible, but becomes slightly translucent. This effect is cancelled by Radar. You can still take damage while Invisibility Drive is active, but you cannot be target-locked.
    Slot Colour and Points: 1 Yellow
    Duration: Xs (upgradeable) [Common: 4.2s / Uncommon: 6.5s / Rare: 9.4 / Epic: 11.9s / Legendary: 19.7s]
    Cooldown: 34.3
    Perk: Invisibility Drive Cooldown: [Uncommon: - 1s / Rare: - 1.5s / Epic: -2s]
    Associated Crew Member: Spektre

    Targeted Burst - Lets you fire off your weapons one last time after being destroyed.
    Effect: After being destroyed, you are given a period of time (tracked with an icon above your ship counting down and visible only to you) in which all of your weapons (but no other items) are visible and off of cooldown. You can fire each once, dealing full damage, from the position of your shipwreck. You can pan the screen around to fire from different angles. After firing a weapon, its icon disappears from the screen. If a weapon has not been fired when the time runs out, its icon still disappears.
    Slot Colour and Points: 2 Blue
    Duration: Xs (upgradeable) [Common: 4.5s / Uncommon: 7.7s / Rare: 11.6s / Epic: 16.2s / Legendary: 26.0s]
    Targeted Burst would have no unique perks.
    Associated Crew Member: Spektre

    Energy Bolt - Powers an enemy ship's engine into overdrive, making it uncontrollably fast.
    Effect: Launches a bolt which rolls across the water and causes the first enemy ship it touches to move at an accelerated speed. The affected ship cannot stop moving and cannot move backwards. This bolt cannot pass through objects or friendly ships (which are unaffected by it).
    Slot Colour and Points: 1 Yellow
    Speed: + X% (upgradeable) [Common: + 196% / Uncommon: + 237% / Rare: + 287% / + 329% / Legendary: + 576%]
    Cooldown: 20s
    Projectile Speed: 15
    Radius: 0.3
    Duration: 3.7s
    Perk: Energy Bolt Duration: [Uncommon: + 0.5s / Rare: + 1s / Epic: + 1.5s]
    Associated Crew Member: Spektre

    The new Perks listed out are:
    • Fire Burst Damage
    • Damage Burst Radius
    • Radar Duration
    • Invisibility Drive Cooldown
    • Energy Bolt Duration
    What do you guys think?

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Well,I like the idea of Healing Burst and Damage Burst.Keep the ideas coming through,we would love to read!!;););)
    Nikkie! likes this.
  3. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    Thank you so much for your feedback!

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