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New Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zusay, 15 Nov 2017.

  1. -SeeKnDeStRoY-

    -SeeKnDeStRoY- Member

    11 Oct 2017
    20171117_110905.jpg Yeah I believe taking into accounts both infamy and ship tier is better. Because there are players who lack real skill can't cope with their low kills/battle and for looking good they dive deep in infamy hoping to make pentakills against the robot.
    Cos otherwise, if MM is only based on infamy, when you have an mk5 with 225 infamy, how could it be fair to mk1 and mk2 that are just new to the game?
    By taking into account ship tier, it discourages people to intentionally lose the battle and drop infamy. Cos no matter how low their infamy, they will still faced up with same ship tier opponent.
    Last edited: 17 Nov 2017
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  2. baysider

    baysider Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    its much worse now
  3. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Wow! This a ship that (imo) should have no problem getting 2k+. And seeing that he has 5k matches, with over 1.0 kills/battle... he is clearly capable of solid performances... so my guess is he has already been that high...

    But not since at least two seasons ago... so.......
    What is going on here?
    This one seems more clear to me than most cases -- this appears to be intentional tanking.
    The only possible incentive I can see is that he is doing this is to make guild quests easier?

    I think we can all agree it's not healthy for beginner experience for this boat to be in matches with others in the 225 infamy range.
    The question is - how do you solve this?
    You could either address this from a matchmaking perspective, or from an incentives perspective.
    Put another way:
    - You can force matchmaking to do something it doesn't want to do (i.e. add convoluted rules that prevent similar infamies from matching together)...
    - Or you can acknowledge that his incentive to be so low outweighs the incentive to be at a more appropriate infamy...

    Any time a player is rewarded for winning - that keeps the game healthy.
    Any time a player is rewarded for doing something specific (other than winning) - that introduces counter-incentives. This should always be done very carefully... (I don't think it was done very carefully by Rovio with these guild quests...)

    Guild quests have introduced a shift in the game's economy, and have provided more incentive than ever for people to drop infamy.
    (It's not even always on purpose - they just want to help with the tough Carronade quest!)
    I still believe weapon-specific quests are problematic. So are ship-specific quests (but to a lesser degree).
    I still believe players who drop too far from their lifetime high infamy shouldn't get ANY guild token rewards.
    I still believe the best incentives in the game should come from reaching the highest possible infamy that you can.

    Now, you can always argue that some player won't care about incentives, and want to tank just to club some seals...
    Sure... but with a fixed incentive paradigm, you'd take care of "most" of these kinds of problems...
  4. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    The most recent "uh wut?" Game;
    Credit: Mr Jazmella my guildmate
    2 players 5k+ vs 0 players over 4k
  5. Buzz...

    Buzz... Member

    23 Oct 2017
    I think some people have shoot up their infamy and other players have lost. I lost 300 infamy just after update and my guild mate gain 500 . I am now Swinging between 1000-1200 for mk5 enforcer this is pretty shit infamy . But all my opponent are mk5 ,so tough competition

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