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Never Give Up!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by retryW, 20 Jul 2017.

  1. KiloMeda

    KiloMeda Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Last game we did it!

    Attached Files:

    retryW likes this.
  2. PanickedMuffin

    PanickedMuffin New Member

    9 Aug 2017
  3. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    What's your set up?
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    It was a while ago, now I have evolved my shooter to mk5.
    However, my setup on mk4 was:
    Lvl 30 rare sniper
    Lvl 30 uncommon sniper
    Lvl 30 rare explosive canon / lvl 20 rare missile launcher (I switched those every few matches)
    Lvl 30 epic big berta

    My setup on mk5 wich I'm currently using:
    Lvl 34 rare sniper
    Lvl 40 uncommon sniper (I'll probably replace this or the mine with a lvl 30 rare ballpark mortar)
    Lvl 31 explosive canon
    Lvl 30 epic big berta
    Lvl 9 legendary mine (despite being a legendary, it's useless if it doesn't hit, so maybe I'll swap this out with lvl 30 rare ballpark mortar)
  5. murius

    murius New Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Just cause someone has better weapons or a better MK level ship has no bearing on whether that player is good or not.If people don't fight together or try to fight 1on1, your going to drop games.
  6. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Lol, dude, your weapons are badass as fudge. I'm 1.6k max and 1.2k usually but I use lvl 11 epic mortar, lvl 10 epic lrm, level 20 rare lrm, lvl 28 cannon and lvl 20 sniper.

    How do you find so many duplicate rares?

    I can't find poop.
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Rares are actually fairly easy to find. Just be sure to look in the shop whenever it has new stock, and always buy the rare pieces you'll see. And you can also get lots of rare parts by buying common items, and scrapping them like there's no tomorow.

    By both keeping your eyes on the shop, and farming gold for uncommons, you'll get lots of rare items without even noticing. However, if you only play this game if you've got quests like alot of people do, then it will take so much longer to get rares.

    So basicly, you'll get it naturally by just playing the game.

    And also, I was really patient. I never used any pearls I got from battles, I saved everything up. And thanks to my vip subscription it was even easier to farm pearls. With all my battles I farmed enough pearls to buy the epic container 2 times, so that's an aditional 18 rare items extra.
    Ultrah likes this.
  8. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Dude at your infamy level unless you already have duplicate Epics, don't even bother upgrading them. Only focus on rares. They are easy to find, you get minimum 3 a week from boxes if you do all your quests and log in every day. You also get a LOT of rare red item pieces in the shop, just spend any gold you get on those for a week or two and you'll have plenty of rares. I went from none, to the following inventory, in the space of maybe two weeks. (Note: the only reason I have that epic sniper is because I CANNOT FIND A DAMN RARE ONE!) It is weaker than my regular cannon lol, fires slower, and barely ever crits. I want some rare ones so badly!)
  9. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    You got all these....in 2 weeks?

    Did you do a lot of common item scraping too?
  10. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Possibly 3. It was a very short period of time. I just bought every red item piece that showed up in the shop, had a lot of lucky star or daily crate opening, and scrapped a lot of commons from the green crates.
    (I have never done the buy uncommon/commons to scrap tactic [never been rich enough])
    Last edited: 11 Aug 2017
  11. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    I shall start buying, thanks for the advice guis
  12. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Dang had to look hard to find this thread again but had a real show stopper
    Sorry for half res, but as u can see in map, we had two ships in starting position. A bit ago one spammed negative and suicided, so it was just us. The suicider actually ended up taking one down with him so that was good :)
    Anywho, the other team never attacked us together, so the shooter stuck with me and i healed like crazy. Remember that even if u have afk, they dont know that. They thought they were battling 3 shooters :D But major props to ziz he never gave up even when were well into battle knowing the two afk werent coming to out aid. Also great to point out it was a long haul, was very very close to draw (which i wouldve been happy with) but ziz cam through with torp and got one guy out last 5 sec. suspenseful for sure!!!
    wreck your day, b1zzyone and retryW like this.
  13. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
  14. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Now THAT is exactly why I made this thread. Good stuff man! That is hilarious to see :) If only they checked your spawn, they would have won by numbers!
    You and Ziz clearly put in WORK!
    Edit: Just noticed you healed essentially their ENTIRE teams damage combined! Wanna fleet ? ;)
    behumble and Ultrah like this.
  15. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Aha its funny for sure. One of those battles that just make you smile.
    Would love to fleet, have to get u as a friend first though :)
    retryW likes this.
  16. b1zzyone

    b1zzyone New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Nice topic btw and very true not to give up even if you have a floater or two. Had this battle earlier in the week where the enemy team was gradually making their way towards our spawn via the middle capture zone. Enemy noticed the afk and quickly put him down and by that time, we were down 2 while enemy was down 1 while I was getting bombarded like crazy, was even in the red at one stage.

    Anyway, the rest is history and want to give mad props to the shooter and especially the enforcer who was using stun at the right moments.
    behumble and retryW like this.
  17. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Awesome, u certainly outdid yourself with the healing and damage. probably got the other team shaking their heads ahah
    b1zzyone likes this.
  18. b1zzyone

    b1zzyone New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Well from the end result, I can't recall the amount of self heals I had to do, but we do what we have to do :oops:
    behumble and The Otherguy like this.

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