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My matchmaking thoughts

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 13 Feb 2018.

  1. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Its unpredictable, one match, I had all mk4s, the next match had mk2s and mk6s in it. Its unfair as one shot from their tier 5 weapons and the mk2s were dead. Even weapons on mk4s and mk5s could one shot the mk2s.
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Ah yes... I remember the days of being one-shot fondly. Nowadays I've gone soft and it takes 3 hits to kill me. Although Nitro + Epic Mine is always loads of fun.
  3. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017

    For people who think matching is balanced
    What's Up Player likes this.
  4. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    yep i got mk5s in my battles when im mk 3 and they hv legendaries i have my epics, t2 rares... rip
  5. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Yeah this is somewhat ridiculous!
    1 x MK6 vs 4 x MK6, plus they have more infamy also?!
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    And a fixer constantly healing 2 MK6 defenders,Which are very difficult to kill otherwise(even without fixer)
  7. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Dear Devs,
    How can the matchmaking have become so much worse than it was. It is so much more unbalanced than before, that I think you are going to lose a lot of players because of it.

    So many people have asked for a more balanced game, instead you have made it so much worse.

    Is this what the shareholders wanted or just a mistake? PLEASE, tell us why.
    Last edited: 16 Feb 2018
  8. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    I believe that the problem of matchmaking is the low amount of players in battlebay.

    How else can be explained matching people with difference of 1000 infamy?
    kusura bakmayin likes this.
  9. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That is maybe true, but the cause there are not many players any people was caused by the matchmakinghow it was before the update,, which was far from ideal. Friends of mine quit also, because within 10 battles they were facing mk4s ships and they had 100 damage weapons. Good luck with that. And now it has become worse, I think even more people we quit.

    Which is sad, because the idea of the game itself and the way it is made is great! A more balanced matchmaking will attract more people and will keep them in. Trust me!
  10. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    Most players complaining about matchmaking miss two facts: first, the game aggressively keeps you near a 50-50 win loss ratio, and you rise to your level of incompetence. I recently upgraded my Fixer to Mk4, which allowed me to equip a second blue. I also started running two bolts because I got lucky when two epic bolts dropped from star crates in under a week. This setup made me more able to survive and help my teammates survive, so I jumped from 1600 to 2300.

    Also, regarding matchmaking at higher levels: my current infamy is 2252, and my global rank is 15442. That means that there are 15k players at or above my level. How many of them are online at any given time? When I had 1600 infamy, I was at around 60k global ranking. That meant that there were an additional 45k players at or near my level. The system matches you based on who is available at any given time. Right now the spread between players in my games is a lot higher simply because there are fewer players at any given infamy level above 2000. If you have 20 people to match up against, you'll get less reliable matches than if you have 200 or 2000 to choose from.

    Also, ship level is not a reliable indication of the challenge presented by a player. Don't say "they had a Mk6 boat so the battle was unbalanced." There is a correlation between ship level and relative power, since you need more talents trained in order to get a higher level ship, but the specific mix of talents, items, play style and strategy, skill level, and team dynamics cannot be summed up just by referring to ship level. Please stop thinking that a Mk5 boat is always better than or going to defeat a Mk3 boat. If I equip a T5 epic sniper cannon with four epic perks and full Bhurt training on a Mk1 Fixer, I will be very dangerous even though unfriendlies can one shot kill me. Lower level boats are also great lures, since people make reckless kamikaze attacks when they see them. If you've got tape on a fixer, you can actually pull unfriendlies back to your team very well.

    I started playing on December 7th and I ran my Mk2 boats up to the 1600 infamy range, and honestly wish I had stayed with the Mk2 for longer. I stagnated for a while after upgrading to Mk3, but Mk2 boats are viable for a lot longer than people think. No, you cannot get a pentakill by running into the middle of the enemy pack as a Mk2 boat playing Mk5 boats. I feel like this is how most beginners want to play, especially shooters, and it is possible to win like this when you're at 400 infamy. I remember getting several pentakills in one night because the other teams were so inexperienced. When you are a lower level boat playing against higher level boats, you have to be more opportunistic and use distance and/or indirect fire weapons. You are not going to get three stars or highest damage, but the benefit of having a higher infamy is higher bonus to your battle rewards.
  11. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    You are right, thanks for your reply!

    I agree bigger is not always better, but bigger almost always mean steonger weapons. So, you get hit, it is mostl likely over. And if you have a bad team of friends and you are the last one standing against 3, 4 or 5 Unfriends with mk4 or mk5 and you with a mk2, it is just game over.

    And I don't know if the way a match is made has to do with the amount of players online. Because in the evenings it is busy and also in the weekends, but still you get 2x mk2, 3x mk4 in your team and 3x mk4 and 2x mk5 in the other or the other way around. And it has become worse since the new update, so the amount of players has not changed that much in a weeks time. So, apparently the devs changed it and I cannot think of a reason why it has been changed for the worse. Is it unexpected?
  12. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    As an MVP, I expect you to not spread false information. @Ash KOT @The Grim Repair @Miika

    baba's team has an average infamy of 3307.2
    baba's unfriends have an average infamy of 3299.6

    So baba's team actually has a HIGHER AVERAGE INFAMY.

    My calcs:
    DoDrugs = 3441
    Lobo = 2950
    baba = 3451
    Whats up = 3451
    yusuf = 3243
    average = 3307.2

    Tanker = 3564
    Light = 2995
    Speedray = 3380
    Hung = 3564
    1_off = 2995
    average = 3299.6

    As you can see in my calculations. When you are fleeted, the fleet-mate with the lower infamy assumes the higher infamy.

    Your response might be... "well if you don't assume the higher infamy then it is unfair". Yea, you are right. If I didn't use the higher infamy for the lower infamy player, then it would be unfair.....

    Baba's team's average actual infamy = 3233.2
    Baba's unfriend's average actual infamy = 3125.2

    Spinners71 and Kalbs like this.
  13. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    No, it's not. That is part of the problem. My maximum income happens quite a bit below my maximum infamy. Playing at your best is a surefire way to lose gold, sugar, and stars not gain it. Think about it. When I'm at the top of my infamy I have to work as hard as I can to generate a win. So the peak of my performance is just barely enough to make that win happen. That results in a LOT of 4th and 5th place finishes. Conversely, if I'm playing 600 points down the wins are going to be reliably 2 and 3 star. I'll still end up winning the same 50/50 ratio but each win is going to be more valuable at the lower infamy.
  14. NoTtIaN

    NoTtIaN Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Make posts
    In your bed, computer, and screen
    Someone else said that every ship should have their own infamy. EXAMPLE: shooter=800. Speeder 759
    kusura bakmayin likes this.
  15. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Lmao thank you for this.
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  16. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I had match with global no.1 in my team and we ended up losing (1-5). Basically we got our asses handed to us

    You fail to Assume that infamy is everything, let me tell you its not, My average infamy is 3300 which means i have more skill level even tho i m fighting at 2.9K(The level which I dropped). SO, circumstances make a player lose infamy.Try doing a 1vs1 with a 11K HP mk6 defender with 500 infamy less than yours..

    The difference between average infamy is like 100 lol but you must also consider facts like

    1) Average HP of both the teams(Team B has much Higher than Team A)
    - More Mk=more HP
    - More Defenders

    2) Presence of Factors which made Team B good at aggressive game play (Defenders)
    and defensive game play (Fixer)

    3)When ever a fixer ends up with a defender its difficult to kill defender and also the Presence of fixer makes a huge difference in non nightmare matches

    4) Higher mk. IF ONLY you understood the buff that a mk6 boat gets compared to mk5

    Even tho i hover around 3.3K-3.5K i climbed upto 3.8K which doesn't make me a good player or my dropping 1K infamy straight make me bad. Assuming skills based on infamy unless the difference is Huge.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  17. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Would you look at this? The other team has higher average infamy + 2 mk7 ship and we still won :)

    Gotta admit I used to complain when one of the team has a top 50 player(even here in forums) but I sucked it up and kept playing instead of continuously whining.
    If there's one thing I've learn in this game, is that every game is winnable, it just varies in difficulty.
    Wizzmut and Help I Cant Swim like this.
  18. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Still don't believe we almost had them. Anyways it was a good battle even though the winner was decided right at the beginning.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  19. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    @Babablacksheep you've done a lot of assuming and extrapolating from my response. My response was simply refuting the claim by Ash that your opposition in that posted game had higher infamy than your team. That claim was totally incorrect.

    As far as what you have added to the conversation....

    I believe you meant to say "you fail when assuming that infamy is everything" ... or something synonymous. Otherwise your statement is contradictory.

    I have never stated that infamy is a perfect indicator of the skill of a player and should be the only piece to the matchmaking puzzle. I have actually stated several times elsewhere that equipment/captain/ship levels should be included in the infamy calculation. So we can agree on the problems with infamy.

    However, the current matchmaking system only uses infamy (ship level to a much lesser extent). Therefore, when discussing "problems with matchmaking", it is actually just a problem with the way infamy is calculated. The matchmaking system is working fine.

    From your few statements about defenders it sounds like you are saying it is impossible to beat a team of defenders... the one ship that (from what I can tell) is regarded as the weakest ship on the bay. Their extra HP is just there so we can pad our damage stats after we've killed off their more important friends.

    And the higher mk does mean something. I've already stated that. BUT there are plenty of players with lower mk ships that are better than players with higher mk ships. So it is not a concrete indicator that one player is better than another.

    Yes, your team might have been down one fixer... BUT your team had more yellow boats. And I've played against What's Up and I'd rather have him than almost any fixer. Team composition is almost always going to be different. That is one of the great parts of this game. You always have to constantly adjust based on team and weapon composition.

    I don't think that you and I disagree on the fact that something needs to change with the infamy system. It is too easy to manipulate. If you fix infamy, you no longer have "matchmaking" problems.
  20. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    You only lost by 2 ships.... That sounds like a fair and well-matched game to me.

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