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My Battle Log. I can't play my mk3 Enforcer anymore because of this!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by manueliz30, 30 Jun 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Honestly, not sure you should be allowed to play ships you haven't leveled, and won't level, just for fun. We don't need a separate mode for that, just level the ship. It's not a problem with matchmaking, just level the ship.

    The reason I'm against this is because, if the ranking system worked off ship level and gear instead of infamy, that's going to cause what's called "smurfing" along with all the things that smurfing allows you to do. If you believe that this game actually requires skill to win at, you're inviting people at higher skill levels to fight those at lower skill levels. Take a 4k player, add in fleeting, add in the ability to game the system by using the best gear that would match you with the worst players, and you got a Nightmare player showing up in Warrior and wiping the field. He may not be doing it with tier-5 Epics and a Mk 7 ship, but he's still doing it. How fair is it really to keep a Mk 2 or Mk 3 ship around for the sole purpose of fighting lower-level players?

    "But what about variety?!"
    I want variety, too, but allowing people to roll into Challenger any time they want isn't the best option. They should just make it so that when you rank up one ship, you rank up all ships. As it is right now, you're basically forced to "main" a certain loadout unless you pay the pearls for the gold and sugar to level the ships and alternate equipment. The only way to reduce that without making things hell for people that are actually new to the game is to make progression equal across different play styles. For instance, if you leveled a Crewperson to unlock tier 3 gear, all gear you pick up for that character is automatically tier 3 so, for example, you don't have to level both a Blast for your Speeder and a Sniper for your Shooter.

    I doubt they would implement that second idea, but I don't think leveling all ships at once is out of the question. The gold required is already very high unless you sink hours into the game.
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    If you are talking about me, I dont even have the required level for any ship mk5.

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'm fairly sure they mean OP (princess lizze)
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Oooh alright haha.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  6. Friendly Speeder

    Friendly Speeder New Member

    23 Jun 2017
    The developers made this game for entertainment, mate. You must understand that Joeyaa has the right to use different load outs and ships at his leisure. One may argue that it is at the expense of other players, but ultimately, it is the privilege that Joeyaa has to use different ships which matters more
  7. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    While not trying to purposely lose, I agree. You should be allowed to use any boat you want especially if you think you can win with it. Intentions are everything.
  8. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    if what you are saying is true, then this is totally the devs fault. if a player shouldnt play with his lower level ship.

    take me for example. i have an mk4 fixer and an mk1 enforcer. if i use my enforcer as it is, i would be tagged as an infamy tanker, a suicider, a dropper but the game lets me do it. the devs SHOULD HAVE (in game) warned me when i was upgrading my fixer to mk3 and then to mk4 that i would not be able to play my mk1 enforcer anymore because i would be possibly going up in infamy with a stronger ship and playing my other lower ship would make me be tagged as a cheater and if i ever complain here, incurr the wrath of the forum community. i mean the game should have refused to let me upgrade my mk3 further because if i reverted to playing my mk1, i would be apparently breaking some rules and be pissing off a lot of people.

    devs should now give us clear and concise GUIDELINES about this issue and not just tell us random half baked stuff that "just do your best" or "we know" etc. they should make things clear considering so many complaints about this have been posted by many players already and talks of this are never ending and players who complain are verbally lynched by a lot of people. is this how devs want to treat their players? why not give us clear guidelines on what to do so we wont try guessing and at least when we break the rules, it would be clear and NOT UP FOR DEBATE because GUIDELINES are in place.
  9. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    No, because we all have brains, and every one of us can think and realize what's going to happen if we play an mk1 ship in high infamy, just like we all know what happens if we play an mk5 ship at low infamy after infamy tanking. It's common sense that spoiling the fun for other people in a multiplayer game is not what you should be doing.

    People who think it's OK to do whatever they want because they don't care about other people don't belong in a multiplayer game, and deserve every punishment they get.
    Wishaal likes this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    A bit harsh. But the truth. Well, I was an all-rounder till yesterday. I have decided to go speeder. But I was planning for maining a certain ship. Slowly eliminating every other ship. Now, what you hear will be my personal opinions. Defender was boring. Shooter was too much of a formal ship. Enforcer was good and all that, but Tesla shield hit my opinion of it pretty badly. Fixer: too many nerfs. Speeder is what I ended up with. But how did I go about it? I brought every ship to mk3. Then I fought, and fought, and fought. Learned all weapons. I am still in the 700s. If I had the intentions, I would get any one ship to mk5 by now. But what if I entered a situation where I needed to consider a change of ships? I hope y'all are getting my point. If you do want to try stuff, do it before you decide to go pro. Mk4 shooter is what I have at max. Mk3 everything else. All new players better remember this. It works out in the long run
  11. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    people can be engrossed on one ship and then get tired of it after a while. does that mean they aer brainless? if people like you would like to impose that we all upgrade our ships all to be the same level and not leave one ship to be lower, then why does the game not? the game should have warned us that upgrading just one would be deteremental in the future. is asking for clear guidelines about this wrong ? would you rather have endless debates on weather it is alright or not to use lower level ships?
  12. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    No, it means they first have to level up the ship they want to swap to before starting to use it.

    I would not like to do that, I'm fine with the current system and the freedom to level the ships you want to level.

    Perhaps not. I just find it sad that it's needed. If people would care about others and not just themselves, this would not be an issue.
    Wishaal likes this.
  13. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    well after so many threads about it, it apparently is an issue. the devs not clearing up issues like this only leads to mud slinging and incites rude exchanges from players in the forum.

    as i asked before, if what you are saying on leveling up the ships is right, why does the game let us do otherwise without warning us? it should warn us then because it would be deteremental for the player in the future. you say you are fine with the current freedom but if someone plays or upgrades differently than you, you imply they dont have a brain.
  14. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I don't imply they don't have a brain, rather that they either aren't using it or are selfish enough to not care about making other people lose.

    You are right that it was an issue, however, I believe the devs adequately addressed it with last week's patch. If people still refuse to see that what they were doing was wrong, through either selfishness or ignorance, perhaps they aren't playing the right game.
  15. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    btw, i havent touched any other ship than my fixer because of the lack of clarification from the devs on this issue. (i wanted to practice with my other ships and tier 1 weapons but i feared id get penalized. not because there was a clear rule about it but because i just had a hunch)

    yes since the last patch we saw people get penalized for seal clubbing, infamy tanking etc, but from the threads in this forum, i would say some innocent ones were also penalized. but no mattaer what, everybody that tries to get clarification here will only be mocked and lynched. i dont want that to happen to me so i am seeking clearer guidelines from the devs. im not saying they should give it to me because i asked them. it is guidelines for the whole community to follow. it should clear up any exixting questions about infamy tanking , clubbing etc so we should have significantly less complainers here in the forum once the devs give those guidelines.

    ok i also get that you dont think it is necessary. fine. i think it is necessary for the devs to clear the air about this and you do not. lets agree to disagree.
  16. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Who was innocent that got penalized for seal clubbing? Every thread I saw admitted to it. Some of them were pretty silly reasons, but they all tanked just the same. They could add a warning for when you might be going over the line, but that's also asking for abuse. Drop a certain amount of infamy, come back later and drop some more.

    The reason people are getting "verbally lynched" over this stuff is because it's considered a common sense issue. And it is. The matchmaking system encourages a 50/50 win rate, so it's pretty much impossible to lose 42 matches in a row on accident (24 infamy x 42 losses = 1008 infamy lost). I don't know what the actual cutoff is, but I've never been on so bad of a losing streak that I lost 30 or 40 straight.

    People infamy tanking is not the same issue as just wanting to play something else. Not being able to play non-upgraded ships is a problem and there are ways the devs can solve it. Tanking has nothing to do with that. Just wanting to play another ship can be solved by, well, upgrading the other ship. It's not some impossible thing that's outside of your control. Your other ships aren't locked to Mk 1, you can upgrade them. Infamy tanking is a separate issue that has to do with people purposely abusing the system for personal gain. They're not dropping 1000+ at once because they just love losing over and over again on their happy, fun Mk 2 Speeder.
  17. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Rovio will get it figured out. The game needs time to mature.

    Who really cares that much you get "owned" once in a while. Just hit the red "X" and start another game. I'm down 500 to 600 off my infamy high and I am trying really hard to get back. I normally play 200 - 300 off my high. I just can't get back to it. I'm on an epic losing streak at the moment.

    I'm sure there are some that think I'm seal clubbing them but I'm not. I'm down here because I'm getting clubbed or I am playing poorly. I am never trying to lose to game the infamy-reward system. keep in mind we are rewarded for every game we lose, just not as much as when we win. So play on. Stop whining about imbalance. It's part of the game.

    Be glad there isn't emotes so that the clubbers can taunt you as they club you! That would ruin the game in my humble opinion.

    BTW, I bought the VIP subscription. It hurts when I'm clubbed. It hurts when I lose. I want to win very game. When I lose I hit the "X" and start another and get back to it.
  18. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    This is a TEAM game so choosing to play with low level ships is purely selfish. Not only are you putting your team at a disadvantage, you aren't benefiting yourself either as your losses will be more than the usual, slowing progression, increased frustration and you wouldn't be able to grasp the full experience of said ship if you die within 10 seconds. As it is with the current horrible system that doesn't encourage diversity, people just have to suck it up in the time being and farm the gold required to upgrade.

    In the end, yes it's your choice how you play but this is a team based game. Stop being so self-centred and prioritise how you can benefit the team.
    Wishaal likes this.
  19. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Lol thats 30+ wins with just 5 or 6 losses in between? If all you wanted to do was "test" the enforcer or any other ship then id say 5-10 games would be more than enough to get a good feel for how each ship works. If you like the ship you tested then there wouldnt be any point to test it any further and you wouldve saved gold to upgrade it to MK5. If you didnt like the ship you were testing then why on earth did you keep "testing" it.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  20. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    So we have low level ships we are not supposed to play because it is the ethical thing to do...and oh yeah, we are just supposed to know this. Self restraint is a virtue after all.

    Come on. When you use philosophy to justify poor game design it is just sad.

    They nerf ships and give us no easy means to jump to new combos of weapons and ships. The higher you level, the worse it gets. Why would you do this to highly invested, loyal (many paying) players? This should be fun and not a harsh "that's life" and "suck it up" mentality. Design better. If you want to rebalance, give players an easy way to adapt. All stick and no carrot is what we have now.
    Last edited: 3 Jul 2017
    mang inasar likes this.

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