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Missile Launcher Guide by Waveblower

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Waveblower, 9 Jul 2017.

  1. Waveblower

    Waveblower Active Member

    6 Jun 2017
    You have some nerve complaining about me. You brought this on yourself. You wanna treat our teams like trash, I'm more than happy to return the favor. So unless you start playing like you want to win, don't expect any help from me. An eye for an eye.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  2. Nam_Nam

    Nam_Nam Active Member

    8 Jan 2018
    @Waveblower @*JAWS*


    Sorry, but watching you two (or any pair) fight is not why people came here... you have a private convo button.

    Thanks, just trying to keep it neutral
    Epekka and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  3. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    lol what a wanky post. basically admitting you tank if you have personal beef. thought you were some kind of icon but it sounds like you're just a bag.
    Ultrah likes this.
  4. Waveblower

    Waveblower Active Member

    6 Jun 2017
    I don't care about being an icon. It's like I said, an eye for an eye. If someone on my team intentionally tries to lose a match, I have no intention of providing any help to such players. I'll only focus on helping the other three teammates.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  5. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Non+legit reply. He wouldn't be mad about you not healing him if he was trying to lose. You just trying to spin now because you know you're over the line.
    ShipCrusherCz and *JAWS* like this.
  6. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    I have your pms. Saying you won't heal me. Or naming 4 other rebz players.

    I am sorry I don't play to your standards.
    But your idea of fair play. Isn't.
    And guess what. The developers Don't agree with you.

    So get ready to be banned.

    Or say your sorry like a man.

    A man admits his mistakes.

    Mine is that I sucked in some games we played together in a boat I Don't hardly play.

    Yours? That you intentionally are throwing games. Admitting to my guild members. You won't heal me or others.
    From an Olympic stand point. Waveblower. You are cheating.

    Own it.

    Or be banned.

    Your next response should be I am sorry.

    Or I will respond with your pms. For all to see your cheating and your intention to cheat.

    Your choice.

    I suggest next time you get angry. Don't cheat.

    You are an amazing player. Any choice by you to intentionally not heal. Even when you are angry. Is throwing matches.

    Whereas I am a 50/50 player. Half my matches I suck.

    I say all this not angry at you Waveblower.

    Just disappointed. You are a YouTube battle bay star. There is a higher standard for you.

    Rise up.

    Don't be petty

    @The Grim Repair

    See waveblower post in this forum admitting to not healing on purpose.
    Last edited: 24 Feb 2018
  7. Nam_Nam

    Nam_Nam Active Member

    8 Jan 2018
    Omg wow

    Please chill

    But I should shut up, imma scrub at 2000
    Disguised likes this.
  8. Waveblower

    Waveblower Active Member

    6 Jun 2017
    Hey, it all depends on you. Promise to be a good player and not throw my matches by suiciding and I'll be more than happy to help. The same goes for the other clanmates I listed, because I know for sure that one of them is 100% trying to lose on purpose when he ends up on my team.
  9. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I always play to win.

    I do a crap job of it sometimes, But I do play to win.

    All I ask is u play the way you know how to yourself.

    Olympic spirit and all.

    Much respect.
    Tmfh67401 and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  10. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I get cussed at way harder than Jaws when I mess up and die early in the game. Think about how much hate I get if I don't perform well in a match, take the bias against me and multiply that ten no hundred fold. People mess up, you don't know if they are intentionally throwing. Whereas if you really want to not heal people, take Gabriel, using uncommons and justifying on FB that he can do what he wants and telling everyone to suck an A**. Now that's the kind of person you think Jaws is? No far from it. But your view if it's on people like Gabriel, 100% justified imho
  11. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    lol actually reading this stuff is motivating me to finally get my butt up to Nightmare, I had no idea there was this level of drama and hard feelings, I thrive on that shit lolol... just imagine how bad these two want to beat each other when they are on opposite teams, that is the peak of online gaming! the triumphs! the tears!
    PastelPiku likes this.
  12. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    This drama is not due to nightmare league just some personal views.
    Fyi: most drama occurs above 5k so if you want the piece of action I suggest try for 5k;)
    Bradley Thorinsson likes this.
  13. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    god dammit
    Djradnad likes this.
  14. Waveblower

    Waveblower Active Member

    6 Jun 2017
    I'm gonna give you a second chance, but if I see you do next to no contribution to my team, then that's it - you weren't able to keep your word, I'm not gonna keep mine. And if all you rebels gonna start disappointing my teams, then you'll leave me no choice but to become a selfish fixer, because I kinda get the idea why some fixers use 3 Duct Tapes - because they can't rely on their teammates.
  15. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    What happened to this thread lol. Both of you, just play the game and support each other. You can let all the anger out when you see each other on the opposite teams. This kind of beef has no place on the forums nor between two members of the same team.

    Play hard. Play to win. Even if your unfriend is your friend for 5 minutes.

    @Waveblower @*JAWS*

    Btw, nice guide, I really appreciate your work.
    ShipCrusherCz and Nam_Nam like this.
  16. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Ah, the narcissistic nerdrage of the spoiled snowflake. You need to play outside more kid.
    Last edited: 25 Feb 2018
  17. Mr Meaner

    Mr Meaner Active Member

    19 Oct 2017
    I don't know why I clicked on this thread. I don't use, nor have viable missiles, but I'm glad I did. This kind of brings a little light to the recent harbormaster post in my inbox! Until this, I had not read about any of the things that were highlighted in it. Very enlightening..
    PastelPiku likes this.
  18. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Look, jaws, he has a right to decide who he deems worthy of healing if he doesn't want to heal you because he doesn't feel like you're going to use that healing, so be it. Don't be a whiney baby. Move the hell on.

    Also bumping thread for peeps who need missiles advice
  19. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Wtf. Dead thread calamitas. Devs jumped into waveblowers and my discussion and created a fair play rule regarding this.

    Read the fair play rule. And butt out dude.

    Waveblowers and I are cool now. No issues. But u dude. Kind of dumb.
    Read the fair play and shut it.

    Especially revamping dead thread to call someone a name. As.s. like.

    If U want to missile talk missile. Calamitas.
  20. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Read the rule already, but I tend to forget that kinda info.

    But still at least I bumped thread for peeps who need advice on their missiles.

    Even though few people use it.

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