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Mines are overpowered.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 3 Aug 2017.

  1. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I agreee sooo much it's not even funny
  2. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Are you implying mines aren't as lethal around our infamy. Did you forget we barely have HP compared to those of nightmare, if anything we'd be more at risk of being 1 shotted by a mine than you guys. When facing up to T4 rare/epic mines, I'm pretty sure it deals a severe blow on our side. Same concept.
  3. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is, however, Mines get tremendously stronger by:
    1. Captain levels; specifically Blastian that can increase the mine damage upto over 70% (not including the generic damage increases)
    2. Perks; specifically Epic perks, by leveling up to T3+ you can load in 4 perks. Epic Damage increase is 7.5% X 4 = 30%.
    3. Additional damage increases from other Captain sources and all round Perks.
    So in other words, you can double the mine's damage. Most Rares and Epic low levels barely do 2000 damage. My Epic mines at max do 2770 damage, and my Blastian is relatively low with only +40% activated.

    Max Legendary does 3527 damage with no Captain and No Perks. Imagine Double +! A mine can do 7560+ damage at max Legendary.

    So do you see the massive scale up in damage at higher levels? Compound that with Nightmare skill level cunningness and skills, it becomes frightening, which is why I dare to say it's overpowered. Then add this sort of tactic, where it's just like lobbing slightly delayed grenades. Do you see speeders getting hit? Those are 3500+ class players.

    So sure, similar concept, less impact in my opinion.
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2017
  4. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yes but as the damage is relative to upper tier progression, the damage we face at our infamy is relative to ours and it is nothing to dismiss of so yes similar concept. Just like you guys get one shotted or close enough, so do we and the fact we have less experienced players I'd say people die to mines more often. So I think it's fair to say I have a grasp of the firepower of mines and how it can change the tide of battle but still disagree with the thread due to what I said before.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    See, and if you responded like this earlier. We would have had a proper intelligent conversation and where I can explain and probably tell you things you didn't know about the game. Here's where I say it becomes different.

    Nightmare class players are there for a reason, they can take advantage of weapons that are powerful . To the point where it almost seems un-defeatable. They are up beyond 4.7K for obvious reasons; skilled + experienced , cunning, very equipped and very powerful weapons.
    For example there are a number of combinations of weapons that are very strong in Nightmare.
    • Fire Bomb / Flare Gun + Blast Cannon - this combination can take off a minimum of 4-5K damage in 2 shots. Takes precision to land both, but it's not instant. Flare takes about 18 secs to drain, and you could have bandage or a fixer to counter heal.
    • Frost Cannon / FRost Launcher + Big Torpedo - this combination can take off a minimum of 4-5K damage in 2 shots. Takes tremendous conditions to land both. Frost Cannon has aim similar to railgun, hard to land, Frost Launcher is easier but the slow effects and duration is shorter, the Big Torp is very slow and hard to get accurate even if the ship is moving that slow.
    • Missiles - this 4K in 1 shot. but takes a bit of luck and aiming to get right.
    • Mines - 5 - 7.5K in one shot. No luck required, just one unlucky foe.
    Top Nightmare players can afford to experiment with their combinations and retweak there Captain skills to get the most out of their damage. So these Mines are really up there in terms of damage. So naturally they have figured out how to USE them more effectively based on all the "great" attributes I mentioned in the first post. They aren't merely changing the tide of battle, they are dominating. One shotting players is never fun, to be honest, even at lower infamy, there should be a lot less of that happening as you go up the ladder, and expect it to be a chess battle (multiply moves and manuervers to get a check mate), instead this mine kills the king in one shot.
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2017
  6. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I'm not denying their firepower.

    The fact remains that if they aren't detonated, they're practically useless so that makes it balanced in that regard imo. Now is it really the mines that are overpowered or the fact that they're being used by skilled players in the first place, maximising their efficiency beyond the average. Personally, I think in the hands of any skilled nightmare players, most weapons would seem incredibly strong.
  7. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    One-shotting should be happening a lot less as you go up the ladder, one would expect it to be a chess battle (multiply moves and maneuvers to get a check-mate) between players, that encourages competition. Instead these Mines takes the King in one shot. It's not the type where you accidentally run into it, or you see it and you thought it was friendly, most of them are invisible lobbed behind your back in the heat of battle. The best analogy is that you're doing a full dance routine and they throw a banana peel on the floor, sure you should have seen it, but you can't (too concentrated, too many other things happening, couldn't hear it the list goes on).

    Well, I'm Nightmare class, or at least was most recently. That list I composed are the of the highest combinations, most other weapons don't get into 4K range of damage, so MINES outclass most weapons by a long shot. Hence why I started this thread.
    JDAR likes this.
  8. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I get where you're coming from and know how frustrating it can be. I just like the strategic element it brings to the game acting as a deterrence or trap that can change the tide of battle. In the end, it would only benefit me anyway if they were changed I guess.
    D3X and ElMataC like this.
  9. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I gotta agree with Zangetsu here: it's clear that at high level there's a really big impact given by captain level, but I genuinely believe (and i might be wrong here) that at Nightmare league level, the one D3X is referring to, every player is at high captain level and has high level ships and items;
    at my level of infamy I get paired up against players with more than triple my games and mooost likely their captain level is way above mine. So at my infamy level there's a bigger span of item's power, meaning that sometimes I get to play against legendary/lvl3-4Epic weapons (and believe me, with "sometimes" I mean something closer to once every 2 games than every 5 or 10) even if I'm a mk4, just imagine the power those weapons have here, even if you don't factor in any crew advantage.

    Besides that I think the clip you posted is pointless since it was REALLY clear that there were mines there, I honestly have to blame the ships that ran over them for the damage they took, it wasn't one sneaky mine that was just thrown there, there were many of them and they were there from a considerable time span. Plus the waves weren't even big.
    Ultrah and Zangetsu like this.
  10. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    And this thing I don't agree with, I don't see why it SHOULD happen less often (tho I think it actually does for the reasons I explained earlier).
    I agree though that one-shotting is deteriorating to this game since it gets to the point were you don't just get punished for one little mistake, you get taken out entirely.
  11. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I know what you mean by the disparity. Thankfully most of the players down there don't have Blastian maxed and have epic perks loaded in the Legendaries. (T1) which does about 2000 damage. Still a lot but it might not one shot you.

    It almost seems trivial right? Like why would they run over it? Well, put yourselves in their shoes. Those players are also high level players, so they KNOW how to play, arguably better than you(no offense). The reasons it works is that the way Alchemist was using it were that they were thrown in the path of where these ships are already "headed". Even if they stop the moment they see the mines, they will still get blasted because of inertia. Secondly, field of view. The angle he was throwing it, obscured that there were more mines being thrown. Note that OaTo Wdk a Top Defender amongst those players being hit with a Mine (he's a top 30 player). And thirdly, you don't/can't see beyond a friendly ship that's in-front of you moving the same direction, so the players beside or behind them were distracted or blind towards the mine(see other reasons above). And this goes way back to my original post of Ship maneuverability, they really aren't the best handling vehicles and Mines are simply hard to steer or avoid.

    The reality is, nobody wants to admit running over a mine. It happens, people can say whatever excuse, or deny it happened. But the truth is, we as humans aren't very good muti-taskers, and sometimes you're focused on an enemy and busy shooting them, you're not really looking where you're going 100% of the time. Haven't you seen accidents caused by texting and driving? Same phenomenon.


    Watch this closely. Brizo (a TOP Nightmare class fixer) because of; the various fire from Thunder Sword, obstacles, mortars a, other ships in the way and other distractions ....ran into that mine. Why is that? Bad skills right?

    Simply because he couldn't see it at all, and Thunder Sword's Flare Gun finishes him.
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2017
  12. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    I think that because everyones ships move way faster at higher mks as obs and turbos are way higher levels, you just cant react fast enough to dodge them.

    or maybe i'm totaly wrong.
  13. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Thanks for answering. But, two/three questions still remain to be answered.
    What is the expiry time of the mine i.e. when will a mine automatically explode?
    What is the explosion radius of mine.

    I think the explosion radius on touching/getting near it is different than the explosion radius when it automatically explodes.
    Once I crossed the mine successfully from a side, and then it exploded after, thereby sinking me. I think it exploded due to its expiry time and its explosion radius is more than the contact radius. I'm not sure what actually happened.
    Last edited: 5 Aug 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  14. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    This is really reminding me of the aforementioned mine-coloring thread in terms of the heated back n' forth. I'm glad I'm not involved in this one.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  15. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Two updates ago they implemented one minute disappearance time for box launcher in order to have it like mines. And that's fair.

    So now I demand, to be fair, nerfing mines radius to be like box launchers (mines have radius of 2, box has radius of 1).

    It's simple as that.

    Edit: or make it a two slot item.
    Last edited: 5 Aug 2017
    Ultrah likes this.
  16. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
  17. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Mines are overpowered, when did that happen? And is nobody going to mention the insane splash radius of big torpedo?
    Babablacksheep and The Otherguy like this.
  18. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Of all the torpedooes, I only like the big torpedo. Sometimes I feel less powered as it is very situational, and some players can still dodge it even near walls, or staying too close. Easiest to hit a big torpedo is on a defender!
    Easiest to hit a mine is on a ship which moves without seeing the surroundings ( or basically moving with the waves)

    I think we get higher damage, depending on the difficulty to strike it.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  19. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Mines are avoidable so I have to disagree. I do not find them overpowered. If you don't know if it's your team's or enemy's don't go near it.

    Just my opinion.
    Ultrah, Wishaal and The Otherguy like this.
  20. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Yup, as I stated in another topic; Never ever assume a mine is placed by an ally.

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