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Mines are overpowered.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 3 Aug 2017.

  1. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    OK perhaps No skill isn't exactly the right word to choose. It's low skill, low learning curve with high reward.
    Tactics with Enforcers are simply to sneak up behind a group of enemies and plop them when it's high traffic, high commotion. Shooters with 5 weapon slots can afford to simply surround spam them.

    It's the only weapon that you get the privilege to basically "set it and forget it" and have them active almost the entire battle, you can literally have 10-15 mine charges active in one game. No other weapon has that priviledge to have a Live weapon for that long of a period. And with only 9 maps in this game, after several thousand matches, you basically know where all the bottlenecks and high traffic locations are on every map. Setting one up there takes not much thought, and if it never detonates it doesn't affect you, and if it does it's high reward.

    Lastly, I'm speaking within my realm of infamy. The initital power scale between low and mid level infamy I feel they are not so bad. However, Max T5 Epic Mines or Legendary T2 or even higher and in that context, they become way too powerful in the hands of anyone that has played this game at a high infamy.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
    wcc634 and SCOOTY PUFF Jr like this.
  2. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    That's like saying don't get frozen, don't get hit by missiles or don't run into a Big torpedo. Neither of those do anything if it misses. It's beyond the point, the issues I mentioned above covers a lot of advantages that a Mine has. It's a hard to balance question, but I don't think I'm out of my mind to say that they are Overpowered. The fact that they can severely cripple or blow up 3 out of 5 MK6 class ships in one shot is proof of that.
    wcc634 likes this.
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I think being able to change camera angles might help, I get frustrated while shooting backwards and running forward, I'd like just a little bit of centering to help navigate
  4. AoiTenshi

    AoiTenshi Member

    16 May 2017
    Mine should be explode/defuse once you shot it
  5. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    This I agree with, the other complains not so much. As a mine user in a Defender it is a good way of keeping away or get rid of those annoying speeders with their stunning bolts.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
    lolawola likes this.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I get the control weapon, and I believe it will still control opponents. The fact that they need to waste time shooting them to detonate them, is a type control. So instead of shooting at your team, they are wasting rounds at shooting a mine, that's a pretty good level of control right there.
    wcc634 and JackFlash38 like this.
  7. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    That's just wrong, you get aimed at with thise weapons, only with mines you have to run onto them to take damage.

    Yup, that's why I think it would be fair to shoot them, but only with direct hits (they shouldn't be destroyed by mortar's explosions for example)
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's not wrong. Apparently you haven't seen how they are being used by Pros. they are throw in to a fray of group of ships, that are already within range. There's no avoidance, and especially when there's mortars, missiles, napalm being sent at you, mines are practically invisible at that point. The moment it's armed, it detonates. Like i said, there are players that are using them basically like giant grenades that don't get spent until they detonate or expire after a long period of time.

    Mines have been tweaked a few updates ago to have a lower arming timespan after being thrown. I didn't get this at all, they used to have at least a 4 second arming time(anyone know the exact old time?), which was more appropriate imo. Now it's like 2 seconds after it lands into water (actually less if I think more about it).
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2017
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  10. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    All I see is a bitter speeder too careless to have awareness of his surroundings. One of the main type of weapons to keep annoying speeders moving around as they please and you want a nerf, lol ok.

    Mines can be 100% avoided, you never have to take damage with them if you don't go near them. Don't use the bs of the short arming time it has, you're a damn speeder with more than ample time to get away from said shot, you even know where they're planning to land it! Large damage comes from the fact that it could do no damage in the entire game, I think it's balanced in that regard. I agree that the detonation area would probably need looking into. We've all had games where we got 1 shot by a mine, largely to our fault but that's another aspect of strategic game play and you disagreeing with it because it largely goes against your type is anything but laughable.

    I don't support nerfs of any kind, this set precedent that it's okay to ruin items people heavily invested into. If this game was more accessible to other play styles, it wouldn't be as bad but in the current situation nerfs are not the way to go.
    WarCream likes this.
  11. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    mines arent a problem as long as you look around you, not just at your crosshair.
    as a speeder with 1.5 speed, t3 ob and t3 nitro i run into a mine once per 50 games.
    the only annoyance is their 2m zone control ability. and many players lose their cool in the heat of battle and stop paying attention to their surroundings.
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hey, don't attack my role or me. I'm bringing up points for all classes, not class specific. I'm viewing this as a 9000 games player, with over 6500 kills. I try look beyond what I'm currently using, with an unbiased view. I'm a very good observer, and those that have played with or against me would probably agree that I'm a decently smart player.

    Be assured and you can quote me on this, if I ever get my hands on a T5 Epic Mine or a Legendary one, I'll be using it very frequently. And I would exploit it very much so if changes don't get implemented.

    Not saying they aren't avoidable. However, the range of them are something still hard to grasp. There are times where I think I have successfully evaded one by giving enough space but it still explodes. If you think it needs to be looked into, then you basically agree that it might require balancing of the detonation area.

    It doesn't take much skill to plant one. It's much harder to cautiously avoid a mine than to set one.
    I particularly detest people who discuss here and start mocking others based on comments, what grounds do you think that's even remotely appropriate? Let's keep the personal attacks off this thread will you? I articulated as best as I can the issues with the Mine on the first post, please try to understand why I think some things make it overpowered. I'm not saying to get rid of the mine by any means, I think there is value, but as a weapon of this power and how they are being utilized at the top end of the game, it's evident that there could be some adjustments. Don't say I'm mentioning things that are laughable if you don't understand the issue at hand.

    Nerfs and balancing will be required as part of the game. Just like Overboost, Sniper cannon, Healing Pulses, missiles were rebalanced prior. Players were heavily invested into these items, and they were still tweaked. There's no reason Mines cannot be re-looked at.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
    Guncaptain809, wcc634 and Nam_Nam like this.
  13. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    They're not attacks, they're pointing out how bias you are as mines are a major disadvantage towards speeders yet you pretense it as for all the classes. For a weapon that can do no damage in an entire game, I hardly call that OP and it's the victims fault for triggering any detonation from it in the first place. People nowadays throw the word OP left and right if it goes against them.

    Sorry this game actually requires some strategic game play and you have to be slightly more careful when speeding around.
  14. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I also get the pretense for players that have heavily invested into the Mines and are actively using them to their advantage. There's no relevance to speeders what so ever, any class ship moving at full throttle with waves, with other oncoming fire, with on water distractions can get into the vicinity of mines. I get why people would defend them and say it's the fault of the players running into them. I get why anyone using them would deny it is overpowered and that it's highly advantageous to them.

    Don't be sorry, I'm not. I don't know you, nor have I ever played you. Likely I have more experience than you... so take a seat.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
    wcc634 likes this.
  15. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    How arrogant that because I've played the game less than you that my opinion suddenly means less? Get off your high horse.

    Do you think mines 1 shotting people is only relevant around your infamy? Do you think people are incapable of using mines similar to those of higher? We've all experienced mines and being killed in one shot in 2500 infamy vs 4000 infamy is no different. So take your "experience" and learn from your mistakes, clearly you don't have enough yet if you still die from it enough to warrant a crying nerf post.
    Wishaal, Ultrah and lolawola like this.
  16. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Sure it does mean less, because you don't see how Nightmare or 3500+ players are using them. That's where I say , stay within context. I even said that on the beginning of the thread, and If you bothered reading my responses to some of the comments, I even said that mines are less of a problem when they are lower level and in-between low to mid level infamy (2500 or so). Where do you think I was a few months prior?

    If you're saying there isn't a difference with 2500 and 4000, you are dead wrong. Also, just to put into your mindset, I'm only bringing this up as an observation and how much it changes an outcome of a game, not just for myself but for peers in my range of infamy.

    And clearly you're tilted because of this. I'm saying all the above issues from experience, so give me some reputable credit! Instead of accusing people that I'm whining or crying, at least try to put some intelligent words together and disprove my issues. You clearly don't know how to debate a topic.
    Excism likes this.
  17. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Using infamy ranking to strengthen your argument shows you don't know how to debate. This is equivalent to every other game where high levels think they know everything, reality is they don't. Tilted? Intelligent words? I like how you complained in earlier post to not attack the character yet you're doing the same, practice what you preach yo.
  18. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Why wouldn't higher infamy and more games played have a more strengthened argument? Besides, I put up an entire wall of arguments and all you do is attack me on a personal level and say that I'm "crying nerf". Great argument, seriously, go to a courtroom and say something like that. Amazing work!
    Stay within topic please!
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  19. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    OK I think I understand what acceptable replies are supposed to be made in this thread, I got ya.

    I agree, nerf mines because I don't have any experience otherwise that makes it relevant. Whatever OP said is true and I take his word for it, support nerf.
  20. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Please stay on topic.

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