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Matchmaking is completey broken

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jared, 2 Jan 2018.

  1. Olibooger

    Olibooger Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Freelance Bum
    Mojave, California
    That was a lengthy article.
    Im not a gambler really. I am however fully aware of APP games changing chemical balances in the brain to produce highs and lows. Fully aware and accept the consequence of playing. With that said ive spent far far less on this game than other games. Why? Mainly because I dont gamble and seriously dont like the idea of "might" get something I maybe need. I wont lie, I have purchased the big box once. And that was it.

    Correlating the two, gambling and overall APP high is seriously dangerous. I say that here simply because the thread title says it. No, it wont be changed and yes some matches are steam roll and some BE steam rolled. I ised to think skill had a huge factor until realizing EVERY account has a very distinct similarity, the win/loss ratio.
    The " high / low ratio " to keep every high at times or digging to get high again. Combine that with a persons wallet to essentially gamble for better weapons to achieve a better high and you've created something incredibly dangerous.

    Happy I have recently subtracted VIP from my game play.
    I still get the same satisfaction and disappointments as if I had it.

    I can only imagine having deep pockets searching for better matchmaking or to tip the impossible to tip scale in my favor via the casino.

    Thanks for sharing the article.
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Matchmaking has been pretty good for me between 1500-2500. Above 2500 I run into loads of clueless mk6s, with low infamy, and the standard of play certainly takes a nosedive off a steep cliff.

    This game was all over the place...
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  3. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    I get only one rule and wanna suggest it. Add one rule to the balancing system. Boats should be balanced to the the lvl also. 5+ - lvls be fine. Why?) Because it’s very important. In nightmare it’s huge problem, when my mk5 in 33 lvl with 4000k infarmy balanced to ysl or American marauder... it’s more then 17 lvl... and it’s of 1sts lvl ...
    Experience differents huge...
    so in total we have 50 vs 33.
    Mk5 vs mk7
    Rare 4 vs epic 5)
    3.3k hp vs 7k hp
    Fixer vs speeder
    4000 infarmy vs 4000 infarmy when season start.
    So I’m a lunch))
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    More less than more :). In the past two weeks my matches have spanned 1000 infamy range (1300-2300) and my stats/contributions are the same in all (top kills, #1-2 damage). Even Rovio considers 800 difference too much, but to me it's far more out of whack than that for a personal rating. I'll give it this much: as a really broad general rating, it's better than nothing.
    Last edited: 8 Jan 2018
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    We've all had those streaks wherein lady luck was smiling on us at every turn. Conversely, we've all had those runs of battles where you couldn't hit target 2m in front of you with a sniper canon. So discounting that as "normal fluctuation", to what would you attribute your 1000 point swings? I ask because things seem to have gotten better for me recently. My infamy is no longer rising to insane levels (for my gear) and it seems pretty stable at right around 1000-ish.
  6. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Did you check if they could be tagged as tankers? Here in Brazil there are hundreds of them.

    Some are so dishonest they ask for fellow tankers on Portuguese chat for company to easily down their infamy together. What a shameful behaviour :(
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I don’t think they are tankers, as such. 2500 just seems to be the minimum matchmaking rating for mk6.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  8. Olibooger

    Olibooger Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Freelance Bum
    Mojave, California
    Ive done global customs with some guys who are less adept to the game.

    God it is boring.

    Why anyone would want to tank is beyond me.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I have no explanation for the large fluctuation. To be clear, my recent infamy fluctuation was more like 650 which seems to happen every couple of weeks, and I'm toward the top of my range now (1900's). The majority of the time I'm the last one standing, I have most kills, and top 2 damage which has me lean toward bad luck with teammates/matchups. I make tactical/execution mistakes in as many as 20% of matches (out of position, missed key shots, etc), and if I die early my team rarely wins. I have wondered in the past if I get worse teammates as if matchmaking provides an individual weighting, but if so that would provide further evidence to the inaccuracy of infamy.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  10. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    That’s what I’ve been asking for months now ... still no changes
  11. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I can only guess they don't like equilibrium. So they create all sort of excuses to act like that. Sometimes they say their opponents are stronger than they are (forgetting there are also weaker ones) or that the whole infamy system idea is unfair, that they should compete only against guys with the same gear, captain and boat levels (ignoring the crew members training and, most important, the personal skills) but those are just bad excuses for a dishonest behavior.
  12. pcRazen

    pcRazen Member

    5 Jan 2018
    Matchmaking is broken?. Hmm.. didn't even notice. Bring them all on don't care what lvl you are. There are people I kill easily, people that take a bit maneuvering to kill.. and people I flat out can't kill yet. I never meet a person I can't kill at my infamy. So I say matchmaking is fine.

    What I don't like is a person on your team acting like they know nothing. It can be very costly. Especially when playing a good team. And I simply just don't deal enough damage as a shooter to beat a team of 4-5players with a fixer and speeder at my side.. so yeah.. my matches can get frustrating.

    You want to fix something. Put these no battle bay knowledge, unfriend rushing players in therapy and teach themhow to play.
  13. Zotah

    Zotah Member

    22 May 2017
    My current infamy fluctuation is 1000 infamy (3000-4000), although the system is doing a very good job to not make me pass to Nightmare and I agree with that since Nitghtmare ships just 2 shot me with my 5400 hp Fixer with only rare repair items. This is too large range and I’m not alone. Considering my whole shipyard strength my infamy should be arround 3300 +/- 200. The match making still need improvement but I suppose this is a very complex task to find and implement the right amount of balance between all the factors at play. I suppose with time and money.....
  14. pcRazen

    pcRazen Member

    5 Jan 2018
    Now from other point of view. Whenever I see an unfriend boat headed straight for me and my friends.... well let's just say it begins to feel a lot like christmas..

    I don't know if that's a problem in higher infamy or not. But down here in the 1k infamy. It's a huge problem.
  15. HectorBarbossa

    HectorBarbossa Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Engineering Data Analyst
    yes matchmaking is VERY BAD.

    To developer, who read my post, please check my battle logs, do you think this is normal? why I rarerly got fixer as a partner? why I always got losing streak after previously got winning streak? what kind of algorithm you have applied to this game? if you got many complain with the matchmaking and team balancing you should hear us and do something to improve the game.

    This game is good, gameplay is very good, graphic is OK, but bad on matchmaking/team balancing.

    Please hear us and do something.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    ROFL... the clueless makes a pronouncement.

    Yup, no doubt about it. When I got to the place where pretty much every boat in the bay was 400% more powerful than mine and getting 2-shot by regular weapons (not torps) was routine that was definitely just me being too much of a wimp. If only I'd manned up some and chosen to develop some l337 skilz right? If you're plucky enough, I'm sure a M2/3 shooter can take on a team full of M5's, right?

    I tank(ed) because the game became unplayable if I did not. That being said, I feel like they changed something (crosses fingers) in the last 2 weeks because I've been able to play full out and my infamy has stayed in something resembling a reasonable range. "Reasonable", to me, means that the boats I'm fighting in my M4 with R25 gear are mostly M5 with R40-ish gear. They have one more weapon slot than me (25% more power) and each slot is considerably more powerful. I'm fighting hard and "punching up" and that's my preferred scenario.
  17. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    You're undervaluing your skills. If you have the same infamy that someone with better boat/ gear, your skills are superior or you are in a better moment or you made better crew training choices, that's what the infamy system shows. Now if you're tanking, you're being dishonest, simple like that.
  18. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I don't argue the dishonest bit. It is clearly stated as against the rules... "gross misconduct" I think they called it.

    Insofar as what I'm undervaluing or not, I can only assume you have no idea what you're talking about and/or your ideas of "fun" are not the same as mine. I wanted to play a combat game. That means I need to be able to engage in combat. At a certain difficulty spread, that no longer is possible. Instead, you turn into a long-range sniper hiding behind rocks and praying that nobody actually sees you. When you do manage to take your shot all you need to do is hit them 20 more times just like that and they'll be dead.

    I'm truly hoping that the last week and change has not been an aberration and they really have changed something because Battle Bay is a lot more fun to play when I'm actually able to just play it.
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  19. Ma7sseb

    Ma7sseb New Member

    10 Jan 2018
    WTF is this ?
    2 mk5 and 3 mk4 Vs 4 mk4 and 1 mk2
    Its 4 difference , like if the first team has an exra mk4

    Attached Files:

  20. Jared

    Jared Member

    26 Apr 2017
    yes, there is not that much difference between mk6-7 but it still is substantial. Especially when you take into account the captain level differences and crew training. Regardless one team should never have higher infamy then ALL of the enemy teams counter parts. And giving them higher mk ships too is just adding to the issue.

    There is many many matches i could post with very similar stats and being completely biased for one team. Not a one time issue, and to all the people who said who cares basically, make up for it with skill. Thats really now how it works. You can only do so much by yourself vs a whole team. Yes some circumstances it can work but once over nightmare, most players are decent and have high gear. But still doesnt justify matchmaking controlling your wins/ losses and streaks as much as it does now. I think most would agree , i would prefer to wait 2-5 min+ each match for a fair evened out game then joining a match instantly, getting slaughtered or just steam rolling enemy team and repeating.

    There is not nearly enough well match games that are fun and challenging for BOTH sides. I'd honestly say its about 1/10 — 3/10 matches now depending on time zone & when your playing.
    Olibooger likes this.

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