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Match ups may cause me to leave battle bay!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Sandra baldwin, 19 Nov 2017.

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  1. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    1000-1200,200 infamy differnce is quite normal tho.loss/win streaks happen frequently to me(many times i lost 500+ infamy)
  2. Buzz...

    Buzz... Member

    23 Oct 2017
    yeah but i cant get above it & thats the problem. i am trying from the day 2.6 update came
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Did you even read the release note? I didn't see the word "tweak" did you? I believe the devs did in fact claim it was a tweak, but the reality is, one can, in fact, tweak a statistical algorithm and have drastic results. For example, what if Rovio tweaked the matchup algorithm to discount infamy entirely? That's a tweak... not the tweak, but it is one of many possibilities that can have drastic effects.

    There are numerous threads like this opened on the forums of people who were drastically impacted by the tweak. I personally have seen my losing streaks increase by as much as 50%, infamy drop of 700, and now I'm in stuck in what I call the "awkward teenager" range of 1200 infamy where about 1/3 of the players are stretching and 1/3 of the players should be higher, and it makes for some terrible matchups that the new algorithm has magnified. That's the reality for others besides yourself. It's ok to say "play better" but don't just discount the effect of the tweak on some players.
    Last edited: 20 Nov 2017
  4. Buzz...

    Buzz... Member

    23 Oct 2017
    Ok I don't care if you call me a noob or I can't play . But with current situation of match making if nothing is improved then the GAME IS NOT WORTH PLAYING
  5. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    If you can afford to buy your way to an MK 6, you can afford to buy your way to some better weapons. If you have the best ship and the best weapons and are still terrible, then what are you complaining about? That you're terrible? Don't you know this already? I am confused about the issue here, just be terrible then and stop crying over some minor difference in infamy.
  6. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I love how people blame players when matchmaking did change in v2.6:
    • Updated matchmaking algorithm for more balanced teams in terms of ships
    It’s actually so obviously “rigged”. The last 30 or so games I consistently “rushed to the enemy line and did as much damage as possible before getting wiped out”. Yet when you look at my stats, you see a consistent theme: 4 wins followed by 4 losses, 2 wins followed by 2 losses, 5 wins followed by 5 losses, etc. Basically, I can do whatever I want with minimal impact on my score, in the end.

    Why not give players points based on individual performance and a bonus for team wins? In many of my losses prior to this little test, I was the top player on my losing team, and I had more hit points than the leader on the opposing team. Why penalize players who lose based on an algorithm that makes sure that their team will lose?

    It’s sad because I really like this game, but this experience of being “forced to lose” makes me want to stop playing. Is the fun part really worth the unnecessary frustration part...
    Last edited: 20 Nov 2017
  7. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    The problem is when you spend moneyyoure supposed to gain adavamtages that's how mobile games make money and grow . But instead rovio is penalizing foe spending money they some hand outback handbook saying buy weapons don't upgrade your ship first or your screwing yourself. How man's gonna spend money upgradecther ship thinking it will give advantage only to find out oh shit I spent all my money for this and QUIT. Another good job devs
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's an idea worth considering... similar to how stars, pearls, gold, and sugar are given out per match.

    The reason I'm a little frustrated lately is just as you said, I'm almost always #1 or #2 damage, and the last guy standing. In other words, if I'm not the last guy on my team to die, the odds of my team winning is about 10%. If I am the last guy standing, it's frequently a 3+ to 1 battle, which I can pull off on occasion, but not often enough. Maybe I've been adjusted to where I should be, but when I fleet with a guild mate who is 450 infamy beyond me, my win rate jumps to about 70%... and again I'm still the last guy standing with #1 or #2 damage. That hints to something not ideal with matchups, for me anyway. I'm considering switching ships for the sole purpose of infamy building to get back to where I was, where matches are more competitive, and thus more enjoyable. Last night we had 3 games in a row go to time limit... 2 draws and one near draw saved only by a key last second torpedo (by me)... at my current infamy draws are extremely rare, usually quick one sided decimations. I'll get back there soon enough... I hope.
    Spartacus likes this.
  9. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That fairness nanny may well make you an infamy tanker and you won't get any rewards.
  10. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    As mentioned above, it had no effect. I rushed to the enemy at the start of each match and did as much damage as possible before getting killed. Yet in the end it was still around 50% win/loss! No joke, it was 4 back to back wins followed by 4 back to back losses then 2/2, 3/3, etc. My effort or lack thereof literally had no effect!!
  11. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Yes, I found out I can do 10k dmg and lose several I'm a row. Or I can do under 2k and win. I agree for the most part my contribution doesn't seem to matter..Actually I think i have just as much of a chance winning a match as a floater as I do scoring over 10k dmg.
    Spartacus likes this.
  12. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    A little?

    It is worse for sure, i've seen some unbalanced matches, but now it is unbalanced on every battle. Don't know what tha hell they did to the matchmaking, but for sure it was the wrong thing to do. Since yesterday almost all my matches have been like this:
    Why such difference on oposing teams?

    I'm already down 500 infamy and falling, and mad for this matchmaking bull...
  13. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Exactly!! The only reason I didn't "float" to prove my theory is because I didn't want to get reported. In my test, I didn't "do nothing" or "throw the game" I simply changed my strategy to "inflicting as much damage as possible while being the 1st to get killer". Based on my results, I am pretty sure that if someone was floating, they would probably win/lose in a similar ratio as if they tried. Kind of makes the "competitive game" aspect bullshit since there is no real competition happening. It's like WWE but less upfront about it.

    Im curious how their algorithm sets a team up to win/lose. For example, adding a fixer on one side, in most cases, gives that team an advantage. Maybe they are averaging the per-game damage a player inflicts over a certain amount of games and adds those players to a team the system wants to lose. I am curious.
    Ovidmikel likes this.
  14. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017
    They main objective of the new matching system is to eliminate "zero spending" players. Based on the normal stats on rewards, we need at least 4000+ battles to reach MK5. I am sure many have spent their way to MK6 and some serious weapons.

    Many MK3 and MK4 players are non-pay players. So, they struggle with low level weapons. The new algo is create a 50-60% win lose ratio. To maintain the infamy, many MK5 up to MK7 ship players will use their alternate ships (MK3 MK4) equipped with their main ship weapons (T5 epic or even legendary) to play with MK3 players. In this case, they will help Rovio to eliminate those non-pay players. Take my words as it happens. That is why people are leaving the games. This is about business. We can't blame the developers. Play or leave.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm a F2P speeder mk5 with less than 4000 battles who made Ace 3 AFTER the update and is winning/losing on a perfectly random basis. I'm an assassin who can, if the team listens, take out high value targets easily. AND all my guns(only two) are rare t3 or worse. I fight players with epic t4 blast cannons. And epic t3 sniper cannons.

    Happy battling!
  16. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017

    Show us the video. Talk is nonsense.
  17. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017
    I hope my conspiracy theory is wrong that some of the developers from Rovio are battling with us. It is possible to win many battles when they are able to customize their rare weapons with fast cool down times. In a way, they are trying to show (the general public) that you can win with any weapons so long as you are skillful.

    Show us your ID and video.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    LOL dude.


    And what infamy are you?
    Oh, edit: Did you know I jumped straight from 1678? After the update?
  19. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017
    Post some of your losing ones too so that we can compare. Many people already mentioned, Rovio's developers are making up the show to make us believe them.
  20. Kean

    Kean Member

    17 Nov 2017

    Show us your battle stats. It seems that your team(s) were paired with some weaker opponents. Without seeing the level of weapons of your opponents, we can't trust what you have just posted.

    Based on your opponent hps level (2429) and yours is 3307 with/without shield, you are battling against a lower level opponent (MK5 vs MK3)...OMG! Are you kidding me? Show us you are battling with some big boys at the same level. I guess my conspiracy theory is correct. You are from Mumbai and Rovio has a development centre in Mumbai as well.
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2017
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