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Match Making

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Star Coke, 8 Aug 2018.

  1. Nam_Nam

    Nam_Nam Active Member

    8 Jan 2018
    What is your ship level?
    Weapon level?

    Also, guys, destructive criticism isn’t helping...
  2. Star Coke

    Star Coke New Member

    8 Aug 2018
    I have a MK Four Enforcer
    A MK 3 Rare Cannon
    A MK 2 Epic Blast Cannon
  3. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I have mk5 speeder and other ships mk4
    I met mk6 ships regularly even at 1k infamy, I had to face the when I reached 1457 infamy with my mk3 fixer and low-level rares and epics,
    they had t5R and/or t4E or better items
    not much I can do against 10k hp mk6 (never met mk7) shooter (yes I met few of them at 1.2k infamy) with mk4 boat and t3R items (some are even t2 or t1) and one low-end t3E blast
    I used to complain about normal mode's matchmaking, but now I see that it's much better than the matchmaking in events;)
    those players with mk6 ships in low master or in warrior and mostly harmless, they have hard hitting weapons but they usually don't have skills to hit anything fast or far away regularly
    Nam_Nam likes this.
  4. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    My main issue is people under-evolving ships. i know people want a challenge; but my God... anyone else sick of that feeling you get when teams are announced and you see that you have a jack-ass running a mk 1 or mk 2 ship?

    IMO: it should be a set rule that if you’re in Ace league or better; you have to at least have mk 4 ship. (I’d prefer mk 5, but I have seen some decent 4s out there with 2k+ infamy).
    I know people like a challenge but I’m sick of seeing a teammate with health equivalent to 1 shot. They’re no help. If you win; it’s in spite of having them on the team, not bc of having them.

    One issue I see is that people may just league tank (as they already do)... SO - a simple fix to this would be; in order to equip your ship with anything LG or above epic lvl 30; you must be mk 4+. This would solve those clubbers that infamy tank and don’t upgrade ships so they can play less equipped people. If they want to use high powered weaponry, they must have mk4+.

    Ultimately; I’m just tired of seeing the whole team with 6k+ health then one jackass with 1400. Sure; it’s fun to kill them with one snipe or xcanon but I prefer a real challenge, not fluke wins (or losses).
  5. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    There is an imbalance though. Especially for players on the climb. A lot of that stems from infamy tankers, which a few small tweaks could fix a large portion of that.
    I will say, as much as I want to win, matches where I’m heavily outgunned and major under-dog; I learn defensive techniques that I wouldn’t get if I was always the dominant force. Being mindful of your opponent and adapting your strategy is a facet of higher level play that many people don’t consider when addressing the matchups.
    Yes, tweaks are needed; BUT - player adaptation in strategy is often overlooked.
  6. Star Coke

    Star Coke New Member

    8 Aug 2018
    So far, you are the only one who came up with a really good chat, you know, now that I see it your way, I’m pretty convinced that this isn’t too much of a problem.
    SykleDrop likes this.
  7. Star Coke

    Star Coke New Member

    8 Aug 2018
    Hey, can I have your username? I’d like to fleet some time, if you don’t mind...
    SykleDrop likes this.
  8. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    My user name is Sykle7217
    To look me up on Battle Bay, here is the ID code: #KBBPQYLS
    Sorry it took so long to respond. Was out of town for a few weeks. Feel free to send me a friend request / fleet.
  9. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    I feel like I've seen you before in battle.
  10. SykleDrop

    SykleDrop Member

    30 May 2018
    Is SeaNavy your name in the bay? It seems familiar but it could just be similar to another

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