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Manipulating Gear Score in Deathmatch

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 3 Jun 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hope you didn't get too dizzy ;)
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This has already been said, but let's be very clear about this: manipulating gear score is technically impossible. No matter what you do to increase or reduce gear score your matches will include people with the same gear score. Gear score isn't all though, it's getting the right mix of items to make you successful in each situation.

    I saw someone bitching in another thread about one of the 3v3 maps not being good for anything but mortars. That means he is admitting a 500 gear score mortar is actually going to be more effective than a 1000 gear score canon, so one should throw on that mortar to get slightly easier battles, and more effective weapons at the same time. If you have 3 slots of half-cycling weapons, that weapons mix comes into play as well. 3 Carronades become a terrible option because they already cycle fast. There is no "manipulation" it's skillful adjustment to best match the circumstances.
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It has been heavily discussed in the in-game chat. Most people are convinced people manipulate it, by getting a lower mk boat, lower blue stuff and heavy weapons, so they still have a low Gear Score, but very heavy weapons.

    I am not sure if it is true what has been discussed, but that is what I have been reading the last week. So, I thought I ask here and see what you all thought of it. But I have also had battles where we were blown away with legendaries and T5 epic, while we had T3 or T4 rares. One person blew us all away, his weapons were so heavy, we did not stand a chance. He was not better, but his or her weapons were.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  4. d_p air

    d_p air Member

    30 Sep 2017
    fyi T5E is much more powerful than T1L
  5. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I know, they had 3 T5 epic weapons and a legendary (don't recall if it was T1 or more)
  6. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Last week I came across this person in Deathmatch, is he or she trying to manipulate the system? Having a Defender mk5, but using a mk2 Enforcer with just one legendary weapon, but having many, many more other weapons.

    DM3 Screenshot_2018-06-17-13-35-52.jpg

    OS Screenshot_2018-06-17-12-11-11.jpg
    Last edited: 20 Jun 2018
  7. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    but have u seen how much coins he got?

    i bet all these whiners are just plain salty for loosing too much. if you have problem with your main try using another of your ship. the match making is as fair as it gets gear score vs gear score. it’s up to you where you put your gearscore to whether defense offense or ship mk.
  8. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Those that defend manipulations of any types. Most likely are exploiters them selves.

    I will say it simple to those that keep defending fake arguments.

    1)nothing currently is against the rules.
    Except throwing matches or playing unfair.

    What is unfair according to the fair play policy?
    The policy expects every player to do their best at all times. It doesn't say to win. It just says do your best. And don't cause others to purposefully lose by your actions.

    So conclusions.
    A) not arming all your weapons slots or items slots and hitting battle. Violates fair policy. Especially doing it more than once.
    B) arming weaker level items on your boat and then causing your team to lose.

    Both of these are currently against game rules and completely reportable.

    Now to the discussion beyond this.

    Using drastically lower mk. Ships than your highest mark. 2 or lower. To those doing this. Straight talk. Come on. Your lame. You are a manipulator. You do this to face easier matchups. This loop hole will be closed soon. Just hope you don't face a rollback of all you earned like the way farming tokens was rolled back. It wasn't against the rules. It got exploited. Devs rolled it back. Do u who exploit want a rollback. Eventually this would be developers plausable choice if actions continue.

    Also to those using tanking infamy to game system for easier deathmatches....same thing. But when u do this. BANNABLE. 14 days. To purposely throw matches. This is already against rules.

    This discussion is about the grey areas of the deathmatch since so many players obviously are trying to game system for an easier match. It's whack and sad. Even 2 events ago the top playing in game was doing infamy manipulation so he could get a golden perk.

    Here's a thought. Use your best ship at all times. Your best weapons. And win. Use skill. Instead of saying It's too hard. Fight better. Be better. Not thru artificially deflating your gear score by any means.

    Enter the arena as a champion fighting other champions. Earn a win with courage. Not gaming systems.

    @The Grim Repair
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  9. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    might as well have only 1 ship playable in tdm noh?
  10. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Possibly. There needs to be a ship mk. Cap in all deathmatch games. Based off of where your highest mk. Ship level is. Mine is Mk7. So the game would prevent me going lower than mk5.

    This now needs to be in place. Since obviously there are those using mk2, mk3, and mk4 ships with legendary weapons now. These captains have mk6 and mk7 ships. But think it's too hard to fight a real ship. When they drop levels this far. They are seal clubbing. 1000 percent.
  11. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I am not whining, I am pointing out that someone does not fit anything else on his or her boat, but one legendary weapon. It is weird, because why not fit a shield, turbo, bandage and a yellow item?
  12. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    This is also weird, why fit a legendary weapon, but an uncommon level 1 nitro, whereas you have a rare T2?

    It is not wrong, just wondering why someone with a mk6 would choose this setup.

    Lexus Screenshot_2018-06-18-10-20-06.jpg Lexus n Screenshot_2018-06-18-10-19-30.jpg
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I've personally found in TDM on a small map renders high level Turbo/Nitro/Overboost nearly usless, so equipping them on your boat raises gear score unnecessarily. Using a low level one may give you just enough to get by without over-stating your usable Gear Score. If that enforcer equipped 2 T5 Epic Nitros instead, that would boost gear score by 2500 points which results in tougher matches but zero improvement to usable gear, putting them at a disadvantage.
  14. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    If the cooldowns are also reduced, then you might only be able to cycle through 1 Nitro continuously. My favorite setup for events is anEnfender. I run Enforcer with 3 weapons, OB and Nitro, Big Shield and Small Shield. I have 8k+ health, super speed and 3 weapons. I'm like a small, dodging Defender.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That sounds logical. Maybe some try to fool the system, but sometimes it does not work or they fool themselves? The one above with only one weapon fitted was different of course.
  16. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Yea, there's definitely a difference between trying to fool the system and running an efficient setup. If the game-mode made everyone invincible to fire, then would it be efficient for me to run all Flares? Many players are just adapting to the game mode. Although there are definitely some trying to cheat.
  17. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The majority of people will choose the easier options. I do it for a few reasons.
    1 - I want my legendary perks.
    2 - play with a few weapons I have lying round my inventory that aren’t leveled or trained so can’t play them normally as I am still levelling stuff for my main.
    3 - playing with different ships (again not levelled, no plan on it either)
    4 - helping with various guild quests.
    5 - match making is terrible as GS as you get used to playing with people of particular skills and more than 1 thumb. So I play more selfishly.
    6 - I main a fixer, it’s the worst to play in most of the events. First to be targeted, keeping suiciders alive and lower rewards for my effort. So why take the stairs when there is an express elevator?

    I have played a different setup in each death match depending on the event.
    I will keep doing so to maximise the limited time I can play. Once they make it against the rules then it will stop. Until then I will be working with what efficiently rewards me the best.
    fragglelator and Aether_Zero like this.
  18. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Exactly my sentiments and play-style too.
  19. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Because you can use a mk3 ship with max epics, take off all the perks and get matched up against mk4 players who use uncommons and rares.

    I do this in team deathmatch myself, to an extent. I'm not proud of it but that's how I can get actual wins. I talked to The Grim Repair about it and she said it shouldn't be that way.

    I use my shooter which is mk4. I use epics and I get matched up against other mk4s. Me not having many perks (because I can't find any) makes matchups go in my favor.

    Why do I do this? Because if I use mk5 people do it to me. They use mk4s with max epics. I get 2-3 shotted by them.

    You might not have seen this happen to you because you are maxed out but look at it from someone else's perspective.

    I hope devs will find a fix to this. The community has gave them countless ideas

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