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Low infamy players in high ranked battles

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Karabuxna, 15 Feb 2019.

  1. Karabuxna

    Karabuxna New Member

    24 Jul 2018
    7DDEE1E2-FF60-4C8C-B636-CB346ACC1EFE.jpeg 310FF296-B215-42EB-A835-C0C6CCF4A9F0.jpeg 22EEF2E5-BAC4-4504-998F-7663DB071732.jpeg Can someone explain this bull??? After winning couple of battles MM does this crap! This is ACE I battle!
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    They recipients of the tanking penalty. Commonly they were near 3k Infamy and dropped 800+ Infamy to start losing battle rewards... and at some point if they kept dropping BB will take them out of their current Infamy matches and put them back in the 3k matches, at which point they are probably screwed with no way to recover Infamy... and so are you for getting them on your team. It makes no sense, but that's what it is.
    Karabuxna likes this.
  3. Karabuxna

    Karabuxna New Member

    24 Jul 2018
    Thnx for the reply, but not sure I understand... they lose battles on purpose so they can play in low ranked battles?
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    At one time there was a known exploit where you could just float a bunch of matches in a row losing hundreds of Infamy, and then start playing where you would be OP in those matches and gain highest rewards on the way back up. It was maximum rewards in the shortest time. That was back in the days where all matches were Infamy related and matchmaking was generally fair.

    The reaction by the devs was to penalize players for dropping 800+ infamy by reducing battle rewards until they get closer to their real Infamy. While it sounded good, as time went on, many players were caught in that penalty that weren't trying to game the system. Then starting this past summer, Battle Bay went through big changes where Event rewards changed the economy and Agility changed the game... so anyone taking a break and coming back from a break found themselves behind and their new lower stable infamy put them into the tanking penalty zone.

    Now that matchmaking is not good at all, more and more players are being affected by this, and while there's little incentive left to tank infamy on purpose, that penalty still exists as if the devs forgot about it after they changed the foundations of the game. Now, obviously, the tanking penalties are not just affecting the tankers, it's affecting everyone, because the players should usually be in lower matches.
    Nikkie!, Jenarall and Karabuxna like this.
  5. Karabuxna

    Karabuxna New Member

    24 Jul 2018
    Ok mate, thanks again... just explain one more thing please. Whats tank/tanking/ tanking penalty? :)
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    When you drop about 800 Infamy from your high. At that point the system thinks you did it on purpose and revokes your battle rewards.
    Nikkie!, TheAntiSnipe and Karabuxna like this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    To be 100% factual, it is not a hard number (800 exactly) but the devs have refused to talk about the exact parameters for the penalty so as to prevent people from trying to exploit it.
    But you can take it as 800, approximately.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  8. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    800 is when the minor penalty kick in. 950 is the harsher penalty where you get no stars. A tad below that and you’re in a zone where MM uses your peak infamy. That’s where the flaw is instead of using the -800 from peak as a penalty infamy. Those whose rode a winning streak prone to fall into this zone.

    Also, those accounts that fall far from peak often no longer belong to the original owners. There have been tons of people quitting so they gave the accounts away to lower people. I’ve talk to a few already. If you know anyone on your friend list that fall off that far, talk to him/her to know.
    Nikkie!, envylife and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is exactly correct as I experienced it. I don't see any advantage players could use with this information, but it's a good warning not to do so. My drop happened, as you mentioned, after pushing Infamy to a new high of 3500, and then the bottom dropped out, likely corresponding to changes in matchmaking.

    Today ranked matchmaking is off the rails. For example, today I saw a match consisting of 1 NML, 3 Ace, and 4 Warrior league players, an infamy spread of 2800 all in the same ranked match with no obvious indicators half those players were in the tanking zone. That, folks, is hard evidence of RNG matchmaking. I'll continue to stand by my recommendation to the Devs to toss Ranked, and thus Infamy from the game instead of continue with this mess.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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