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Limit the Amount of Any Weapon Items use to 2. Don't allow 3, 4, or 5 of any weapon or item.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by *JAWS*, 16 Mar 2018.


Ban using the same weapon or item 3 or more times. Fix it. Or nerf using 3 or more.

  1. Yes

    25 vote(s)
  2. No

    48 vote(s)
  1. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    You should not force people to use "good" loadouts, if they think it's fun using an interesting combo of 5 of the same weapon; let them use it. If it's bad, let their infamy drop. Don't prohibit people from using something that might be fun for them. For example: five mines to me would be a very fun combo as would three duct tapes. It might not be as effective as a bunch of cannons and torpedos, but if someone took the time or money to get five good mines or three ductapes, then let them use it. This will not happen, since I know people who already have 3+ of one type of item with high rarity and level, and this would literally kill a month or two of work put into them. The devs won't do it.
  2. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Zetton is a pretty good player, and railguns being point damage weapon going in a straight line require good aim.
    He along with the bittersteel, are the two i admire the most
    Always nice to get appreciated by them too : )
    IMG_20180317_192832.jpg IMG_20180317_192849.jpg IMG_20180317_192919.jpg
    Also zetton and i had some amazing fleets (he is an amazing player to fleet with) but we fear we might be too op. :p
    He truly justifies using 3 rails playing pretty good and is a perfect example that 3 or more weapons can be used really well too.
    Here's an example -
    We take great pride in our rails :')
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I think the underlying issue is the quality of the weapon compared to the others.
    I have no complaints if someone who has (on average) epicT4 weapons, and they chose to run a T2 epic weapon or a T4 rare for a quest, or to try it out.
    However, if that same player chose to run a uncommon T2 weapon, then that’s so underpowered that it has to significantly affect their performance, and therefore make them a drain on the team. This is especially true if it is a defender, enforcer or speeder as they’re more hampered due to their low number of red slots.
    It’s similar to a situation where a Mk6 speeder decides to use a Mk2 shooter.
    Ultimately you have to respect your teammates and run something that’s not too much below your optimal layout.
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Alright but this would completely screw me over since my best item is t4 epic and my follow ups are rare t3 and uncommon t4. Doing this would mean I can only use my t4 epics, which is like 2 items. RNG happened to bless me with many of just 2 items. Plus, check out guys like Bittersteel (when he was all rares) and still hauling ass. The results are what really matter.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  5. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Actually, it wasn't what I tried to say (my english is very poor, sorry).
    Let's say you are a speeder and you have an epic lvl 50 blast Cannon, then you would only be able to do not equip your t-5 blast cannon if you put a weapon that is not that much weaker than your blast cannon in its place. Maybe half of its "strenght".
    If this website is right: https://battlebayitems.com/items.html
    An epic lvl 50 blast cannon reach 76,23% of the maximum damage a legendary lvl 50 can reach, that said you'd be only capable to do not use it If you equip an item that reaches 38,11% of its legendary copy (a rare lvl 32 or an uncommon lv 48 blast Cannon, for example).
    Your second weapon minimum "strenght" allowed would be half of the "strenght" of your strongest weapon that could be equiped there.
    PallabKumarS and PastelPiku like this.
  6. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    i use 5 guns, reckt anythin i see
  7. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Oh I see.
    So if I wanna use 2 blast cannons, they have to both be about the same. If one is epic 40, the other can't be uncommon 20.
    Ok yeah I agree I guess lol.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  8. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Ive seen shooters with only all torp.. just firing randomly into the sea.. on a chance they hit something.. they lost
    PastelPiku likes this.
  9. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Encountering these shooters is fun when you're a speeder because you just have to stay within their arming range to make them become useless.
    Mr. Chompers, Hazimi and Jamesnyc like this.
  10. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    None of my post is about calling players out by name.

    This post isnt about how it is...
    Its about how it can be.

    I know my idea is unpopular.
    Has anyone seen the vote? No's have it.

    Most people tho here usually say its alright for all cannons. Or all rail guns. But they dislike all mortars. Just from reading comments here.

    There is major hypocrisy in the bay.

    These same players that will report a player for using triple duct tape.

    Will gladly arm 5 mines. Or 5 mortars.


    Again my post isnt against anyone.
    Nor do i say which combination of whatever is viable.

    My thoughts for original post was more against questers than anything. Players needing to be carried. Who cant even crack 4k damage. This isnt playing to win.

    If a player feels their setup whatever it is is Op. More power to them.
    This idea isnt about that. Its about balance in the bay and hopefuly players having more diverse layouts to be able to fight in multiple ranges.

    I am pretty even keel on this issue. If what I suggested wasnt implemented. Aint gonna rock me. This is a currently anything goes bay. But it could be more.

    Stay Classy San Diego

    Last edited: 19 Mar 2018
  11. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    There is no need to ban use of >2 items. I have seen people with, say, 4 mortars, and they had EXCEPTIONAL performance.
  12. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Lol werent u the one who told all selfish fixers mk6 to use excannon and flare. Alos he just used u as examples, the most common stereotype of the bay is triple tape when looking at three items that are same, I use it myslef and admit it. He never said it didnt manage any criteria, it was just an example, he could have said triple bolt for all we care. As for the rude comment, same to u lol.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  13. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I agree! Just recently I had 4 battles with people with all mortars, all mines, all flare guns. Of course we lost. People are more concerned of winning the quest and especially the yields of the raffle, than having a fair and good game. They care less if they lose the battle, than finishing the quests.

    First and foremost it is the battle you need to try to win, second are the quests. But with a lot of people quests are number and by quests I mean the raffle.

    And as someone suggested above 'let everyone chose what they want and if the lose infamy, then that is their problem', but these people make it all our problem as well. Because if they lose, the other 4 Friends will too. And as I just stated I have 4 battles out of 5 battles just recently, because if this problem.

    One of the persons was the last one standing. He got chased by a Speeder and he or she had only mines. You can guess the outcome.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  14. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I think the dev have solve this problem as now you can still finish guild quest even if you use different item asked by the quest. I personally think its not a good idea anymore to sacrifice your infamy just for guild quest.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  15. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It is true people sacrifice infamy for the guild quest. And still people use 4 flare guns or mines, just to finish the quests. I talk to a lot of people, also in my guild who don't get that you don't have to use the exact weapon, only if you do, you can finish it 5 or 10x faster. So, because you can finish the quests faster, that is why people still come into battle with all of the same weapons. And because some of them just don't know it yet.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  16. Mimmel

    Mimmel Member

    15 Aug 2017
    Yes, if you still get 10x more, everyone would use the specific weapon. The solution is a progress, but not enough. I wish no weapon specific quest.
    On the other hand, deva request us a fair play. I don't get that. Because of the guild quests, you can't use your best weapon...
  17. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Yeah, good points. The quests are definitely easier to complete for fair players but for hardcore questers nothing has changed.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  18. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Spot on. It’s up to players to decide whether they want to be in a hardcore questing guild, or one that takes a more relaxed approach to guild quests.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  19. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Terrible idea. Stifles creativity plus let people make their mistakes. This game is hard enough to keep balanced without adjusting every time someone gets inconvenienced by a lame player... like when you sink, and your POV shifts to a team mate and you find him in the corner by himself spelling his name in mines. Infuriating, but not technically illegal...

    “It is easier to put slippers on your feet than it is to carpet the whole world.”
    — Confucius
  20. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Love the confucious quote.

    But from a Developers side.
    Is it easier to read report after report of such n such who used 5 mines. Please ban.
    Or Jimmy Crack corn who used 5 standard mortars... Or Guacamole who used 3 duct tapes... Please stop her?
    Time to read these cheating or ban reports must be mind boggling.

    So on one hand. They can keep as it's always been. Yes it's creative. Wild west anything goes.
    Or Change a code. And limit some of these questing setups.

    Simplist choice is the code. And limit certain overuse of weapons and items. Not the waste of man/woman hours Grim Repair must do in a week over report over report.

    @The Grim Repair
    @Dmg don
    PastelPiku likes this.

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