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League rewards - Event rewards

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Nicolas, 13 Aug 2018.

  1. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    Also not an answer:p, but wow! You wrote lot of questions! Maybe you should try some battles, possible you know them the answer at soooo much questions;)
    Nicolas likes this.
  2. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I already answered this part in my previous comment.

    @Nikkie! I know the answer to each question. I'm just asking for other people feedback because it seems like some people still prefer temporary personal advantages instead of aiming for permanent solutions to solve sealclubbers issue...
  3. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    Aha, ok! :D
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Here it is for me...

    Event Matchmaking has improved. There are some imbalances remaining though... Specific Training isn't fully taken into account, and Yellow and Blue items are over-rated in terms of Gear Score. If Gear Score was perfect it would be impossible to seal club.... but until then players put together something that works best in events... if that means replacing a T5E Nitro with a couple T1 Uncommon nitros, that is actually working well for players. Should it work? Sometimes... In small maps it makes complete sense.... and that's what Gear Score is supposed to allow.

    I'm not actually convinced that the ranked game sealclubbing is as much of a thing at this point as it used to be. The Infamy system is still designed for exploit, as I'm still not convinced that changing Infamy EVERY SINGLE MATCH makes sense, because that becomes the vehicle for gaining quick Infamy to get into a higher league and then dropping in a day or two to get those big rewards against small ships. NML reset is a Rovio sponsored implementation of that exact activity... NML players get to seal club Ace players for a week or so and reap the rewards. The thing is, most players that are dropping 800 Infamy are not doing it on purpose. There are still as many MK6 and MK7 under 1000 as before but no one really understands why they are doing it.

    More importantly, at least 3 of my guildmates (and me) have dropped 1000 Infamy in the past couple months, going from the mid to low 3000's to the mid to low 2000's, even with upgrading gear and boats. Matches are getting tougher and players are shifting within the league system, which is starting to feel out of date in terms of tiers and rewards. At 2200 Infamy I am still seeing a LOT of MK7's with T5E items, something that was very rare 6 months ago, and which caused the Devs to implement seal clubbing penalties, but now it's commonplace. These are all very legitimate players, I'm not seeing anyone purposefully lose, and floaters are rare. The impact of the NML reset is to blame for much of this push-down, as well as all the upgraded items from the events, which isn't a bad thing.... it's just causing a league shift that was always inevitable as players age, it's just happening faster.

    The result is Events are fun, no one really knows what Infamy means any longer, and the purpose of Leagues is questionable at this point.
    Nicolas likes this.

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