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League rewards - Event rewards

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Nicolas, 13 Aug 2018.

  1. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    I think that the new item will make the epic containers appealing. And while maybe the events should have given out perks in the beginning, that ship has sailed.

    If you want to make ranked more appealing in terms of rewards, you could slightly increase them, or perhaps limit the amount of coins earned in an event.
  2. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    you think that it's ok to play 2,520 minutes (60 battles per day 3 minutes per battle) to get one rare piece - 300 rare parts - 8 uncommon power cells - 1000 uncommon parts? (These are ur league rewards)
    Two events rewards should be equivalent to one season rewards.
  3. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    I don't play ranked that much, maybe a hour a day maximally (and that's because I don't have school now) but I am able to easily get 100 infamy in one day
    I finally got to 1.8k infamy because I had event rewards, season rewards are too low to make any progress possible for me, I got my my first legendary item because I had events, yet it's still significantly weaker than what my opponents have, I would need months to get to 1.8k infamy (and I had 1.3k, there are too many mk6 players with maxed t4 and even maxed t5 epics)
    I face opponents with items equivalent to items of low NM/ace I player, and I am still only in master II, event rewards were only possible way for me to get getter items

    I bought perks in last event because I needed gold, my main source of parts was (and still is) shop (but also scrapping items I buy), event parts rewards were not that good, you had nothing guaranteed and you could get uncommon and rare power cells which are useless (maybe not rare but it's easy for me to get enough rare cells even without events)

    I am not ok with removing legendary item pieces, it was too op reward, especially for lower level players, but devs allowed it so now we have low infamy players with op (op for their level) items and low infamy players with no op weapons because they did not have a chance to get them, that's problem
    also rewards for "newer" players were significantly reduced by seal clubbers, they got less coins per battle so they needed to play much more to get same rewards as "older" players
    giving out rare and even epic pieces would be ok, epics are too expensive for "newer" players to upgrade and they might have many duplicates for items but they can't upgrade them because they have not trained their crew, yet
    Last edited: 31 Aug 2018
    SWAT0013 and Reorge like this.
  4. Jarex

    Jarex New Member

    22 Mar 2018
    Any noob in game have 1-2 legendary weapon...
    Guys, it's legendary weapon - not epic or rare. It's must be how Frostmourne in WoW. Now you can see any profile in game have 1-3 leg. weapons...
    Nicolas likes this.
  5. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Suddenly NML rewards are looking great again. #ripEventPieces
  6. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Oh well, looks like they listened.
  7. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I had that happen to me as well, but only in a Fleet. I was running about 6300 GS and a Guildmate wanted to fleet, who has 7500 GS and similar Infamy. That was fine we were both doing well in the Event, I didn't mind sacrificing GS to everyone else in the match. However I got the "unusual talent and item" warning due to the Fleet, which made no sense because neither one of us got it alone. The end result was we, as MK6's, were thrown into a match with a few MK7 boats (which neither of us had seen individually), 1 on our side and two on the opponent's side. Our team was decimated due to the imbalance, and after it happened a second time in a row we disbanded the fleet and went about it individually, never to see an MK7 boat again. Something is definitely broken there.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I used to buy Pearl Divers to get to an Epic Container, but after having gone through 6 of them and coming away with a single usable Epic item in total, I'm done with that RNG crap. Rovio has lost a customer after that disaster of a product.
  9. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    The system gives fleeters more difficult battles due to the expected increase in teamwork (which is what this games all about).
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I don't buy it.. As I mentioned, I was already 1500 GS lower, wasn't that enough? I didn't mention our opponents were fleeted MK7's, in both cases... so if there was a nerf, it obviously didn't apply to them.
  11. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    My friend
    Are you happy now?
    You were upset because f2p or lower league players were getting legendaries without money.
    Now they removed those boxes .
    It must be a good news for you.
    Stay happy!!!!!!!
  12. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Cricketmad likes this.
  13. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    The balance had got completely screwed up between legendary, epic and rare weapons. I don't think that this was the answer maybe pieces cost double what perks do would have been better etc but the devs are great at listening to us and so if it is not well received it will be amended. All I can say is this is the first event I have not played more than 10 games in. FB spammers and useless rewards are to blame in equal measure there! Just awful event!
  14. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
  15. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    How is someone in lower leagues getting legendary pieces fair? There should be a certain time for f2p players to progress. The rate they are getting them are insane. I am against removing them completely but scaling it so new players getting it slower. I got to use my first rare when I was at 1k infamy. Now a few weeks into the game and already got t legendary item.
  16. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Aether_Zero likes this.
  17. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I'm back after two months.
    Can you guys give me some feedback regarding your experience in events/the game in general?
    How much did the events op rewards affect the game so far?
    Are you still pushing for infamy?
    Are you still enjoying the ranked games? or did it turn out that ranked are useless and boring?
    Did the number of sealclubbers in ranked games decrease? or did it turn out that more players are intentionally dropping infamy now?
    Did the number of sealclubbers in events decrease? or did it turn out that more players are sealclubbing?
    Do new players still aim for infamy? or did it turn out that new players only care about events rewards?
    Do new players use their best gear in events? or did it turn out that all new players keep mk1 ship with weak gear for events?
    Did op events rewards solve sealclubbers issue? or did it turn out that the problem is worst now?
    In general,
    What's your feedback? and What did you experience in the game in the last two months?
  18. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    not really seal clubbers, but noob mk6 with t4 epics or stronger items, same as before
    I am still pushing for infamy, this week, I finally reached 2k infamy, and yes, I am enjoying ranked games
    more seal clubbers, even some top50 leaderboard players seal club now
    I doubt that event rewards are able to fix seal clubbing, new players still lack lrew training and also skill so their items are not that effective
  19. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Plz simple answers aren't accepted. Give me a response to every question.
    You gained 500 infamy in two months while you upgraded your ship from mk4 to mk5. Not to mention all weapons that you collected from events. I don't see a valuable improvement in your infamy compared to how much your gear/cpt level/ship were improved.
  20. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    1. it's actually more than 500 infamy, I could gain more but I don't have much time to play now
    2. my opponents are kinda same, I met some mk6 with t4 epics or stronger items before, now I meet the regularly
    3. all weapons I collected from events? only weapon I gained from events is my legendary blast, all other combines of pieces from events where either completely useless items or I items I use only sometimes for fun, my tesshield improved thanks to premium boxes from daily quests and login rewards, all other items I use were improved thanks to parts I gained in that time, I had dupes before but not parts to upgrade
    4. only thing events brought me (except for my legendary blast) are few rare/epic event perks and two legendary perks I use, everything else was scrapped or sold

    I can't give you answer for some questions because I don't know these answers
    I am not a new player, nor I meet new players so I don't know if they aim for infamy or no
    as I said, I met noobs in ranked before, not seal clubbers, so I can't tell, whether I meet more or less of them
    as I said before (in-game in global chat), I meet more ace players now, but that's probably because I am only around 300 infamy from ace, not because they drop intentionally
    these (this comment and the previous one) should be answers to all all your questions (some answers are response to multiple multiple questions)

    btw why you said in-game in global chat that my infamy has not improved since events started and now you admited that my infamy improved? infamy is not measure of your personal progress, it's rather mix of your skill and gear compared to others, so it might not be that easy to push higher

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