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Just statistic from "top 50"

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by wtfack, 24 Jan 2018.

  1. Rated R

    Rated R Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Yep, they'd need to buff base speed to get users away from the turbo. It's hard to dodge mortars, fire bombs, and torps without a turbo. Rudder and gear lube may become relevant.
  2. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Error 404. Balance not found.
    xxxBISMARCKxxx likes this.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'm glad to see torps not utilized as much... I'm getting tired of spending the first minute of every match waiting for the torp migration to end and the real match to begin.
  4. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    LoL 2 defenders. Can someone nerf defender already? What are they doing in top 50?
    ViscountSniffit and wtfack like this.
  5. Iunch

    Iunch Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    They switched to defender then logged out. Simple data error.
    EyeOfDoom likes this.
  6. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Yeah pretty sure those 2 were also speeder/shooter main with defender selected at that time.
    xxxBISMARCKxxx likes this.
  7. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Unless you're at or near your ship's max speed, it is just about always going to be better to be faster than anything else.
  8. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    As 1 of the defenders and the oother being Oberst in top50.

    Seriously our Defender ship aint getting love.

    Its buff, enforcer, or buff fixer.

    Or elave shooters alone.
    Always the favorite is nerf (jk) speeder, am I right?

    But I hope developers will please look at total end game use for all nitemare and realize a mk.7 defender wont be in top 10 again. Ever.
    Oberst and even my ship grind out battles to climb over 5k. Any defender that has gotten this high has played their behinds off. Major skill.
    But reality once up past 5.2k. We get it handed to us easily by speeder and shooters in these ranges.
    And since the enforcer buff. The top 15 enforcers can take down a mk7. Defneder easily as well.

    @The Grim Repair
    Remember the 10 x 10x 10 fix. Buff needs to happen soon.

    Meta. The defender is dying. Too big, easy to shoot. Ship size is humongous. Has poor turn radius. And poor turret.

    I love this boat. And would play another really. But I do know right now my boat is a big meay shield.

    Its should be more than an afterthought if game balance is whats desired.

    I am all for underutilized weapons and boats to be buffed. Instead of nerfing anything.

    I challenge any nitemare player reading this to play defender for two weeks straight. No other boat. For any reason. And make top 10. Or better yet. Compete and do top5?
    I predict without a buff. No defender boat is reaching this height again. Not without devs finally fixing the boat balancing issue.
    ViscountSniffit and EyeOfDoom like this.
  9. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I don't think increasing base speed is a good idea. I like the turbo tax ships have to pay especially shooters and speeders. Despite that shooter can easily get up to 9k to 11k and speeders aren't that weak with 6k to 8k. Giving them access to more HP or extra bandage is not a good idea.

    If anything, give defender another blue point. Only thing that it would be used for will be second big shield which is only +1000 to 1500 HP buff from conventional standard shield stacks. You could buff the base HP or attributes of defender to get the same +1000 to 1500 HP buff. But extra point would allow more built diversity like (Big shield, big shield, lube, rudder, turbo) or (big, big, lube, bandage, turbo) or (big, big, standard, rudder turbo) and combinations like that.

    Yes, you could go (big, big, standard, standard, turbo) but like I said, it will be only +1000-1500 HP from conventional (big, standard, standard, standard, turbo) which will be same as base HP buff. So rather than doing a straight stat buff, why not buff it in a way that will allow more item diversity and make rudders and lube viable and allow the player to buff whatever they want.
    Last edited: 25 Jan 2018
  10. DoktorTeeth

    DoktorTeeth Member

    20 Nov 2017
    in general, The thing with small changes (nerfs and buffs) is that it takes a while for the effect of the change to propagate through the entire game. you don't just change it then change it back because it looks like it has a certain effect at first... you have to see what it does long-term first, wait to see how players make use of the change. what you think happens from the perspective of one player at level X isn't necessarily equal to how it effects the entire game, because that player learned to use it a certain way, where someone else would use it without that preconception of what the other player did with it.

    I remember when my brother played WOW, he was a rogue, and they nerfed a stat that was considered one of the necessary stats for rogues, and he became the second best rogue in pvp on his server because of that nerf. just because it's a nerf, doesn't mean it's bad, it just means you have to change your strategy.
    TheAntiSnipe and ninjamutantti like this.

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