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I've Run Head First Into A Paywall(?)!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by fr4nk1yn, 28 Jul 2017.

  1. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    So. I'm here again. "Stuck"

    Buzzkill is now trained to lvl. I already evolved an uncommon Tesla Bolt to lvl 14 and a rare Rail-gun to just lvl 11.
    Not in the screen cap is the epic rudder and epic gear lube, epic band-aid, epic Nitro, or lvl 11 rare blast cannon.
    There's also other uncommon Tesla Bolts stashed, on ships with one more Big Bertha, rare flare gun, and rare std shield.
    I'm hoarding stuff I don't need. What should I be scrapping? I love using dual firebombs but I'm not getting rare duplicates. Should I wait for more rares and start scrapping those uncommons?
    I also what to give dual Frost Launchers a try so I'm hoarding those too.

    Talk some sense into me.

    Attached Files:

  2. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Dual frost launchers is not a good idea. Scrap those suckers.

    One firebomb and that sexy napalm should do the trick.

    Right now, save all your epics and rares and try to level them up as high as you can. The uncommon can go, you'll get plenty of those as you play.

    *these are just my opinions and do not necessarily constitute a "good idea"
    The Otherguy and fr4nk1yn like this.
  3. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Unpopular opinion but I don't think f2p players around level 25-30 should even bother with epic items unless you have a second copy. Duplicate epics are painfully hard to find and you essentially get stuck with a level 17-18 rare when everyone else is using tier 3 rares. Waste of resources IMO.
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  4. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    This is good advice.

    Id go one step further and say dont bother levelling epics at all till you have 3 of the one you want. a T3 epic is more or less the same as a T5 rare (approx level 46). Else you get stuck with a T2 and behind the curve. As I am with flare gun right now, amd im too stubborn to level a t4 rare FG as i know the day i finshed it ill get my 3rd epic, RNGesus hates me
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  5. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I figured it it out when I realised how dumb I was wasting resources on epics despite having tier 2 rares. When I got third and fourth copies of rares I need, I had to play catchup with those level 11 rares I shelved in favour of epics. If I had spent those resources on my rares I would've been able evolve items much earlier.
    Do yourself a favour, everyone and don't level up your their 1 epics. You'll only end up going back to rares.
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  6. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yup, save all epics, level your rares. I've said that from day 1. ;)
  7. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Thanks guys. I figured the epic thing out. Got an epic cannon and quickly realized at level 8 is was way behind my t3 rare.
    Even leveling up uncommons, like my firebomb, can be more than just having a t1 rare. This game is never going to give me another rare firebomb!

    As much as it hurts I'm going to scrap the frost launchers i don't need beyond t4, and the firebombs. I just love spamming those things, it's so satisfying in some level.

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