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Its not random/chance when it’s the norm.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Wargle, 11 Jun 2018.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I agree I've seen a lot of unusual streaks in this game, more so than a coin flip would give. I recently went from 3100 to 2300 over just 2 or 3 days with no changes to load out... consistently losing. That tapered off (because it always tapers off once I am 700+ infamy down), and I was stuck in the mid 2500's for a week, then magically I could win most games in the 3000 range like I was battling in the low 2000's. Enemies were weak and easy to manhandle. There's little consistency, and infamy is relatively meaningless as a result.

    I went through this when I upgraded my MK6 boat... took me over a month to get back to my MK5 infamy.. maybe that's what you are experiencing? That being said I tend to stay at a stable infamy for 2-3 weeks in between the unexpected days-long streaks... I'm OK churning until I get better but the inexplicable drops tell me that Matchmaking(tm) is trying to hard to do something unexpected.
    Medullaoblongata likes this.
  2. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I had it today, as I said if I reach 1200-1300 I drop like a brick. It is designed like this, I just don't become worse within a couple of battles. So, most likely I go down again to 700, there it stops and it turns around. But maybe this time it is the last time, because there is so much a person can take of being fooled by the system. How else can I even lose from the worst teams I come across all of a sudden.
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Living for the drama :) But you are right, I could have chosen a more constructive approach.

    But seriously, if you post something as dumb as this then you shouldnt expect people to take your thread serious. Im shocked at parts of this forums general lack of ability to comprehend simple matters. 100 of these nonsense threads ago I was responding with attempts to explain why its stupidity of display, but I have given up a long time ago. Some people prefer to keep their eyes shut, which is their own choice naturally, but I dont react very friendly when faced with stubborn stupidity.
    Apply brain and be meet with due respect.
  4. Jenarall

    Jenarall Member

    28 Aug 2017
    The Royal Caribbean.
    I don't get why some people are going at the OP's neck, he's highlighting a concern because him, as well as others have seen this play out. Its not for you to play ''Holier than thou'' and condescend, everyone has a different perspective, so respect the fact that what he is going through is nowtwhat you are going through. That being said I too have seen this happened first hand. Sometimes it even goes further than streaks, why can't the matches themselves be more balanced? I don't see why one team should have 2 speeders., 2 defenders and a shooter whilst the other team have strictly shooters? Why is it the system can't interchange these ships so it balances out making it atleast one speeder and defender on each team? Then we have the fact that Mk4's are going up against Mk6's and Mk5's are going up against Mk7's. It doesnt take alot to know that BattleBay has to do some serious reshuffling, and I mean SERIOUS reshuffling in terms of match making and match balances.
    Medullaoblongata and Flint like this.
  5. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    It is dumb? Why then if I reach 1200-1300 I start losing all the time, get the worst team. Go down, then lose a lot and then I climb easily and at 1200 I go down again like a brick. I do not become so bad within a few battles. I have won fleeting battles with people 700 more Infamy and I dealt the most damage and was the last one standing.

    There is something going on, I don't say it has been made on purpose this way, but almost everybody experience it.
    Medullaoblongata and Jenarall like this.
  6. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Quite right! Same with fleeting, it unbalances the battle too much too often. When I was at mk2 I was already in battles with 9 mk5s. Got killed everytime in just one shot, sometimes too. Even if we won, it was just no fun anymore. And like I said in my post above, as soon as I hit 1200-1300 Infamy, the tables turn. I get the most horrible teams and no matter what I do, it does not matter. I have had battles where I did more than 3 times the damage of the other 4 Friends combined. I just cannot do more than that. It was 1 against 5 at the end. Try to win that, but it happened too many times.
    Jenarall likes this.
  7. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Most everyone has experienced the large streak losses. They are hard to explain.
    I suspect that the matchmaking method of putting people on streaks against each other maybe does reduce some players losing streaks. But every so often, it makes a player's streak LONGER than what it usually should be and these epic losing streaks(400 to 800 infamy) in short periods of time are what we all remember.
    For about a month I have been in a pretty tight infamy range (2900 to 3200). Sometimes I dip below 3000 playing other weapon loadouts on my speeder but when I go back to my most effective weapons(ExCannon and BlastCannon). Putting those on my speeder is like a safety blanket.
  8. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Lower mks and higher mks are put together for a reason. They're in the same infmay. If you just match low with low and high with high, each mk will basically have different sets of infamies, and an mk1 could practically rise to the top by just battling other mk1s. Higher mks are meant to reward you by giving you the opportunity to rise in infamy. Just because you're lower infamy, doesn't mean you should be matched with other low infamy players.

    P.S. I've lost 14 battles in a row twice while I was actually trying, but I'm not complaining. Face it, life isn't fair.
    Last edited: 13 Jun 2018
  9. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Thats the point though. He is going through exactly the same as the rest of us. He has just chosen to bring forth a theory and a model of explanation that is, in lack of more respectful words, stupid.

    I also have positive and negative runs, but for every time I have one of those days there are also plenty of days with less streaky patterns.

    Threads like this occur due to the posters confirmation bias & to humans build in lack of ability to accept things that are random. He thinks the game has build in mechanisms to bring people into winning & losing streaks (he must right, else the first post is false), so he starts noticing every time he wins or loses >x games in a row and assumes that its a pattern. In the process his brain (which is a very human thing to do) ignores the parts of his combat log that doesnt have streaks. And he fails to accept that ‘random’ doesnt mean w/l/w/l on repeat, winning 20 in a row is equally random to winning 50% of those 20 games.
    The OP doesnt even bother with trying to prove his claim. He slings out an absurd conspiracy theory & does nothing to try and justify his claims.

    Im sorry, but this quality of posting doesnt deserve any amount of respect. I wont participate in pretending that all opinions are created equal. Some are worth very little, and this post is one of them.

    Though I will concede that my first post should have aimed more at the ball & less at the player.

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