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Items/Weapon balance

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by nosesabe, 20 Nov 2017.

  1. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    He said to totally remove crit chance,i dont mind nerfs,but i do mind nerf which make no sense

    Secondly,it is highly unlikely for a mk5+ speeder to get killed by two sniper shots.(whats your infamy and mk?)
    The Otherguy likes this.
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Actually, I didn’t say to totally remove the crit chance, I just said it would still be powerful ‘even without the criticals’ because of the range and accuracy.

    It was a statement about the extent of its power, not a suggested fix.
  3. The Afenogaster

    The Afenogaster Well-Known Member

    31 Jul 2017
    Bbay player / free time artist.
    Madrid, Spain
    Eagle bay two shoted me, it’s real I have 3750 hp on mk5 speedo
    The Otherguy likes this.
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Keep the whales out of it man,Eagle is not the vast majority.My rare lvl 40 sniper canon does around 1100 damage on a burning speeder or fixer.I believe if you face american marauder or bunta The result will be the same and also for T5 epic sniper users
    The Afenogaster and The Otherguy like this.
  5. The Afenogaster

    The Afenogaster Well-Known Member

    31 Jul 2017
    Bbay player / free time artist.
    Madrid, Spain
    I know, but sometimes someone invisible for you gets a crit on your poor sheep, and my range is not enough to counterattack it because I use blast cannon, so yes you don’t get two shoted but you can end up worst than on a torp impact if a good level sniper gets you across the map
    The Otherguy likes this.
  6. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    So here are some screenshots from my last game. Every unfriend apart from the speeder is running sniper: 6x snipers between four of them.

    Here is the first hit: t3 sniper (level 21) doing more damage than my level 40 BC, from well outside my practical range.


    Here is the second hit: t4 rare sniper doing friggin 1211! I mean seriously? My BC barely hits that hard when it crits, and it has all the range and speed drawbacks.


    These guys are both running double sniper. And did a combined 2k damage to me in 2 shots (both found crits on the first shot). And it’s rediculously easy to hit with. This is on Sub Zero too, with the big waves.

    Utter utter utter BS! Either sniper needs a massive nerf, or speeders need the same hp as shooters, because it’s friggin impossible to survive against this.

    That’s it! I’m totally rage quitting for the rest of the day! :(

    F this BS!

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    Last edited: 21 Nov 2017
  7. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Thank the god if you meet sishani or hellrazrpunisher you will quit the game.Both penta snipers:D:D
    The Otherguy likes this.
  8. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I'm convinced the devs just like their game unbalanced
    nosesabe and What's Up Player like this.
  9. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Yea it can be frustrating and frankly its unjustified,Because sniper's counter part blast got nerfed indirectly(Flare-Blast).They need to balance it,But dont get your hopes high,You will be disappointed!!
  10. Dirtylegs

    Dirtylegs Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I have a lvl 40 rare sniper as well with all the sniper talents in Bhurts tree active. I have a base damage of 413 so with the 50% extra crit damage from skills it hits an unarmoured target for 1032. For that guy to hit you for 1211 he probably has an epic 15% crit damage perk meaning he only has space for two epic crit chance perks so best case scenario he only has 30% crit chance total.

    Sniper victims = "why do those damn snipers always crit?!"
    Sniper users = "why does this damn thing never crit?!"
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  11. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    LOL i remember thinking that as a sniper user. Feels like being handed an empty gun, tbh.
  13. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Last updated made the sniper cannon even more unbalanced.
    Where are all the people that were arguing that BC is better than sniper because of it's fire bonus damage?
    Even explosive cannons got hurted by the nerf a lot.
    BC is now absolutely nothing in comparison with sniper cannon. It's absolutely useless, I don't know who would choose BC over EC or Sniper cannon (well only people like me whom RNG got 15 rare blasts against 3 explosives and 2 snipers)..
    Can you please finally decrease maximum critical chance on sniper cannon? FINALLY?

    Edit: Even recent statistics showed that two most used weapons were explosive and Sniper.. so why nerf to explosive and blast and no sniper? This doesn't make any sense.
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2017
  14. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    It makes perfect sense when you realize the devs don't want a balanced game where all items are used somewhat equally, they nerf based on emotion.
  15. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    My long response....
    I organized the items a little differently so they can be discussed comparatively.
    Disclaimer: I've not used all of these items, so please feel free to comment and I will modify.
    I main an mk5 Speeder with Sniper Cannon, Explosive Cannon, Tesla Bolt, Nitro, Overboost, Big Shield and Turbo. I've used Fixer and Enforcer lots as well.
    I have not used Mortars, Flares, Torps, Mines, Missiles, Railgun, or Napalm extensively. Most of my judgements of these weapons comes from viewing other players and comments I've read.

    • Standard Shield: Balanced. Used frequently by ships that don't have slots for Big Shields.
    • Big Shield: Balanced. 1 Big Shield is just under 1.5 standard shields (with all perks selected for each).
    • Turbo: Balanced, but greatly overused. Do NOT nerf Turbo, just buff the alternatives of gear lube and rudder.
    • Bandages: Balanced.
    • Gear Lube: Needs to be buffed. Simply not useful enough to justify using instead of turbo, shields or bandages.
    • Rudder: Needs to be buffed. Simply not useful enough to justify using instead of turbo, shields or bandages.

    • Frost Blaster: was just nerfed. Probably need to let the dust settle before we judge it. I'd say it is balanced though. The no curvature is fine because it is different than the bolts or a weapon.
    • Frost Launcher: was also just nerfed. Probably balanced right now.
    • Tesla Bolt: very strong, but not OP. I would say balanced, but it is close to being unbalanced (I use Tesla Bolt).
    • Tesla Shield: Balanced. This is the only item that keeps Enforcer relevant. If you nerf this, Enforcer will sink.
    • Nitro: Balanced. Not seen as often at higher tiers once max speed is reached. Still very effective in its own way.
    • Overboost: Balanced. Does exactly what it is supposed to do without being overpowered.

    • Duct Tape: Balanced. Starting to see much more use.
    • Repair Box: Balanced.
    • Repair Pulse: Balanced, but this is the only green item that is even close to being overused. Cannot nerf this without destroying fixers.
    • Repair Bolt: Balanced.

    • Cannon: Balanced at lower infamies, but nonexistant at higher infamies. Needs a top end buff.
    • Blast Cannon: Balanced. Highly used at every infamy.
    • Sniper Cannon: Overpowered. I main a sniper cannon. I will explain this further below.
    • Explosive Cannon: Balanced (barely). It might be slightly overpowered. I would fix the hit recognition on it and then see if it is overpowered. It might could use a range decrease to be closer to blast cannon.
    • Carronade: Underpowered except at very high levels. Just simply outclassed at every range except melee distance. The training is the biggest problem.
    • Grenade Launcher: Balanced or slightly underpowered. It is underused, but pretty strong. Extended fire duration or increased chance would be a good buff.
    • Standard Mortar: Balanced at lower infamies. Similar to cannon. It is outclassed at higher infamies. It needs a top end buff.
    • Long Range Mortar: Balanced. Sniper nerf will indirectly buff this.
    • Ballpark Mortar: Balanced.
    • Big Bertha: Balanced.
    • Big Torpedo: Was just nerfed. Might still need a splash damage reduction, but I would wait for awhile.
    • Swift Torpedo: Slightly underpowered. Was also just nerfed. It might need a slight buff to speed or a reduction (removal) of minimum range.
    • Triple Torpedo: Underpowered. This has been touched on above, but it needs an arc angle reduction.
    • Railgun: Balanced. It is very powerful. If sniper is nerfed, railgun will be indirectly buffed.
    • Missile Launcher: Balanced. Much better at higher levels with the necessary perks, but that is how it is intended to be.
    • Mine: Balanced.
    • Flare Gun: Balanced. Was just nerfed.
    • Napalm Launcher: Balanced. Has a purpose and it serves that purpose. If buffed, I'd like to see it catch a boat on fire if they sit in it too long.
    • Fire Bomb: Balanced. Was just nerfed.

    Items to buff:
    1. Gear lube and Rudder: both are severely outclassed by turbo and need some extra features. E.g. "Gear lube decreases frost effectiveness", "Rudder increases acceleration", etc.
    2. Cannon: Needs a top end buff to make it more usable at higher infamies. I'd say swap one or both of the decrease cooldown perks for a damage, fire or crit chance perk.
    3. Carronade: Probably one of the weakest weapons now except when highly leveled and trained for it. It is also only really usable on 1 ship. Needs a pair of buffs. First, I would move around the training tree. Right now, there are 10 perks that are on the same row as other, very important perks. This means that you have to sacrifice something unrelated to the carronade, and very important to Speeder, in order to use it. Secondly, it needs a reduction in spread. The shot pattern needs to not be an arc, but rather a shotgun blast in a circle. This way you can land all of the projectiles.
    4. Grenade Launcher: Increased fire duration or increased fire chance. It is already pretty strong, but is just outclassed by Flare Gun.
    5. Standard Mortar: Needs a top end buff to make it more usable at higher infamies. I don't know if a radius increase is the right thing, because that moves it closer to Ballpark, but it does need a small buff. Maybe swap the cooldown perks with damage perks, similar to cannon.
    6. Swift Torpedo: I think a good buff to this would be to reduce or remove the minimum range.
    7. Triple Torpedo: I'd like to see the training perks for reduced cooldown change to reduced arc.
    8. Napalm: Needs a small buff. I'd add a perk: "Enemy ships catch fire if they sit in the flames for 3 seconds"... or something like that.

    Items to nerf:
    Sniper Cannon: This is the only obviously overpowered item in the game. Every other overused item is overused simply because the alternatives are not as good.
    • The sniper cannon needs a change of identity. Right now it is not a sniper, but rather a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-all weapon. The definition of a sniper rifle from Wikipedia: "A sniper rifle is a long range tactical precision rifle."
    • First, the sniper cannon needs to be less effective in close range. I would set a minimum range for the sniper and reduce the crit chance the closer you get to the point that anything within melee/carronade distance you have 0% crit chance.
    • I would NOT reduce the crit chance at long ranges, yet. The purpose of the weapon is to punish people from long range. I would first make the above change and see what happens. Making many small changes is better than making few larger ones.

    Thoughts? What did I get wrong? What would you change instead?
  16. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Railgun needs a projectile buff,Its opportunistic weapon,Rare railgun T5 max does 1700 damage(with good perks and max buzz) at max.Sniper nerf wont indirectly buff it,Its blast which will get indirect buff.The damage reduction down to 30% is absolute B.S,30% is just too low.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Sorry to do this, honestly not trolling, but I would choose BC over SC any day. I don't like the way EC feels, SC is a "been there, done that" weapon which never crits in a 1v1 when you want it to. The cannon you say is "nothing" was used by Blacktail for ages.

    Why? I'm starting to understand. The hitbox of this cannon is less than the excannon, so those "skimshots" come easy. Second, it doesn't share the gimmicks of the excannon, and thus, requires much less thought to use, since it is binary. Shoot if you can, hold if you don't. Also, it does CRAZY damage. My favorite gun in this game.
  18. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Railgun is already one of the most used and powerful weapons. Buffing it is dangerous. I would wait to buff it until after sniper has been put into a good place. 1700 damage is a lot, btw. And the railgun fits its description and purpose. It gains power the further the enemy is away.
  19. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Just because YOU would choose a weapon in order to not follow the beaten path, does not mean that it is the better option. You can play with whatever you want, but Sniper is objectively better and more used than Blast Cannon right now.
  20. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    1700 if you Hit with 100%,and have all 3 epic perks.Its too difficult to hit opponent at far distance,Even a slightest movement of wave or boat and you miss it.Leading shot also requires damn good presicion.Dps low,Reload high,Damage reduction down to 30% at close range,Straight projectile,Etc

    Everything flawed except the damage itself
    A55A51N likes this.

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