Strategy. I never rush an opponent without backup. Players with really good skills single themselves out and draw in the speeder cos they know speeders will go 1v1 with shooters any day. I had that done to me. Unfriends abandoned one of the teammates and ran for cover with fixer. The moment I was near that loner he called in backup.
Honestly bro thanks to the replay rovio has provided for matches I saw how they were working together as team and I was totally suckered by their move. Otherwise i would never have realised what happened and how it happened.
I saw the guy say 'together negative' and wandered off. The moment I was withing their range he called 'together yes'. And the entire team rushed me. With my decent dps weapons i could have taken out that shooter but you know what happens with 1v5. Got ambushed and taken out. Smartest strategy I have seen used against me so far. I was impressed. Tbh I had never seen a team work that way and I too have been in 2000+ battles with a speeder.
Learned my lesson the hard way but a lesson learned nevertheless. Now I always go in with backup. I call in the kills before I solo anyone in enemy territory. That way you have assurance that help will be nearby. Don't go in for solo kills without letting your team know what you are up to.
One more anti-speeder strategy. Players go in pairs, one goes forward other follows a little far behind. Once the speeder engages first one, the next one attacks (usually with torps cos they have no area markers). They don't always kill cos they miss a lot

. But the point is, i learned to keep an eye out for flankers as long as unfriends count is not 1 or when I have heavy backup. An early warning works wonders. Always keep track of where everyone is. Like the time when your weapons are on cool down or you have retreated for some recovery time or as in most cases running circles around your 1v1 victim.
Learn from the games you get ambushed from. Watch the replays and figure out a counter strategy for each and every time it happens.
Speeders will prevail. Battle on!!!

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