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Is this fixer Extremely lucky?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by NoTtIaN, 20 Aug 2018.

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  1. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I wouldn't know where to start. I have a penchant for remembering the names and setups of players I've been matched with in NML, but I do not recall seeing you.
    Last edited: 22 Aug 2018
    Ultrah likes this.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Keep this thread on topic and civil. Any more insults in this thread may result in a suspension.
    Aether_Zero and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  3. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    The one major flaw in your comparison is that you are comparing only single items, but (basically) no ships have only 1 weapon slot. Most Shooters are running 2-4 cannons of their choosing. I'd be interested in seeing a global dps comparison when running 1-5 (4 for EC) of the same cannon.
  4. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    I don’t understand how his comparison has a flaw in it? What about Speeders who use one BC? Enforcers? Fixers? By comparing single items, you are analyzing the weapon a ship decides to use compared to its rival at that moment, rather than the period of time it takes for a ship to use all of its BCs or ECs.
    xArrogance likes this.
  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Interesting point!

    Let's see how the damage per second changes when we look at 5 BC vs 4 ECs.

    A shooter running 5 Blast Cannons averages 148 DPS for each weapon (5*148/5) .. Or has a total DPS of 740.

    A shooter running 4 Explosive Cannons averages 129 DPS for each weapon (4*129/4) .. Or has a total DPS of 516.

    Major flaw solved?
    Ultrah likes this.
  6. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    By your logic, devs should nerf standard cannon first, because I'm pretty sure its DPS is even higher than BC.

    I'm saying this for the last time, both are viable options. If you prefer higher burst and splash, you go for explosive. If you look at higher dps, or are Enforcer, you go for blast.
    As it's still THE MOST USED RED ITEM IN THE GAME, buffing it would be just plain stupid. Still every ship prefers EC over BC in more than 2:1 ratio. Facts.

    But you're not gonna understand any reason, and I'm probably wasting my time here anyways, so I'm just gonna wish you good luck making EC overpowering again. Try to insult even more people, that might make the devs buff it sooner ;).

    I'm outta here.
  7. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Joe brought up the ST/BT comparison. Can't swim brought up the dps by boat comparison. Why is my fault if I work it out for them?

    And, two cannons with nearly the same stats make DPS a little more relevant. Your standard cannon logic applies if I was trying to compare 2 completely different items - like a mine and grenade.

    I simply said that the "splash damage" portion was overrated .. I would gladly take the same DPS over the splash. Obviously, I would take the blast cannon over the EC if it didn't kill my sniper - a conflict that makes no sense.

    I understand that you don't want anything encroaching on enfo dominance - THE MOST USED WEAPON AND SHIP ON THE TOP OF THE LEADERBOARDS! I understand that it's a difficult concept to grasp of why that's a better measure of what's dominant - rather than what people are stuck with due to previous leveling or lack of options due to skill tree conflicts.

    Anywho, I wasn't insulting anyone. I thought he was being sarcastic. I didn't know that he literally didn't understand what I was saying well enough to respond to it.

    I forget that what's a normal level of processing and understanding information to me - someone that scored in the top few percentile of every standardized test they've taken - is going to be different from most people. For every person like me, there is a person on the opposite end of the spectrum - and many more somewhere inbetween.
    Last edited: 22 Aug 2018
    Mad_Bulls_007 and Ultrah like this.
  8. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Your calculations for the DPS of these setups are incorrect. You've forgotten to account for global/weapon cooldowns. I guess that wasn't on any standardized test.

    Here is a spreadsheet comparing the many different combinations of Explosive Cannon/Blast Cannon and Flare for each ship. This spreadsheet shows that the BC + Flare combos reign supreme for DPS, but the EC + Flare combos are still the best for burst damage. There is also a necessary balance decision between risk/reward when selecting fire damage or regular damage perks for both cannons. Having a high potential DPS could result in you being very vulnerable to the current meta of Double Bubble Enforcers.

    EC vs BC.PNG
    EC vs BC 2.PNG
  9. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    NERF $Tandard caNNoN because if you use 5 of them the dPs is MEGA OP!!!
    Nikkie!, TheAntiSnipe, Ultrah and 4 others like this.
  10. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
  11. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    This is asinine and completely irrelevant to the conversation.

    Nobody is asking for standard cannon nerf. Nobody is asking for blast cannon nerf. The point is that IMO blast cannon is better than it's 2-slot counterpart the explosive cannon and nothing stated here has proven otherwise.
    xArrogance and Help I Cant Swim like this.
  12. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    El oh el
    Nikkie! and Help I Cant Swim like this.
  13. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017

    Except Blast Cannon is much worse at popping bubbles, which is the current dominant meta.
  14. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Awesome charting man.

    WIth my T5 epic EC w/ 2 legendary non-fire damage perks and only missing one of the 5% + splash damage training levels, I still can't burst many of the bubbles with a single EC shot. I'd rather have more opportunities to fire at a shorter cooldown.

    Also I appreciate that you guys think I missed his sarcasm, I think the post and formatting were meant to trivialize the discussion. Real mature.
  15. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Thanks :)

    The Tesla Shields are definitely too strong. And I never disagreed that Blast Cannons are currently better overall than Explosive Cannons. I just don't think it is enough of a difference to buff or nerf either drastically. Maybe something small to make them combat the equivalent shields better. Ultimately, Defenders definitely suffered the most from the EC nerfs.
    Nikkie! and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  16. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Bay Bay is a game of opinions. There are many weapons or items that may be numerically better or worse than others but ‘feel/personal comfort’ is also an important factor.
    If we all agreed about everything, we’d all be using the same ship and same weapons. The differences of opinion are what keep the game interesting.
  17. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Hi - I woke up to this!

    I read everything. :)

    Let's agree to disagree on: EC or BC - play what you prefer (if you have the choice); everything else is up for constructive discussion (as most comments actually were!)

    Misinterpretations - can happen to the smartest of people. No matter the language, however, misinterpretations definitely happen when:
    - it's late / you're tired
    - you are more emotional / trying to defend a point or using a logic when maybe other people use different logic and have their own emotions towards the topic
    - cognitive biases set in (like confirmation bias :p )
    - you lack coffee (clearly I do right now!)

    Bottom line from my humble pov: I think NO member here actually meant anyone else any harm. :)

    Solution for the future: Let's take other disagreements or difference on opinion when it comes to interpreting someone's comment in a private message please.

    Peace out.
  18. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Welp, I'm likely getting banned after this post - for sharing my personal opinion - because, let's face it, trolls are encouraged but my personal opinion is to be censored and reprimanded.

    Anywho, for anyone interested in learning what you have to look forward to once you get into NML ... I'll tell ya the little secret the Enfo cult is trying to hide.

    First off, the table was cute .. and misleading IMO.
    • Does it account for TS HP perks? No
    • Does it account for the 22% less projectile speed (that might be relevant for hitting faster, more agile ships)? No
    • Does it mention you're getting slammed with the trifecta fire-combo for every one shot you get through their shield (i.e., 6,648 dmg vs 1871)? No
    • Does it mention the EC costs 5% shooter HP, or 5% range and burning damage, if you want to use a sniper as well? No
    • Does it make it seem like the EC is still a great item to build? Yep

    Why is there so much effort put into keeping the Enfo secret? (in "MY PERSONAL OPINION")

    The DB Enfo meta has only increased in strength over the last 8+ months. As time goes on, you'll see more and more of them. And it's not going anywhere. The sheer size of the nerf required to dethrone the meta would break the game. So, they're trying to keep it a secret to delay the inevitable: 8+ Enfos in every match.

    Why would that be an issue? Enfo on Enfo matches are exceedingly boring and take forever to finish. Either it ends in a draw or one is finally dealt enough grenade splash damage after 3 minutes to die. It's far more fun to pick on shooters and defenders behind 2-shot shields - so is it any wonder you're encouraged to keeping building yours?

    Want to see for yourself? Keep watching the leaderboard (and notice how people have even started switching off their Enfo setup when they log off).

    2-shot shields
    A lot of the upper tier Enfos are using dual HP perks, 1 leg perk, and one duration perk. This absorbs your max epic (full dmg) EC and most flare guns. Add another HP perk and it's all epic flare guns. And, it's only a matter of time before they come out with a Tshield HP + Cooldown perk to buff the TS further.

    EC Nerfs
    Looking at its history - The EC & Fire Combo was overpowered, so it received a:
    • Splash Damage Nerf,
    • Cooldown Nerf, and
    • Range Nerf
    And, there was some balance for a time .. But, the rise of the DB Enfos brought about an unintended nerf for the EC. In order to maintain an equal item-for-item trade with the Enfo, you were forced to forgo your fire perks and bonus fire damage in favor of full damage perks and talents.

    Then TS HP perks came along - and the EC stopped popping shields. Another nerf by relation. Is the EC still a good weapon vs other ships? Sure. But your infamy ceiling is going to be limited based on how well you're able to deal with DB enforcers. The long cooldown and inability to pop the TS makes the EC a relic of a time passed.

    In other words, if a Shooter trades two heavy weapon shots for two TSs, the Enfo and Shooter each have 3 weapons remaining. The Shooter has more HP but the Enfo is faster and more agile. If, however, it takes a Shooter 4 shots to eat through the 2 Enfo shields, the Shooter has one weapon remaining to the Enfo's three - and there is no contest.

    You could, of course, use the last remaining DB TS counter - dual rail guns (assuming you're able pull 12 duplicates). But, the Enfo is simply going to speed off, force the draw or take pot shots until you're sunk.

    Anywho, IN MY OPINION, that's why you're seeing the Enfo fanatics feverishly defend the DB with the propaganda that "everything is properly balanced." And, it's why they lash out so viciously at any heretic that dares share their personal opinion.

    Side note: let's watch how my personal opinion is treated .. let's see if YerJokinArnYer defends my right to have a personal opinion :cool:
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2018
  19. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Everyone is entitled to share their personal opinion, as long as it is expressed in a respectful way.
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2018
    Nikkie!, Ultrah, Shadow Moon! and 7 others like this.

    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 Well-Known Member

    26 Apr 2017
    If he’s a lucky Fixer, then I’m a miracle worker. ;)
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