Just an update. Finally got to the 2800 range from the new T4 rare items I've picked up.
I've been constantly matched with Nightmare level players, I'm now seeing famous faces like P0rthos

, Mordelin, Smile Shark, Orpheus, etc. Which are all players above 4K. Go figure how this matchmaking even happens. How do you explain the fact that fleeting disallows greater than 800 infamy disparity, yet in these matchups the disparity between me and them are 1000-1500!
During these nights, I've havent had any good 2-3 star performances and it's hindering my progression because of the ridiculous match ups. All these ACE1 and Nightmare players all have weapons that make mine look like childs play. Stuns that last 20 secs, Flare guns that take off 1000hp minimum, Railguns capable of critical to One-Shot kill me, Sniper Cannons that hit me for 1500hp. There's simply no chance, and I'm literally cannon fodder and wasting my time. As much as I don't want to whine, but that's just forcing players like myself to drop Infamy to avoid this dead halt.
I ended up playing 4 hrs of Battle Bay at 2800 range, dropped about 100 infamy and gaining about 25 stars. Most were either losses at 0 star return, or 1 star wins that I didn't contribute much in (completely NON factor). For 4 hours, it's Crap. Total crap and you wonder why players are choosing to drop on purpose.
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