All in all, I am sure that there is definitely a purpose for infamy. According to what I understand, infamy means nothing other than representing the ability and skill of a player, which is completely unrelated to level or items. For example, if you keep winning and doing well, your infamy rises, meaning your ability is getting better which allows you to compete with higher-tier players. If you keep loosing, that tells the system your skills are not suitable for those matches and lowers you down so you can fight easier matches more suited to your ability.
However, we all know that infamy is a very subjective rating for the system. People do abuse it and hence "seal clubbing" and "purposely lowering infamy" are problems caused.
Actually, before I go into my conclusion, let me show you why infamy is used instead of level and items.
In every game, there are players that pay to progress. For instance, if they just started, levelled up to Captain level 30 and obtained epic T3 weapons, that player will not survive as they lack "ability (as mentioned in the first paragraph)", which will make their experience unfun. Infamy is here to avoid this problem as the player still starts of as a "beginner", just with really good items. It'll be unfair at first, but those are isolated cases as in the end that player will be balanced.
In conclusion, I have expressed my views on why infamy is the best method, however I (we) believe it can still be improved. As for improvements, as players, we will just wait and see.

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