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I'm loving Battle Bay!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by 4Cheese, 4 May 2017.

  1. 4Cheese

    4Cheese New Member

    30 Apr 2017
    Hey everyone. I'd like to share my true love for Battle Bay. Ever since I first saw it, it has looked amazing. And it truly is amazing!

    But as this is my first thread, I do have a few concerns:

    I pre-registered for Battle Bay on the Play Store, and it said there would be "a starter pack of 200 Pearls and one rare item!" for doing so. I however never received the items. If you know what is going on, please private message me or reply to this post.

    How does your gold storage increase? I want to start up a Guild but I can only store 58000 Gold at the moment. Does it increase over time, or will I have to do it manually? If you know the answer, please private message me or reply to this thread.

    Thank you for reading!
  2. Risu

    Risu New Member

    4 May 2017
    I think it rises with your captain level -which you gain by training crew- because i did nothing else and its 75k now.

    And yeah I also pre-registered but did not recieve anything special to it.
  3. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    - I heard that developers have said that you find your pre-register pack from calendar page (left top corner and there calendar)
    - You're gold capasity (as well as sugar) increases along your captain level which increases by training your crew.

    Hopefully this clears things and helps a bit (I haven't been able to get pre-registeration bonus since I'm a player from before global launch)

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