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I'm Late to the Frost Nerf Party but...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 19 Oct 2017.

  1. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Technically, once you have frost bite it's like burn damage to your skin...just sayin'
  2. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    How about we nerf the big berta...
  3. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Had the frost+mine trick happen to me today, it's pretty ridiculous.
    Almost worked too, I was like glued next to the mine.
    Only reason it didn't work that the dude did it slightly wrong both times - he placed it right behind me instead of right in front of my bow,
    allowing me to barely escape in the only direction a frosted shooter is able to inch away.

    If someone perfects his frost+mine moves I can easily see it becoming a killer combo, especially against ship that favour only one direction of movement.
  4. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    Read my responses above in orange.
  5. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Always working that way.
    Check my latest video, the 2nd battle. You can clearly see it on the defender. I frosted him, prepared to launch torp but since teammates took their shots on him, by the time i pressed "fire", he wasn't frozen any longer. Considering it takes more or less 3sec between shots, you get the idea.
    It's a support weapon. That's all.

    But it's a game. There are almost no logics here.
    Technically, a tesla shield shouldn't wear off. A heal bolt shouldn't remove stun/frost in real life, a big torp should deal higher dmg since it's supposed to be a WMD, sniper should shoot like a railgun (straight line instead of having a curver), carros shouldn't make turret and agility slow down, etc... you get the idea.

    Boats will get faster either way. MK8/9/10 and so on. Not asking for a 2.50 speed defender but an increase in both speed, agility and turret turn would definitely help with that.
    OR, just nerf the weapon, just like they did with sniper cannon.
    Epic T1 getting higher reduction, T2, smaller than T1, and so on until T5L who didn't get a nerf, which is understandable : Should be the weapon "end game" and the most powerful of them all (not to mention the price tag on it as well).
    Is a nerf needed ? Yes.
    Is the reduction of duration active ? Already is.
    Should fire render frost useless ? No. With all the firebombs out there, it would mean a useless item.
  6. Charlotte Douche

    Charlotte Douche Well-Known Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Douch Land
    During Beta :-
    Frost : U get frost & mine [+ + + Stunned], it hurt so much anything will die
    Tesla bolt : U cannot play the game
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Now :-
    Frost : its the same if no one taps the target
    Tesla bolt : Yea u get to play a bit more but your team is already dead
  7. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Made a suggestion before on how to nerf frost - freeze affect slowly decreases as time goes by.. But no one noticed.
    Babablacksheep and behumble like this.
  8. MasterMind

    MasterMind Active Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Fleet a fixer with a bolt that negates the frost... There's like 5 good frost speeders.. but theres a ton of decent shooters, defenders, fixers, and non-frost speeders.
  9. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    imo problem is not slow itself but the ridicolous amount of damage you are exposed when you are completely stuck....
    i'd say remove\change\nerf\balance all the +%onfrostedtarget damage that are on torps and mortars, or if you are frosted you get also a damage\aoe damage reduction buff
    @Bunta increase max speed, how about no? at higher tiers its already impossible to hit a speeder with anything but a sniper or point blanks and even in that case we have the unregistered hits because the ship is there but the hitbox is not
  10. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    That’s probably OB or Nitro speed, which is well over the max. I used to have my speeder up at max speed, with twin turbos, and it’s not really that fast at all.
  11. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    single turbo or twin turbo it's basically the same speed man...
  12. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’m not quite sure what you’re saying.

    But regardless, it’s not the same speed. Not unless you have a turbo good enough to get you all the way to max on its own.

    My speeder’s maximum speed is 1.62, and I have an epic turbo that gets me to 1.49, I also have a rare turbo in my inventory which is +.24. If I were to remove my shield and put the 2nd turbo on, then my speed would go up, but not by the full .24 because it’s capped at 1.62.
  13. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    that's the point 1.49 is basically the same speed of 1.62, you don't have really any return from wearing 2 turbos been there done that scrapped my second turbo
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Oh! I see what you mean now.

    When I was running twin turbos, it was after I’d just got my mk4. So I didn’t have any epics yet, and I was still missing a lot of speed talents.

    My boat was so slow that even running rare and uncommon turbos together, it still didn’t hit max lol. I don’t think I got to max speed until my uncommon was t3.

    That was very noticeable, because with a single turbo I was ony doing about 1.3. That’s why I was running two.

    However, this is a bit of a tangent. My point was that 1.62 isn’t very fast, or hard to hit. I wouldn’t mind going a bit faster. :)
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Wait a minute! You guys dont enjoy being incapicitated and then 1shot a few seconds later? :)
    Stelmo likes this.
  16. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    i would be fine by pushing anything into meta which is not a speeder using cc and 1shot combos
  17. a_creeper_won

    a_creeper_won Well-Known Member

    19 Oct 2017
    Basement dweller
    The middle of nowhere
    Do boats really have skins?

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