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I'm Late to the Frost Nerf Party but...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by American Marauder, 19 Oct 2017.

  1. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    I run an Epic T5 Turbo with 4 Epic perks giving me a 96.6% speed enhancement, but now sometimes I am literally unable to move... It's like someone figured out a way to glue me to the water. Before the update I can agree that Frost Blaster was a little under-powered, but I think now we're at the opposite extreme. How about we get to someplace in the middle? Stronger than what was before, and weaker than it is now?

    A couple of quick solutions:

    1. If the idea is that your boat is covered in ice making it impossible to move, then certainly a blast doing significant damage should remove any traces of the ice. I mean that's just simple logic. The ice itself should be like Tesla Shield and have it's own hit points before it breaks off.

    2. Napalm should shorten the duration. If you're Frosted and sitting in a lake of Napalm (mine does around 240 per second i think) certainly that should melt the ice. Same goes for Flare and Fire Bomb. All of those heat up your ship.

    3. Resistance should be applied after the first Frost Blaster hit - cutting down effects and duration. The Captain turned on the heater? :)
    Last edited: 19 Oct 2017
  2. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    Agreed. Frost and Torp methods are crazy dangerous, even if you have a great Turbo like yours. Just look at @ysl and his compilation of the Frost+Stun+Big Torp+Swift Torp compilation.
  3. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    YSL is a "her" but yeah. It's too over-powered and there are things that should be done to mitigate some of the OP nature of it.
  4. Vile Kyle

    Vile Kyle Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I know the "glued feeling" and great ideas.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Because of the effectiveness of the new Frost Blaster with up to 85% slow down (feels more like 99%), there's a new technique:

    Tesla Bolt > Frost Blaster + Epic T5 or Legendary T2+ Mine with Cooldown upgrades.

    Super effective, can't even move and by the time you recover from the frost your ship is gone. This includes the fastest of fastest ships in the bay.
  6. Zombie

    Zombie Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    a speeder can tesla frost you, big torp AND mine you thats 10k damage from 1 cooldown cycle... #balanced
  7. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    As much as I like my Frost Blaster, I think it would be fair to make some modifications. In theory if you're on fire, then the ice on your ship should melt faster. Or if you take a hit from a regular weapon, it should 'knock off' some of that ice and reduce the effectiveness.

    But then it becomes a question of how much additional coding by the devs would it take to make those modifications.
    Hellagood and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  8. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I think the slow might be a bit over the top. I thought the idea behind putting a cap on the slow % at all was that you should always still have a chance to evade something. Right now, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  9. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    So, let's say you get hit with an 85% slow down...
    If your base speed is 1.00, and you have that buffed up to say 2.00 (forget whether it's possible, just play along)...
    I'm wondering whether the coding is such that it slows you down to 15% of your un-buffed speed, meaning 0.15...
    rather than 15% of your buffed speed, meaning 0.30...
    I'm also wondering how different 0.15 speed "feels" compared to 0.30. When you're used to flying around at 2.00 (or whatever), both probably feel like complete stand-still........?
  10. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Also it can penitrate tesla shield, a thing that cannot be penitrated by legendary T5 railgun...
    Crashedup and D3X like this.
  11. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    The easiest way is to add the same conditional trigger as for stun - "on hit, remove debuff" - but would that be swinging the pendulum too far the other way?
    Iunch likes this.
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    1.72 is topspeed for MK7 Speeder, 1.7 for MK6 Speeder.

    However, with Overboost enabled it should be 110-157%. So 1.72 = 2.68 max speed.
  13. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Thank you, but it doesn't matter.
    I still want to know if the underlying code puts you at 15% of your pre-buffed speed or 15% of your post-buffed speed.
    And my last comment was just about whether you could legitimately "feel" difference or not (whether post-buffed speed is 1.7 vs. 2.0 hardly matters).
  14. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Actually, my calculation was wrong. 2.68 is incorrect, it's actually 4.4-4.5 Topspeed from a Speeder with overboost excluding nitro.

    1.72 is only the base speed.
    Spinners71 likes this.
  15. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Actually, I was only thinking about base speed too. Now thinking about Overboost, I would DEFINITELY be interested in knowing whether an 85% frost effect completely cancels Overboost AND also drops you down all the way to just 15% of your (1.7) base...
  16. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    To be clear, these are frost blaster issues.
    I've never been hit by a frost launcher that was anything more than a slight inconvenience, but every frost blaster I see these days has me completely immobilised.
    I don't want to see another blanket nerf scenario like we had with speeder/enfo.
  17. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    1- ANY shot, regardless of the amount of damage done, will reduce frost by 50%. Say you have a 12s frost. First shot will reduce it to 6s, next one to 3s. By the time, you fire the 3rd shot, the frozen target will be at the initial state. So instead of hit points, you get a 50% reduction time. Logic stands on itself.

    2- Napalm damage / kill is already hard to do. Anyone with some sense won't go into napalm, even even if they do go in there, it would take more or less 3s to travel from both direction. In your case, would deal more or less 720 dmg. If you want napalm to cancel the frost, imagine napalm being even more useless. Sure, it's a crowd control weapon but ask Reborn X when he uses napalm + frost on his speeder. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't agree on that.

    3- Same as #1. Any shot will cut down the duration by half. Maybe the devs can create a special item / perk.

    I understand your statements (everyone) concern about frost. Same applies to anybody (myself included).
    One solution would be to increase every ships speed so the minimum speed when frosted would get higher, thus, making the frost items less "OP".
    The other one would be a "sniper cannon" nerf type thing. Based on tiers, classes etc...

    Some things need to penetrate Tesla Shield. Tesla Shield by itelf is very powerful. it already has way to much pros.
    According to Miika, minimum boat speed is 0.31. If a T5E / T3/4/5L frost blaster hits you, you will go to 0.31 speed but not lower than that.
    I think OB gets the same thing. 1.74 speed for a MK7 speeder + OB +130% - 84% = 2.26 (Pretty sure you don't add 1.74 otherwise you will get nitro speed during OB).
    2.26-84% = 0.36
    When you use OB, you should be moving a little which it does. Going down wave helps "boost" the speed as well.

    Question remains though : If your turbo does +100% and you get to 0.31 speed, would it compensate or not ?
    Example : MK7 no turbo is 1.21. Using a 100% turbo, will max out your boat to 1.74 due to speed limitation, which is +43.80% from base speed.
    If you go down to 0.31, will the difference (100-43.80=56.20) adds up ? so 0.31 + 56.2% = 0.48 ?

    @American Marauder
    Instead of "nerfing" it (which i'm totally fine with it), wouldn't it be better to have a speed increase, depending on your turbo ?
    It would make boats faster and you will be faster when being frozen.
  18. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @Bunta - thanks! that answered several of my questions!
  19. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    The problem I see with increasing ship speed across the board is the fact turret and rudder agility stays the same. We'd basically have to relearn leading shots.
    I think frost blaster is due for a nerf, at this point when I get hit with a frost lasting 5-10sec in spamming negative cuz I'm dead 3sec in from torpedo, ec, bc, big Berta, u name it.
    D3X and Babablacksheep like this.
  20. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I got frosted into 2018
    behumble and Ultrah like this.

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