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  2. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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Ideas and improvements for Battle Bay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Captain_Perry, 11 Apr 2017.

  1. Factur

    Factur New Member

    23 Apr 2017
    I find I am running out of upgrading material and having way too much excess of sugar now. Maybe adding a chance on winning to obtain upgrade material.
    BEN, Stelmo and Captain_Perry like this.
  2. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Like your idea @yellowocean! If balanced correctly, the submarine classes can surely be enjoyable!
    Taking your idea of having an ability even further, I would suggest an ability for all ships which all last 15 seconds with a cool down of 30 seconds. Like you said, the abilities can't be performed if stunned/frozen, which can increase the difficulty of using it. I also have another suggestion of adding abilities to be unlocked through crew training so players need to choose wisely.

    *Health buff abilities increase health, and when ability is over maximum health is reduced to original so the health remains increased. If the buff exceeds the maximum, the excess Hp would be removed.
    *For multiple-projectile weapons, the attack increase will be for per projectile. For incinedary(burning) items, the attack increase will be for damage per tick.
    *For healing effect increase, the effects will be completely removed when time's up regardless of it's activation time.
    1. Shooter Ability -- Either: Weapon cool down reduced by 35% or gets a temporary health buff of 20%
    2. Speeder Ability -- Either: Speed increase 45% or gets temporary defence/armour buff of 15 points
    3. Enforcer Ability -- Either: Weapon attack increase 10% or Speed increase 40%
    4. Defender ability -- Either: Speed increase 40% or turret speed increase 50%
    5. Fixer ability -- Either: Weapon attack increase 15% or healing effect increase 20%
    6. Submarine ability (if it's added) -- Either: Sinks for 15 seconds (see Yellow's previous post) or damage taken reduced for 15%

    Whew, that's all from me, hope you guys like my idea. As always, thanks Yellowocean for inspiring me. ;)
    Man, I felt like I was writing patchnotes... o_O
    Last edited: 24 Apr 2017
    Frozen k and Robert Sel like this.
  3. ViAdventurer

    ViAdventurer New Member

    24 Apr 2017
    Hey guys! About training... i would like to know how much xp some training gives me, because then i can make up my strategy better... like, acording to time taken i can choose to run after more sugar or else, maybe pick up another training that gives me more xp so i can raise my cap lvl... got it? : ) wrote too much, dunno if it's clear! Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: 24 Apr 2017
  4. Robert Sel

    Robert Sel New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Melbourne, Australia
    @Captain_Perry. I would definitely agree with on that with the Submarine. Yet I really love the idea of @yellowocean maybe not to the specific specifications they described yet more the whole concept of the submarine
  5. Sundbybergarn

    Sundbybergarn New Member

    21 Apr 2017
    Hi yalls.
    I would like to see my career dmg when u look at my account or something. What u think about that? Is it even doable?
  6. Pinecone

    Pinecone Developer

    29 Mar 2017
    You can check your current total damage from the ”Blast History” achievement.
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  7. ViAdventurer

    ViAdventurer New Member

    24 Apr 2017
    Hey guys!!
    Again i got sad about that, because in my reward by turning lvl 20 i lost half of suggar reward and the stars more than the half because i had no idea of what is coming ... i'd agree to not be able to collect more, but not to loose it all.. just like the excess item that stays in the line after you scrap some if your slots are all full.. can u do the same for the rewards? Best regards
  8. SaltBae

    SaltBae New Member

    9 Apr 2017
    A favourite feature for your items would be nice, so that you can favourite/lock the items you love and don't accidentally double click scrap when you're drunk or something lol
    Anomalix, Robert Sel and BEN like this.
  9. Robert Sel

    Robert Sel New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Melbourne, Australia
    Also I have another idea. It would be good if you can search for friends or players as you would searching for a guild. Perhaps in the friends chat room you could search for players there. It's really annoying you can only add them from global and home page

    - 4th Legend
    Anomalix and Captain_Perry like this.
  10. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    My suggestions part one.
    1- increase fleet to 3 members, make party pvp 3vs3 or even 3vs3vs3 if you wanna push the envelope, fleet and/or guild only. Make the 10 man pvp SOLO pvp. If not, then fix the matching system by coding in a score for boat level and loadout and classes. (YOU CAN"T HAVE 4 MK5-6 SPEEDERS ON ONE SIDE WITH NONE ON THE OTHER!!!!)
    2- put in a system of rankings for kills(total and/or per each weapon0, winning kills, damage and fixing
    3- include fixing in the same way as damage in match rewards.
    4- add maps with home base capture points on each side with active pve defending units (turrets, cannons, mines, etc.)
    5- reduce training times and requirements, they are absolutely ridiculous. Why do you alienate your player base by making them level crew upgrades they will never use to achieve level requirements for the upgrades they want.
    6-make it possible to click on names in match results to either report cheaters or add new friends.
    7- add weather effects!!!
    8- add maps with less obstacles to improve naval maneuvers
    9- add more commands to combat chat (LIKE "SPEEDERS MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!!!") ;)
    10- limit tesla shields to one per boat...
    Last edited: 27 Apr 2017
    D3X likes this.
  11. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    It's been a while since I looked at this page and wow! There are some good ideas! However, I do feel like responding to @Anomalix so hope you all don't mind. (I'll be commenting my own opinion in order);)
    1. 3 players fleeting... Imagine the world's top3 players doing that. Currently it's already happening, so I suppose 3 is not good. I do think that guild wars (Which should hopefully be developed later) is a better alternative as not all the top players are in the same guild. (Sure it doesn't stop them for creating a guild... Not sure what to do about that either). Solo would be an utter chaos in my opinion, but depends on what the developers think.
    2. No problem! Just don't apply rewards for the rank as better players will get better items, making the player ability gap wider.
    3. Contribution (the unit used to calculate your battle end result) includes healing too. Don't forget!
    4. I think instead of those maps, maybe a 5v5 capture the flag / protect the base battle mode (just what you said). If managed correctly, they would be loads of fun in my opinion!:)
    5. Training times can be ridiculous for players who play a lot, but for me (a player who plays ~5 matches a day) I just get enough sugar to train, and sometimes I had to wait a whole week to get training started again. I would suggest to increase the sugar capacity in order to fix that problem.
    6. People have suggested this, and yes I do agree with it. @Robert Sel has also mentioned that a player search can be added, which would also be nice to have.
    7. Haha! This will be loads of fun especially for high-level matches! I think it should apply for players above 4K infamy in the future (enhance difficulty). For example fog, rain, storm... Would be cool! Hopefully this will be added with maps that do damage to players (e.g. An erupting volcano that shoots damaging rocks)
    8. We'll see. It might be added.
    9. More commands... Sure! There is a thread about this so try and search it up!
    10. Not sure. I suppose dual tesla shields can be really nasty, but there is a way to counter them.
    That's all from me. Keep the suggestions coming! :D
  12. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017

    1) when upgrading items, requirements include parts of equal rarity and parts of lower rarity. But when scrapping you're only guaranteed parts of the same rarity as the item you scrapped. why not include guaranteed parts of the lower tiers? with the latest patch, common and uncommon parts take more time to accumulate and yet can be exhausted quite easily specially when you're tier-scrapping to get better power cells/cores. if upgrading, let's say, epics require rare, uncommon and common parts. Then scrapping epics should also give a certain amount of rare, uncommon and common parts as well as the current guaranteed epic parts.

    2) with the scarcity of power cells and the discontinuation of the scrapping event. getting hold of power cells become harder specially for epics. maybe you will consider allowing players to "DE-EVOLVE" their items?? this wouldn't really make sense for most but it does provide a little flexibility for those having a hard time gathering resources to upgrade/evolve their preferred items without completely sacrificing other items that they want to build up in the future. it's a little like the scrapping event but you don't completely de-evolve from T4 down to T1, you can choose to de-evolve from T4 to T3 and get back a portion or all of the parts/cells and evo1's you used to get to that point (but not the sugar nor the gold). i think this is a sensible feature to add and it doesn't really give anyone an advantage, just some added flexibility (sometimes you build up an item only to find out later that you don't like it that much and prefer to go with a different item). maximizing one item requires tons of resources and effort, and sometimes you can't really know how an item will work for your game until you upgrade it to a certain level. sometimes a player may decide that a certain item is better on another type of boat that he/she isn't currently using. This option allows a player to quickly reallocate resources without totally going back to starting from scratch while still having that unneeded item on reserve if he/she decides to level it up again for a different strategy.

    3) make last shots count: many times i've encountered 1 v 1 scenarios where me and my unfriend each made 1 last shot that would have killed each other but many times, the one who's weapon made contact first won because as soon as the last boat on 1 team dies, the winning team gains immediate immunity. please allow a 2-3 second delay after the last boat on 1 team sinks before declaring the winner. this additional delay will allow any last shot or mine blast to count. if this results in the "winning" team also losing all its boats then the battle should result in a draw. this does not affect battles that end due to the battle clock expiring.

    4) if higher captain levels provide better chances of higher rarity parts/items showing up at the shop and better reward battles then may i add that higher captain levels also give you access to higher level quests? the biggest reward i got from a quest was around 320k gold/sugar which i haven't encountered yet since the new updates. why not include tougher quests for even bigger rewards? we're always up for more challenges :) give out 500k and up rewards why don't ya? :)
    • some new quest suggestions include: "win X battles while fleet up", "win X battles while fleet up with a speeder/shooter/fixer/etc", "win X battles with your boat still afloat", "win X battles while fleet up with a guild mate", "deal X damage while fleet up, your partner must also deal X damage in 1 battle", "win X battles while fleet up, with your fleet intact (both of you are alive by the end of the battle)"
    • some really tough quests suggestions (HUGE rewards :) ): "win X battles by capture", "win X battles without a single casualty on your team", "win X battles with 3 stars each",
    • some class-specific quests: speeder/enforcer - "accumulate X seconds dealing stun/frost to unfriends", "cover X distance with overboost in 1 battle X times" fixer: "heal X points while dealing X damage in a battle, do this X times", "win X battles while keeping at least X friends alive", defender: "win X battles while absorbing X% damage versus your HP", shooter: "win X battles while leading your team in damage dealt" "win X battles while firing at least X shots in each battle"
    • exclusive fleet-up quests (different from the standard quests and different from the fleet-up quests i suggested above): shared quest with the same fleet-up partner (choose your partner carefully, once you start the quest with that partner, you can't finish it with other partners): E-Fleet-up quests are posted every X hours/day, player must choose fleet-up partner and both must activate the quest together (there is a time limit to the quest). some suggestions include: "destroy X boats together" (either you or your partner must deal the killing shot and each of you should have dealt damage/stun/frost at least once to that boat/target), "gain X infamy together" (2 ways to measure this, a) absolute gain {if you started quest with 3500 infamy, you can finish quest if you get 3700 infamy if the quest says gain 200 infamy} or b) accumulated positive infamy {if quest is "gain 500 infamy", you can accomplish this by just winning as much battles as you can within the time limit regardless of how many losses you have accumulated}), "win X battles while both of you remain afloat"

    i hope you guys will consider these suggestions :)

    Last edited: 30 Apr 2017
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  13. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017

    At the same levels, shooters are still outclassed by all the other boats by a huge margin. One simple adjustment can make a world of difference for the shooter's plight in the thick of battle - either you increase their turn speed significantly or increase turret turn speed (turret turn speed is more appropriate considering this ship class is called a "shooter"). what's the point of all them guns if you can't aim them fast enough? the only dev i've seen using a shooter is sircornedbeef so i don't know if everyone of you can sympathize with the plight of most shooters. the highest ranked pure shooter, last time i checked, was #25. would it really be so bad to try this one out? just put it back to the same as it is now if the shooter becomes OP (but i highly doubt it). Shooters should have the highest turret turn speed among all the ship classes.
    Last edited: 1 May 2017
  14. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Hello, me again! Seeing that a lot of new players are joining, I think that we need more features to have fun with. Here are 2 possible (might not be feasible, just a suggestion) "modes" I would suggest adding. :)

    1. Spectator mode -- Not the one we have already. This one allows us to spectate matches of friends, or just matches of anyone. Allows newcomers to learn more, and also have fun watching.
    2. Testing mode -- This should be a mode to test your strategies and check on how many damage you deal. Say there's a moving target, and whenever you shoot it it displays how much damage it took. Allows you to plan your builds and work on... Stuff.

    That's it. Wish these will be added in! :D

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