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  3. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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I pay $10/mo.. I don't feel like VIP

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Aquatic Thunder, 15 Jul 2018.

  1. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    Totally agree that £10 a month isn't worth it - I mostly use it for extra guild quest, faster retraining and no ads. But compared to other subscriptions, it's not great. VIP chat, from my experience, over the past 6 months, is basically the top 35 players roasting each other for playing like poo. OR roasting new players in NML for being trash. I barely contribute....CZ is much better, and that's saying something! :eek:
    Definitely feel there should be more benefit for VIP membership, whatever that looks like........
    ShipCrusherCz and wreck your day like this.
  2. ScrapKing

    ScrapKing Active Member

    7 Jul 2018
    If you"re not in nightmare your're simply completely ignored in VIP chat
    You must play a ton of games to make no ads worth 10$
    Free daily shop refresh is only worth 30seconds
    3guild quest is decent
    20%faster crew training is great unless you don't have sugar to keep training
  3. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    How about something like Free 50 pearls a day. Works out to 1500 a month. More is ok too ;)
  4. GarMel

    GarMel New Member

    22 Jun 2017
    Maybe additional perks is okay but having a vip shop will make the game more like a p2w.
    Big steel likes this.
  5. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    WOW 5K $ for the game. Then I wont feel bad the next time I'm blasted with 2 shots in the game. What you pay is what you get is true.
  6. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    OMG! Having a free re-roll, even if it were just once per week, would be so awesome! Especially when it comes to combining Epic and Legendary items.

    It’s so annoying having to collect pieces for months, only to get some useless item that you instantly scrap.

    It wouldn’t need to be difficult to implement either. Every time a ‘new’ item is created, it could get a timer (say 10-30 mins) during which time it gets a ‘new item’ status, which includes a re-roll icon.

    There is plenty of space in the UI to include this. For example...

    Obviously, you would only get one per week, so if you’ve already used it, it would be greyed out (so you can’t keep re-rolling). There is also space for a little clock (like the ones that exist in the shop).

    If you click it, it will re-roll the item for one of the same colour and rarity.
    Big steel, benguin8, *JAWS* and 2 others like this.

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