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How to use Carronade

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by XGF, 4 Jun 2017.

  1. XGF

    XGF Member

    11 May 2017
    I recently got a rare carronade,i was wondering how and on which ship should i use.
    I mainly use shooter mk.3 and fixer(I'm actually not using it until i upgrade to mk.3)
    So, any ideas?
  2. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Its like a shotgun, u need to be close. So id say speeder or fixer
  3. XGF

    XGF Member

    11 May 2017
    But with fixer you would change medium range dmg for close range dmg,is that worth it?
  4. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Id say no, but u were asking for fixer of shooter. Of them 2, fixer more viable imo
    Its a speeder weapon.
    TheEpicWarlord likes this.
  5. XGF

    XGF Member

    11 May 2017
    Okay thanks for the help
  6. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    Enforcer can use it too. The only one that really shouldn't use it over any circumstance is the defender. In the early game though, I wouldn't recommend using it. It's kind of rubbish in comparison with a standard cannon.

    I used the Carronade for the first time for my first match ever as a Speeder. "What could be better than the weapon Rovio gave to me as standard for this class?" Boy, was I wrong. I got right behind a Defender thinking it was going to be an absolutely glorious demonstration of what happens to a lone Defender in open water... I think the best way to help you envision just how ridiculous I looked while attacking him is to have you imagine the following scenario (Viewer discretion is not necessary, but you will regret the 2 minutes you wasted):

    A battle in the Pacific is raging and you see an Iowa class battleship on the horizon relaxing behind their battle line offering just enough support to make it look totally bada- uh, well... totally cool. You are a little patrol craft which you happen to (by miracle alone) get to firing range with your light weaponry. You believe you are in for the kill just when you realize your weaponry — when used against the Iowa battleship's God-only-knows-how-thick armor — is basically just sending them morse code for "Destroy me!" His monstrosity of a turret that fires shells whose mass is larger than your own ship starts to slowly turn toward you. "Oh crap," you screech, "whatever is a patrol with a weapon equivalent to a slingshot with Quartz ammunition supposed to do?" You think about that as his turret continues its cumbersome rotation. 30° left until you become part of the goodies that turret exports... 20°... 15°... "Run!" As you come to that conclusion, you have fired at the battleship 3 times to laughable effect. As you excersize the better part of valor, you forget the most important part of dodging! Serpentine! No no no, YOU (me) run away in a straight line since you are looking back on your doom! You hear a deafening boom from behind you. It was from the battleship, but it didn't get hurt or anything of course. Instead you watch as you receive your all expenses paid, one-way trip to the Mariana Trench.

    That is a parody of a Carronade user. If you try to do as I did in a match, you'll probably understand just how little of an exaggeration my story really is. =P
    Neptune_Gaming, monobrow and DB_ like this.
  7. DB_

    DB_ New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    That was absolutely beautiful, and sadly quite accurate. Carronade gets good later in the crew levels for its slows.
    Last edited: 5 Jun 2017
  8. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017

    Yeah, I noticed. I feel many of these weapons should be reworked so they could be compatible in all tiers. When I first saw that Carronade on the Speeder, I was thinking "A shotgun on the water?! Cool!" ... Just such a disappointment to realize the boring old standard Cannon is the all-round King in the lower tiers for just about every class.

    I understand how this is probably done on purpose to give everyone a smooth introduction, but come on, I don't want to have to wait until Mk III to have the weapon I've always wanted to use to at least mediocre effect since I first played the game.
  9. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Its only feasablr on a FAST ship like speeser. Dont listen to the guy that suggested it for fixer. Youll never be that close by design.
  10. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Learn to read the OP.
  11. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    And another thing..

    If you think ships dont get close to fixers.. like,, errr.. speeders, youd be wrong.

    Its BEST for speeder but viable on fixer, if not chosen.
    He only plays shooter and fixer.
    Its definitely not viable on shooter, that much we agree on
  12. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    In a typical scenario, you're right. However, if an Enforcer is coming in to assassinate you and you just so happen to have a Carronade with the turret turn rate and slowness debuffs, you have just single-handedly whooped an Enforcer while your team never even noticed him flanking. If you have debuffs on the Carronade, they will ruin just about any Fixer rusher. Especially if you can get someone else to attack while he is debuffed.

    Still wouldn't recommend for lower tiers though... You need to allocate nearly all talents and 100% pimp out your Carronade with perks and upgrades to really discipline them properly.

    Edited to add: Also make sure to look at the damage of the Carronade vs. your Cannon. I wouldn't recommend using the Carronade until it outperforms in damage by a long shot.
  13. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    So..... in the highly unlikely event that someday you MIGHt get abandoned by your team and have to fight a 1v1?? Really?? Youre going to outfit your ship for one specific scenario that has NEVER happened....?? Because what if?
  14. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Carronaid suck for fixer !! Period. Exclaimation point.
  15. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    You do not want to get close. As fixer youre going to keep your distance. You outfit your ship to fit your playstyle
    Not other peoples. I want to keep my distance, hide and use long rqnge qeapons on fixer. If youre alone and close, youve already lost.
  16. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    I quoted the OP. I read it. But wanted to clear up some bad advice given by some noob.
  17. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    Whoa whoa whoa now. If I'm detecting the tone in your posts correctly; with all due respect... you need to get on a low sodium diet, mate. You definitely won't have to deal with a situation like this all the time (refer to the first line of my post which says: "In a typical scenario, YOU'RE RIGHT.") I specifically said I don't recommend it in lower tiers though. If you are an MK III Fixer with overboost, pulse, repair box, and an FU (Fully Upgraded... Heh. Is that funny, or is that funny?) Carronade, you can afford being a little aggressive depending on the circumstance and — like I mentioned — the Debuff is very good to pop people with, even if it is very temporary. If you are in an MK II Fixer, it really isn't a good to idea to push.

    Yes it has. I didn't just pull it out of my stern. That's a little unfair of an assumption.

    So, is this a debate or a conclusion? I thought it was a debate.

    That's situational.

    So if he likes Carronade, whether it's particularly effective or not, why are you very strongly suggesting he not do it?

    You use the Fixer more defensively, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    If you're alone and close with a sniper rifle at low health against 2 opponents at half health or even 1 high DPS opponent at full health, you're correct. With an FU Carronade, over boost, and turbo you can easily spare with a slower opponent. I think you are severely underestimating the maneuverability of the Fixer if you have it set up with an Ambulance build.

    I love good advice, but a little more tact would be great...
    D3X and monobrow like this.
  18. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Tact? Like questioning my diet? I didnt bother reading that paragraph.

    You outfit a ship for what you want to do. IF you want to get close fine. But if youre getting close by design and playinf fixer then youre in the wrong boat dude. You do not outfit your ship for scenarios you dont wqnt to be in. How can ypu not see that?. I think youre being intentionally argumentative. Go troll someone elsewhere
    $eeKnDe$troy likes this.
  19. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    Haha, well I didn't mean to for it to be taken that way. I wasn't questioning your diet, I was just saying you sounded salty... Sorry if you took that the wrong way, I'll be more literal next time.

    I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'd like to have a constructive discussion about it.

    The point is that as a fixer, a lot of the boats that are most dangerous to a Fixer will make an effort to come to you. In later tiers, Fixer will get a secondary slot and it wouldn't hurt to have a Carronade with you. That's what I'm saying...
    monobrow likes this.
  20. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    You told me to get on a low sodiun diet. If that isnt questioning my eatinf habits then i dont know what it is. The point is, you hqve your team around you as a fixer. If aomeone has closed on you then theyre dead because your team will light them up. Ill say it again. Build your ship for what you want to do. MoST of the time you will be at range and dont want to be atuck with a highly situational weapon. Youll put out a lot more dmg and win a lot more games if you cater to YOUR playstyle and not low percentage , situational shit.

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