Tbh most of the ones saying this are ones coming from guilds who have almost all weapons at a decent level. Thats all good, But for those who dont?
I didnt want to bring this up but guilds in the current system would win if they have members with a wide cache of weapons (of high levels) and boosts on almost all the time.
And we dont have boosts on 50% of the time, we can of course afford the individual ×2 boosts more of the time and occassionally a superboost or get from generous guild members but it doesnt mean you'll neglect the boost criterion as the major guilds use superboosts all the time. And some of us prefer to save the pearls to buy epic chests and they are right in spending as they like, not everyone can get buckloads of pearls that they can spend on every new pearl spending feature the devs add.
Sorry for not replying to all individually, but here are my responses -
@Zusay : well as you like then, your opinion. Or maybe cause your faring better and wouldnt want anything to change so you guys keep winning.
@Tirth_2 : we got carronade users no problem for that. But again for those who dont, its a problem too yes.
And its not about comfort zone (am sure am not bad with any weapon and can be equally competitive) its about f2p luck.
Its not that i want a weapon and i'll get a high level/damage doing thing instantly. Thats something ones who pay can do. I cant just create a t4 rare ballpark in a day or a t3 epic (taking my case as example) for a quest i just recieved. Having an arsenal of all weapons of decent firepower is not easy in any way for a normal player. If you have its well and good for you, but you'll know the frustration when you and most of your team deal with the quests with low powered stuff. Even the spenders in our guild couldn't contribute much to the bp quest no matter how hard they try cause they didnt have decent ballparks due to rng of getting items even with spending. As i said, for those who do its well and good, for those who dont its fair you guys put yourselves in our shoes and see.
Rivalry should be fair, then its call right as its name.
This would be off-topic but for the last part of your first post here, Grinding for such quests isn't whats called actual 'rivalry' (there's good competition here too, but not in a balanced manner to seek how competitive each guild is). Make it like guild battles 5v5 and then call it. Point is make it fair and challenging in that way, not by some teams which can afford every item and surge through boosts. Am sure my team can thrash others as well as get bashed by other skilled guilds. Thats what real grind is to compete.
@Stelmo : Good idea! It'd be good for all guilds to have the same quests and the ones common to which both guilds can do (not easily, i want challenges too but do-able ones not struggle-able). And you pretty much said it all, the ones who can afford are the real winners cause they have a major advantage in that. (x5 of your efforts, what you achieve in 5 weeks, they achieve in 1 week if we think of it like that)
@yellowocean : I second that! Agreed in all points.
Also yes we can get players of different caliber for different items that randomly come up at quests, but for how long? This would lead to an everlasting change of members, and i would rather want a fixed family then a on-quest demand member shifting team.
I want to utilize everyone's potential because i know our guild is quite active (even before this whole raffle business started) and many others' out there too. But unfortunately we would be rather going for new members then, which is why i reasoned this as an issue in my post.
However, as you stated that would be the only thing left to do if nothing is done and your right in suggesting that.
Also thanks a ton for the data! Must've taken quite some effort and time, appreciate it

Your guild is wise indeed! I've also seen other guilds like UVN not pay much heed to buying boosts and all.
we'll revert to that instead of complaining here but i thought of giving it a try to see how this issue is tackled by the devs thinking that they might make this small change of fair boards and actually wanted a response from them but not until yet!
Sorry for the short post

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