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Give ships a speed boost or change mortars

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zachiderp, 30 Jan 2018.

  1. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I started playing on a mini and brought all my ships to mk2 and saw that mortars are extremely dominant since ships are slow. It's nearly impossible to dodge one with an uncommon turbo and you won't even avoid a center hit without one. The speeder is ok and enforcer and fixer need a nitro to dodge the center (mind you not even the entire radius). The shooter and defender jhave no other option but to tank it out, and seeing the levels of mortars players already have at 300 infamy, that's suicide. Either remove the mortar speed training at lower levels and add 2 more at higher training or boost the speed of ships across mk levels 1-4 with defender getting the biggest boost and speeder getting the smallest one but all ships should have speed in order from defender enforcer shooter fixer and speeder with speeder having the fastest base speed and defender having the lowest. This would also allow players to drop the turbo for other items (such as lube and rudder)
  2. yellow flash

    yellow flash Member

    4 Dec 2017
    If u will give defender a speed boost it will become OP and will cause a drastic imbalance in the game since it will have SPEED + very high HP which will make deadliest and it also have 3 red slot which will result in demise of speeder and speeder will become one of the most underused ship ( since evey boat offers high speed ) and the game will be dominated by defenders and if u have speed problem either go for speeder or a good turbo
  3. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I meant enough speed to dodge a mortar and ALL ships will get a boost. Defender will still be the SLOWEST ship in the game. And it would be nice to shift the meta once in a while, speeders have been dominating the game since the beginning
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    It takes about 1.5 speed to get out of all mortar rings. I achieved that on my shooter with dual turbos. Obviously there are trade-offs doing that but it allowed me to play a brawler strategy while mortars are still dominant. The only other alternative, really, is to become another bombardment shooter or to take it on the chin on the way in, kill your opponent, then get back out again for bandages to do their gig.
  5. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The trade offs are too major for most players. Dropping a shield or bandaid in order to move out of the way is a bit much and closing in only makes you even more of a target to the entire enemy team. What I proposed is that ships get enough of a speed boost so that they can dodge a but more of mortars and won't be forced to use a turbo on their ship
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I can't disagree that mortars seem to be singularly dominant in the lower infamies. My understanding is that that changes when all the ships start having high-end turbos.

    That statement right there makes one wonder about needing more base ship speed. If nearly everyone thinks a turbo is mandatory then perhaps turbos need to be toned down and base speeds up a bit. Game balance stuff is always tricky though so the most I can say is, "sounds intriguing".
    Zachiderp likes this.
  7. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    Mortars are one of the most balanced things in the game in my opinion. I’ve used all of them and they require skill in order to deal maximum damage, not like sniper for example-.-
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I think you should clarify at what level you're talking about. I understand they are pretty balanced at the higher infamies with faster boats. But if they were so balanced at lower infamies then why are they so dominant?

    My own assessment just from watching the players is that they like the fact that they don't really take much skill... not if the enemies are slow and you don't care about maximum damage. Usually people just seem to tap the fire button when the mortar becomes available. At least they get partial damage. On a sniper you get 0 damage for doing that.
    Zachiderp likes this.
  9. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    It’s looks like - remove mortars from a game.. or I leave))
    There is many map not for mortars.
    Every map have blind zone for mortars.
    Wave absorb damage from mortars.
    In close fight mortars are useless.
    So, if u stay in bad spot or your position perfect for mortars = it’s just your problem.
    Take crit by sniper from 44 m above 2,5k dmg it’s ok?)

    Note: if u think mortars op - take and use it.
  10. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Actually they are probably the LEAST balanced item in the game because at lower levels they dominate but at nightmare they are no where to be found, especially since the frost meta died.
  11. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Did you read my thread? I was buffing mortars. I said mortars were overpowered at LOWER levels because ships are way too slow to dodge them. You can't close in on mortar spammers because they have a whole team to back them up and most times my team won't follow me. I used a mortars before and it was too easy to deal a lot of damage without getting hit. And almost EVERY map supports mortars
    Also snipers are overpowerd I never said they weren't
  12. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    Don't worry, developers should have all the statistics.
    If you can't admit for yourself that you have chosen the easiest way, then of course you would post this type of posts.

    Battle Bay expert :D

    Low level ships are much faster.
    On low level infamy in fact there is no problem with mortars, because there are no shooters with 5-6 weapons, and people don't have learnt skills and weapons.
    But later there is a problem. Where are you going to move with your ship, if all the space near you is in red circles?

    Be honest guys, if you aimed on fast game progress - your choice is shooter packed with mortars. That is it.
    The only reason why other ships and weapons may be found in the game are the people, who came here for fun. Who look for diverse mechanics and gameplay.
  13. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I have 2 accounts and it is a problem at lower infamy since higher ships drop to lower infamies and spam them, its ridiculous. Lower ships have a higher BASE speed but their turbos and other gear are lower level which is why higher level ships are faster. Mortars dominate up until most ships are mk6 or have much better turbos (aka nightmare)
  14. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Ok, more powerful ship beat less powerful, will be fixed soon.
  15. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Um... what?
  16. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    When I drop my infamy due to doing the guild quests (I may drop up to 1000 trophies), I still have opponents with the same level of their ships.
    So I don't know why you have problem with your second account.. we need bigger statistics to understand the problem
  17. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Because matchmaking also takes into account Mk levels. You may not have a problem since you have a higher Mk but mine is mk2 going against mk3s up to 5
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.

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