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Getting shorted on gold/sugar

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Carl2801, 27 Jul 2018.

  1. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    exaggerate much?!? can anyone say whether rewards are up for losing or lower number of stars? I am not sure but maybe this explains the average being the same if the 3 star wins has dropped. My theory is you get more gold for a loss and so it averages out but that is just a guess can't get on game to check.
  2. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Same. I thought I am the only one.
  3. Viacheslav

    Viacheslav New Member

    25 May 2018
    what exaggerations? 2 battles in the screenshots, both 3 stars, but one before the update (and such awards have always been almost or even more), and the second after. now and always, even if I get more than all the stars and put more damage, then the prize I only get 35-36 thousand

    Attached Files:

  4. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Again, I don't know if this affects the rewards in any way.. But you faced harder opponents in your 40k gold battle than in your 31k gold battle. Your team had an infamy advantage in that battle, while the 40k one had even teams.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  5. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Miika might have checked the average based on event wins. Which is why he got normal results. The reward system is different in events than ranked. (I know this because once when I was under the -801 infamy system I still got good rewards in event but not in ranked).

    Either way his results are wrong and he needs to do more checking. I am not playing ranked but LITERALLY EVERY TIME that I check VIP chat there is always someone complaining about rewards nerfed. (Right now I just checked to see 3 people complaining. One being marauder)

    Attached Files:

    Reorge and Stalie like this.
  6. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    I am not saying the rewards aren't messed up as honestly it doesn't bother me but to say that just because you get a little less gold the game has suddenly become boring and you won't play anymore well I call bluff on that 1. it's not like you don't get any gold the amount has just changed slightly.
  7. Viacheslav

    Viacheslav New Member

    25 May 2018
    that's logic!!!) straight iron. before I was only met with a strong opponent and they gave me more than 40 thousand, and now I swim with a less powerful mk7 and I give less rewards. super!!!!!) Bravo
  8. Viacheslav

    Viacheslav New Member

    25 May 2018
    I do not receive from epic boxes on this account what I received on the blocked. there are successful accounts which falls very often with boxes and weapons and much more. at the moment for 4 months I even with the Assembly drops out the same thing for medic which I don't play. a lot of people are waiting for when it falls something good. again, on the other account dropped out a lot and often, and this is almost nothing. buy, well, no! the last ship cost me too much. and even awards cut, the balance of the curve, many have changed not for the better, now every second with the Golden gun)) used to pray that would have fallen out, and now...... bored
  9. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    made chart (simple excel file) and graph of my rewards (graph is only of my average for that day, but I am ofc able to make it for every single battle in my chosen period) for period between 23.7. (end of 5v5 TDM event, picked only battles that were in normal mode and in CTF mode) and 30.7. (today), 94 battles in totall, rewards are fluctuating little bit (if you ignore the huge drop caused by only one battle played, it's most likely caused by different win rate, it was 66% and 55% at start, the dropped under 50% and today, it is 55%), no sudden (if you ignore the inaccuracy caused by only one battle played) decrease of rewards, sudden decrease of rewards would be caused by change of algorithm
    chart of average rewards (gold, sugar etc.) and win rate for each day
    legend for the graphs:
    yellow-average gold per battle
    grey (or weird blue, I dunno, lol)-average sugar per battle
    pink-average coins per battle
    green-average stars per battle
    the enormous drop is caused by the fact, that I only played only battle that day and I lost it, that's why my average rewards for that day are so low
    whole chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ll4y93DFCIBt6vVt28qRQIWLNxNNhoGW/view?usp=drivesdk
  10. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    I've noticed reduced rewards in normal 5vs5 too, honestly you can't say lots of players suddenly decided to gang together to complain about a non-existent issue. Remember the days when lots of defenders complained about the magical "invisible hitbox"? The devs swore that there were no problems at that time too. Now don't tell me players are simultaneously experiencing another "imaginary" issue, that's the equivalent of saying all of us are mad.
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    And there wasn't. The hitbox of defenders has not changed after those complains at all.
  12. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I've finally accepted this as a lag issue.

    I've had several battles since those complaint threads where I have visually seen projectiles pass my ship and yet I took damage. I'd jump to replay and watch the same thing (projectile narrowly missing my ship and splashing in the water)...


    I switched the replay camera to "free roam" view with the 7 fingers method. While watching those shots that had seemed to fly past from my ship perspective, the free roam camera angle showed the projectiles actually tagging me.
  13. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Free roam doesn’t work for me :(
    Glad you found a solution though ;)
  14. BBayer

    BBayer New Member

    30 Jul 2018
    I noticed the reduction of the rewards too.
    Stalie likes this.
  15. skv1256

    skv1256 New Member

    31 Jul 2018
    Miika, does battle rewards depend on gear score (of either all players, or oppenents or any other way)? If yes, then that is the way people are getting lower rewards now (for example, my gear score dropped for those 20% which were mentioned by someone above, and probably win rewards got lower by rather similar value)
  16. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Battle rewards do not depend on gear score in any way.
  17. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Yea I wrote them about that. They gave me some double talk. All I know I a great player and I get most kills and point yet no stars. The last update they seem to be penalizing the good players because of crybabies
  18. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    They changed scoring to penalize good players because people were complaining (crybabies)
  19. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    speaking of crybabies……. :p
    seriously that's 2 threads you've posted on with no info about what you are talking about just some random rant about how good you are yet you go on to describe you playing the game the wrong way oh the irony!
  20. Poo Pow ur Gone

    Poo Pow ur Gone New Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Handicap is crap. Sorry I mean I get mist kill and points yet no stars that not a handicap but rather a robbery.
    Why fight to get good if u get penalize

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