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Games Similar to Battle Bay?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Netsa, 28 Aug 2017.

  1. Capitan Defender

    Capitan Defender Well-Known Member

    3 Mar 2018
    defender's heaven fields
    In a galaxy far far away called Bulgaria
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    it's funy but app size is bad (it's too big for mobile game)
    you can play pubg alone (I do it and it's still funny), it's not p2w as BB (actually you can't pay for any advantages) but you must be lucky to find good items
    played war robots but it became too p2w for me after few last updates
    got really far in C.A.T.S. but it's really repetetive

    I would recomend world of tanks blitz (it's p2w until you get to end-game) or pubg mobile (is funny and chalenging but you fully rely on RNG) or maybe world of warships blitz (I registered in beta so I got Aurora cruiser) but it requires brutal grinding to get to some higher level, mobile legends is good but they are ading new heroes to often so it's hard to get them all and you need skill, grinding and good internet
    for me really funny is 'first strike' shortly-you play as country (USA the easiest, south korea the hardest) against computer controled countries, your goal is defeating them in nuclear war (name...first strike meant as first nuclear strike) it's RTS and it requires strong device when you launch 50+ ICBMs:cool: few tips if you are interested: always keep researching (gives you advantages for example warning before rocket impact, smaller build times, you can see trajectory of rockets) and have good amount of cruise misilles for defense but also build ICBMs and IRBMs for attack, picking right superweapons is important

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