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Game data usage. Rovio pre downloads ads whether you watch it or not #2

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Stalie, 26 Dec 2017.

  1. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I have to go to bed.
    How about this one:

    Non-VIP, enemy is visible less than 20s into the game, when the enemy speeder gets too close.
    (@42s into the vid)
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  2. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Yes, they got nose to nose and appeared. Does not change my daily experience of this game though. Every battle is 3.5 to 4 minutes long.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    That's real long. Also, you're a global launch player... Ace2-Ace1? Well, a good sniper can blindsnipe when he sees the launch bloom of a torpedo. I could do it back in Master 3, and it worked. Almost guaraneed crits if you could pull it off.
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  4. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    I was here before the launch. And I was in ace 1 before rollback. I can use all my weapons quite well.

    Also, it’s supposed to be a five minute game. It almost sounds like you are saying “that’s enough for you “

    Bottom line is vip players have a faster connection and less data usage, and it gives them a huge advantage that only increases the more games you play.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, I'm not. As a speeder, I lose track of time, sadly. And I believe you. All I'm saying is, expert deadeye snipers exist who can for-real shoot using a pulse or a torp bloom as a reference point.
    Mr. Chompers and The Otherguy like this.
  6. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Which means they have been shooting at invisible players so long that they have simply adapted...you are making my point for me.

    I dont bother with that because I always have a torpedo handy and they are best for spec shots.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Oh, wait, that is not the point. Vision works as programmed. If they can see you, you can see them, yes. But what I'm saying is, they can, without actually seeing targets, shoot accurately. It is not a bug, simply the use of clever strategy and godlike accuracy.

    Ads do NOT affect this, this is just perfectly normal.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  8. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    Their weapons have a higher range than yours, then.

    TBH, all this feels like is you trying to one-up @The Otherguy anymore. Both of you, cool your jets!
    The Otherguy likes this.
  9. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    That would carry a little weight if you were a dev, but i admire the confidence with which you make declarative statements.

    My experience of the game remains unchanged.
  10. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    I dont enjoy this at all. I would much rather be playing. I’m not trying to one up anybody just get through to them. If I thought they were unable to understand, or were simply close minded I would have given up a long time ago.

    I would not want to engage the unfriends in the first minute of the game anyway... because “Restaurant Champion” video is still loading so i’d Get my ass kicked.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Okay, then, if you won't listen to good reason, I'm leaving.
  12. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    It’s not reason was my point... it was just a blanket statement that you cannot possibly know is true or not.
  13. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    Have you noticed that you havn't changed your mind at all ether? Even when presented with a good reason to change ideas, and realize what the other person is saying, you blatently ignore it and keep going on with your idea. I'm sorry to say, but @The Otherguy was showing some of that too. In fact, most people on this fourm have shown this, probaly even me! Heck, most humans are like that now. I can't wait for the oportunity to move to Mars in about 10-20 years and get away from humanity.

    P.S. i'm sure @Stalie wouldn't want her thread to evolve into this, so this and what I said above means i'm packen' my bags and LEAVING... this thread.
  14. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Had you showed me that statement (link please?) instead of implying my shooting was not godlike (just kidding, there’s no disputing my mad skills) you might have saved yourself some trouble... it only took me six hours to get an answer...

    Great job everybody!

    In all seriousness though... people do wink out in the middle of a dogfight, sometimes right beside me. and keep shooting me. I would not make that up, nor am I a troll. I only made this forum account to campaign against the outrageous infamy punishment embargos that are destroying this game. Once that is resolved i hope to go back to lurking.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Agree wholeheartedly with the anti-embargo petition here, something more concrete needs to take it's place and ideally, no innocent players should get caught in the crossfire.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  16. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    So I researched my “conspiracy theory ‘ as a certain MVP suggested in a post that mysteriously disappeared... and found this.

    When you watch an ad it then starts downloading a new ad on the background while you are playing the next battle hoping it’s ready before it is needed.

    That is cut and pasted from a dev... directly contradicts your phantom statement.

    “The less a person makes declarative statements, the less apt they are to look foolish in retrospect.”
    — Quinten Tarantino.

    I tried to warn ya, but you chose to take umbrage rather than hear me.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Mea culpa, I made a mistake here (though I think some things should just disappear without a trace, if I delete them). So you are on a connection this slow? I still disagree with the whole "The lag limits my vision as well" thing, I've been in those conditions back in the day. Also, looking back, I might have adopted a veeery agressive stance, I apologize, it's just that when I think someone is trolling, I get really angry.

    @Miika , comments?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  18. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    I’m sure that after a couple of posts I became a little contentious myself, but it’s just doing business, nothing personal... it’s pretty frustrating when you relay a personal experience and two people spend so much effort trying to contradict me point by point rather than address my concerns... makes me kinda feel like a troll when all I want is to have my point of view understood.

    I have been noticing less and less of the cloaking device like phenomenon since I’m currently on a decent connection (and possibly the last update)
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Alright, the misunderstanding began when I thought you were being a troll, which you weren't, so I apologize and hope you understand. I'm literally all over the forum, so I run into a lot of trolls, makes me a bit touchy, hope you understand. Also, I tend to avoid playing at all when I'm not on 4G, we have bad internet in India. When on 3G though, I get teleportation, lag, and rubberbanding, so ya, I think, at about 400ms or so, you might run into about .5 seconds of visibility lag.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  20. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I'm sorry the game has not managed to make it clear to you how the visibility mechanics works but I can assure you they have absolutely nothing to do with ads. The videos you linked show completely normal behavior. You don't see enemies until they are close enough, or somebody else from your team sees them. Whether you are VIP or not does not affect that in any way. It's not even technically possible for the ads to prevent visibility to other ships.

    Also, the bandwidth consumption of ads have been totally blown out of proportions. If you watch an ad after every battle then they can easily consume significant amount of bandwidth. However, if you don't watch ads they get downloaded and cached once. Not after every battle. Bandwidth usage of that is quite small compared to the traffic generated by the normal game play.
    The Otherguy likes this.

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