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Fixer and stars..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gnarlymilk, 19 Jul 2017.

  1. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    The last pic was similar to the battle I had earlier. The differences are the top damage dealer in my match did about 5K+ and everyone was 2-3K, including myself. I am at half his infamy for my contribution was a lot for that match to get 1 star while my teammates all got 2.

    I had speculation from the other threads why fire weapons do good in calculation for stars. Here it is again. Every time when the unfriends got burn after getting hit by fire weapons, it's counted as a hit. So if that player burns for 15 seconds, that's 15 hits for 1 shot. Including that with being hit for high damages while burning from other teammates and you get a really favorable calculation for fire weapons. That's really not fair to healing points because 1k healing points can help a teammate get another 2 rounds of weapons off. That's dealing a lot more damages than a fire weapon.
    behumble likes this.
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yes i agree.
    Its just very frustrating....
    I work hard to help my team mates. I am at 2500 infamy with only a mk4, and im using only rares and uncommons.
    I fleet with players i can rely on to do great damage and be team players.
    And many times, a battle seems like its going downhill, but i stick with it. We win because i dart in and out of battle to heal others, do my dmg and stay alive. My fleets often say, awesome play bh, and I thought i did well too, but i only recieve one star. I follow attacks. Is that why? because i can only do a hit with cannon every so often and i focus on one player. so my dmg is not spread out or a lot. But i do heal!!!
    And honestly dont want to complain about it. but stars are too crucial for me as a non paying player.
    Star crates are my chance of getting rares. Yet even if i play 20 battles a day, i only get one star crate. It its really halting my progress. I understand why people would want to lose infamy so they could get stars again T-T
    I really need even just one rare fixer item, i had to buy all my fixer rares because i recieve so few from the game.
  3. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    @behumble I am 1 captain level below you, have 3 MK4s (Shooter, Speeder, and Fixer), and use mostly uncommon and rare items too. I don't know if I can get to 2500 infamy but 2K seems doable to me. Actualy, should be around 1600 to 2K with all the firepowers I have on my Shooter (Rare tier 2/3 weapons and Epic lvl 10 big torp). I chose to stay around 1K to 1300 infamy because my 5 years old son also playing with my account. I was thinking by the time I get to captain level 30, I'll stop him from using my account and go up then. It's fun just doing battles right now. I love playing fixer but I never got anything above uncommon for healing. I got a rare duct tape but scrapping it right away. Oh well, I don't plan to rise in league play so it's not hurting much right now.
    behumble likes this.
  4. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Haha i dont blame you for scrapping the duct tape.
    yeah that makes sense, glad you guys are having fun!
    If you ever get serious we will have to fleet haha
    TVNPryde likes this.
  5. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    The fact is that we don't know the "secret sauce" formula for stars calculation. We may infer how it is done and for practical purposes let's use your last image to exemplify it:
    1. El comandante did 4410 dmg and 4224 healing, for a total of 8634.
    2. You did 2277 dmg and 6213 healing, for a total of 8490, only 144 less than El comandante.
    3. That should give you both 1 star.
    4. Because El comandante used a flare gun, the shots made at the unfriends he put on fire, also counts towards him. Could be on numbers of hits per second for the fire duration or the fire perks the teammates may have. This we won't know, as no data about it is shown.
    5. Killing an unfriend counts somehow in the mix. This I'm not sure is taken into consideration as there are plenty of times I had 3 stars and 0 killings and others I had 2 or 3 killings and only 1 star.

    So, my advice to you is to tryout different setups. Change the cannon for thorps, mines, blast canon, mortar, etc. Your job is not to finish the unfriends, your job is to support the damage dealing teammates. As long as you do that, I'm pretty sure you will get constantly 2 or 3 stars.

    behumble and El Comandante. like this.
  6. El Comandante.

    El Comandante. New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    In my humble opinion, I think you need more speed and change of weapon, the cannon is not contributing anything to the team, I would change the shield for another turbo, speed = life. What speed do you have 1.2? I need at least 1.3 to feel comfortable, right now I am 1.34 and I am very happy. ( And my turbos are blue and green )

    Besides fixing what more you bring to the team? What training do you have more advanced? Bhurt for the canon do you have the bonus on fire? Shoot everything that you see in fire so you win bonus, but it would be a lot of work fixing and doing damage with a canon that charges every 5s. With a fire bomb or napalm or flare gun you gain more bonuses for fire and you do not have to worry so much about shooting, you just have to put the fire mark the enemy for teammates, no matter that it is level 1 and do not do much damage, the bonus and the contribution to your Companions is the same level 1 or level 50 fire weapon, what matters is that it lasts a lot, 12 or 15 s so you contribute more and you have more free time to heal
    NAN0NAT3R and @Climax like this.
  7. El Comandante.

    El Comandante. New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    We see this pic, very fast battle 1 or 2 min masacre. 500 damage 900 healed, 3 stars, it seems ridiculous or just ramdom stars, but it is not,The 900 healed was for Allan Wal I know it's good player and I went with him and the 500 damage was 4 shots to 4 different enemies but the comrades shot them fast when they saw the fire. That gave me the 3 stars, 4 enemies killed thanks to the bonus that I gave the partners, the damage was little but the fire gave a lot of bonus to the mates IMG_2640.PNG
  8. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    If we can ever truly understand the ingredients of the secret sauce, I am sure they will just change it. It is too dangerous for us to understand the intentions of the benevolent makers. All hail!

    I have received 1 star after doing massive damage and massive healing. No one came close. But I am sure I deserved it and no more. Who am I to question?
  9. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Thanks for the advice! @Helius Maximus and @El Comandante.
    ill mess around with a few set ups and see where it gets me.
    I have a lvl 10 epic torp that i try and use, but not with much luck, takes a lot of time to aim for me and even the miss lol, so props to u for using it.
    and i tried fire bomb as well, have a lvl 20 rare, but it also takes too much time to find a target, lost a lot of battles.
    I will definitely give the turbo a try, but i have never gotten a rare one. just bought my first, so if i get a duplicate i will replace.
    My speed is pretty slow...1.05 haha
    Last edited: 20 Jul 2017
  10. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Check this screenshot out, further evidence that @El Comandante. has indeed found an efficient way to game the star calculation :)

    It would have made zero difference if I had been afk the whole fight and yet 3*s :) Guessing burn bonus is a tad overrated @Miika (?)

    behumble likes this.
  11. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    This post made my day lol.
    Just had another crushing one star, where I swear i was the lifeline to the whole match as the only fixer and doing 17k healing as a mk4.....obviously had to stay back so I wouldnt get killed (was being heavily targeted), and got one star. one star. T-T
    Miathan likes this.
  12. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    You really need to ditch that standar cannon mate. You are insane if you think doing it the same all the time will get you different results...
    behumble likes this.
  13. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Well. Cannon works really well for me. Just not for stars apparently. You are right i suppose, i will use my firebomb from here on out.
    So, if cannon basically does nothing for me for stars, it singles out healing, which apparently means nothing as well.
    Should healing matter more? I think so....
    Sorry for being insane, its gotten me far in this game :)
  14. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    I had the same mind set as you when I had my loosing streak at 2.3k. Back then I had 2 standard cannons, one rare and one epic T2, and a rare Berta T3. That set up got me far and fast, but then to a halt. I was reluctant to change the things that got me that far, but my guild teammates @Telas Alfonso and @Kofy did for me what I'm trying to do for you, and that is to tryout different setup, none sense setups if you will, but that may work for you towards the goal you want to achieve. Maybe you just need to change a little bit or maybe a lot, but the key is always change, or evolve if you must.

    behumble likes this.
  15. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    yeah, thanks bro. Definitely think its time to change up my load out then :) Not looking to be a stickler about what I use now and get stuck.
    Luckily just got my third rare firebomb too....is it just me or have those been ridiculously more popular these days?
  16. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Frost, fire and stun...the love is real.
    behumble likes this.
  17. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Honestly if my speed was high enough id run frost launcher and fire bomb....
    Thatll show em
    Totoro likes this.
  18. GoGoPop

    GoGoPop New Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Yeah I can confirm another good fixer combo is the frost blaster/big torp combo. I got 3 stars and ZERO damage twice with just heals and freezing. Sadly I don't have pics. Since I got the legendary rail gun, 1 star matches all the way. My infamy jumped from 2k to 2500 because burst weapons are how matches are won, but I miss those stars so bad. Maybe when I'm grinding gold/sugar I'll bust out that setup.

    Edit: NOPE! Not survivable with freeze and big torp. I need that overboost too much. Guess I'll just settle with less stars from now on.
    Last edited: 21 Jul 2017
    behumble likes this.
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The star system is just stupid. @Miika posted before that your heals have to heal someone who does damage to contribute. I think this absolutely stupid, for one simple reason: you can't control who takes damage! If only the bad players are taking a ton of damage, and I fix it all, do I somehow not deserve stars? If I let them die, the good players would have been attacked instead, and we may have lost the match because of it. Just had another example of this dumb system giving me a single star even though my team would have never won without me.

    behumble likes this.
  20. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Not true, for a defender to get 3 stars, they have to win, do decent dmg and still live at the end of the game.

    The speeders need to kill atleast 1 ship and live. The shooters need to do max dmg, get atleast 1 kill and assist (Do some decent level of dmg to ALL ships).

    This isn't confirmed official information but merely my observation from playing all 3 ships. I do not know the requirement for enforcer cause I don't play it.

    All ships need to do their fair share to get 3 stars. It's not easy for any of us. Many times, I do the most dmg and kills and still recieve 1 star lesser than some player who has done 1k lesser dmg than me.

    I agree that it's harder for the fixers than the rest of us cause irrespective of what the other ships do, we don't need to aim and
    fire at our teammates as well as our unfriends.

    Cause of the sheer complications in playing fixer, they need to have it more easy for stars and rewards.

    But my point is, we don't just need to do dmg to get 2 or 3 stars. We need to get kills, do dmg AND assist (Either by doing a big part of the dmg without killing them or by supporting them by frosting/burning them, frosting/burning doesn't get you the assist unless somebody got a critical hit with a blast cannon/torp)

    And ofc you have to do all this and win or 2 stars is the most you'll get despite everything you do.

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