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Fixer and stars..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gnarlymilk, 19 Jul 2017.

  1. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    100% fixer here, from day 1. Tried others but to me the fixer is most fun. What I don't get is why healing does not get you stars.. I mean yea a win guarantees 1 star, but I have done over 11k healing with a little damage (like 1k), my healing was 2x the top persons damage on the team and I got 1 star, and the top damage dealer got 3 ?? For argumentative sake lets just say OK, Damage > Heal/damage.. ( haha bull, but lets pretend ) wouldn't one think OK the healer did his job he gets at least 2 stars and the Awesome Buff Damage guy gets 3! ..Personally I think i should of got 3 but hey I would be just fine with 2..

    Now for those that want to say Damage > Heals, Healing is EZPZ, anyone can heal, bla bla..
    1. Fixers have to constantly chase down teammates spamming SOS,most don't even yell SOS they just expect heals.. Rarely does someone in need of help come to me or even meet me half way. They just expect heals to arrive.
    2. Fixers have low armor and many times are targeted first. Setting up position and re positioning is key to help the team and survive.
    3. Not only do fixers have to keep the team alive they have to keep themselves alive.
    4. Fixers do damage and heals
    5. Self heals do not count towards total healing tally. If they did I could understand getting less stars.

    Help fixers help you !
    Miathan, @Climax and behumble like this.
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Here are some recent threads discussing what you have brought up

    And here is the link to the fixers union which also mentions stars among other fixer info

    Please check them out and tell us what you think :)
    Last edited: 19 Jul 2017
    Kitterini and Wishaal like this.
  3. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    lol I knew I couldn't be the only fixer that thought this way : ) Thanks
    behumble likes this.
  4. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yeah @Lightsoutokyo and I are strong believers that fixers dont recieve enough stars, or get credited for healing enough :)
    Devs data shows otherwise lol.
  5. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Ye Skimmed through the other post saw a admin reply saying the data shows we are on par...lol looks like fixers continue to get the shaft. Oh well im not switching.
    behumble likes this.
  6. El Comandante.

    El Comandante. New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    3 star is team work, contribution to the team and victory, mk1 fixer get 3 stars only fixing, but wen you are mk 3 + you have more items and captain training and you have to help more the team not only healing, If you win only 1 star is because you could have contributed more to the team with your yellow objects and the training you should already have at certain levels
  7. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017

    I don't expect 3 stars all the time or even most of the time. I think a lot of the time I should get 2 stars. By the way I am a Mk4 with no yellows in fact I only have blues... So if if what you are saying is correct, every class besides fixers just need to do damage.. but as us fixers grow we need to Heal, Keep the team alive and do damage?? just to hope for 2 stars? Seems totally lop sided lol..

    FFS FINE don't make heals on the same structure as damage but shit, if someone does 2x heals compared to damage that should warrant 2 stars lol.
    @Climax likes this.
  8. @Climax

    @Climax Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Mk3 fixer. So far I don't remember getting 3 stars. Apart from all the given points does it also depends on the heals and damage we do within certain durations?
    And what is your average heals and damage as a fixer?
  9. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    As a fixer to get 2 stars it appears you have to do a lot of damage and heals.

    As far as max damage and heals I have done per game my most was about 13,000 heals and 2 k damage. But that depends on the game - Had a team that knew how to use a fixer and got lucky with my blast cannon shots :)
    @Climax likes this.
  10. @Climax

    @Climax Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Recently I got an epic cannon and I use that one.
    So far as a fixer, yesterday's team was the best not 'cause I got my most heals and damage (7500 h & 2k d = 2 stars -_-') 'cause it was an amazing team so was the unfriend team. Don't remember whether we won or lost, it was fun! :)
    I need to do more heals and damage or for better heals I'll start healing them from the beginning... Ah I feel so dumb for figuring out this late:eek:.
    Any tips to be a better fixer? And yeah in the blue slot should I go for turbo/ shield or bandage?:cool:
  11. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I put some links in the thread, second comment, click on fixers union lots of helpful stuff.

    Also there is a recent post called "dos and donts" by wishaal, def check that out i posted some fixer advice there
    @Climax likes this.
  12. @Climax

    @Climax Member

    12 Jun 2017
    Thank you:)! I'll check it out ;)
  13. El Comandante.

    El Comandante. New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    IMG_2635.PNG IMG_2638.PNG IMG_2639.PNG IMG_2640.PNG IMG_2641.PNG Mk4 you have 1 yellow, you can use overboost to cover more map or tesla bolt - frost and win bonus, you have a weapon you have to do a minimum of damage according to the level you are, as you rise from infamy requires more contribution to the team, you have To use all your potential to the maximum, if you do not have time to heal and shoot is better a weapon of time damage like the flare gun, napalm or fire launcher and with these weapons you gain bonuses from your comrades..... dont be a fixer camper hidden and healing, dont be afraid of geting damage in the front line, be smart and run wen you hace to run, is not how much you do, it's where, wen and how you do it
    NAN0NAT3R likes this.
  14. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    look bro, i do around the same healing and dmg as u and get 1-2 stars.
    I overboost all around
    I cover my team mates with fixer magic.

    But you have a legendary flare gun, lucky bastard. Flare guns give extra dmg to friends that have fire dmg perks. and it is lasts like 15sec i think. That is what u r getting 3 stars from
    JJf likes this.
  15. El Comandante.

    El Comandante. New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    You dont see the pics ?.... 650 damage, 1200 damage, 547 damage, my flare gun is 1050 damage 16,2 s, clearely you can see i dont use almost, that damage is like half hit...im just trying to help bro, but ok if you say so.. is the legendary that gives me 3 stars....
    behumble likes this.
  16. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    IMO its the type of weapon used. Using napalm, in the games mind = more contribution even if it does min damage. From what I read covering the map more and using over boost also = more contribution. However Again all that being said I think Actual heals / the amount of healing done is converted into less contribution that anything else.

    I have wanted to build a napalm for a while now and this confirms it, im going to do it now.
  17. Aamos

    Aamos New Member

    13 Jul 2017
    I play mostly healer and use frost blaster as my yellow item. I've been noticing that I get more stars when I succesfully use that frost. I usually don't t do much damage in games, I try to get a shot here and there but mainly try to heal and freeze so my team can keep shooting those freezed ships.
    This playstyle has gotten me 3 stars several times but in those games everything went like it should, meaning got good heals, some damage and freezed ships that then got hits from team.

    Then there are those other games where I think that I didn't deserve even that 1 star from victory :p Just to balance things I quess :oops:
    El Comandante. likes this.
  18. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    It is not the type of weapon, is the contribution you do. If you heal more than one teammate, if you call the targets, if you do shoots even with little or lots of damage to more than one unfriend, that will give you more than 1 star. In the end it is how much did you contribute to win the match. Of course with Napalm is easier to inflict damage to several unfriends at once, but same thesis applies to mortars, thorpedos, cannons and flare guns as long as you hit more than one unfriend.

    Here is an example using T3 epic big thorp:

    Edit: In the case of using fire or frost weapons, the damage done by teammates count as a contribution to you, ergo more probability to gain 3 stars. That is why it is a good idea to use those kind of weapons, but it is not the only thing to consider.
    Last edited: 19 Jul 2017
    El Comandante. and behumble like this.
  19. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    The devs really need to redo calculation for the fire weapons. Only give them the credits for extra damages from fire, not the whole damage.

    I had a quest this morning for 6.5K healing. I did it in 1 battle (6.8k and 2.2k damage). That's 9k double 3/4 of my teammates. I got 1 star while everyone else got 2. 1 of my teammates only got 100hp more than me. There was no fire weapon in the game. So yeah, healing doesn't count much in star calculation.
    behumble likes this.
  20. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yes i see the pics. Sorry if my comment sounded rude.
    Im saying that your flare gun helps other players do more damage. That damage counts as your contribution, but doesnt show up by your name for dmg stats.
    @Helius Maximus just showed he can get 3 stars from torp. It also does dmg to multiple unfriends.
    Also, i do frequently target, send together, respond to help, and stay with team. Still 1-2 stars.
    Of course, i use cannon, so only 150 dmg, doesnt help other players do dmg, but it wins me games. however winning games doesnt get me star crates.

    HELP me understand why I win much more often using cannon, but stats say i dont even do average contribution?! for healing twice the amount of top dmg?! and doing around 1k dmg myself??? .-.
    I agree. Tried fire bomb out and i was getting 1 star every loss and 2-3 stars for wins. However, i lost a lot of infamy, its just not a good weapon for me and cant help finish off opponents as well as cannon.
    @El Comandante. @Helius Maximus
    I have posted many pics on other threads, but please look at these. Tell me if it makes sense.
    Now this first pic was my first 3 star win in, say, 50+ games. Probably more.

    The second pic is what i normally get if im in a win streak. This was my most recent win streak. This is how they all go.

    This last pic is the last battle from the win streak

    I was not looking for battles that proved my point. That one star battle i can believe, but there are many that i do much more healing and even more dmg but still only 1 star. If u would like to see them let me know. OH HEY LOL el comandante you were in that battle! gg mate
    Last edited: 19 Jul 2017
    @Climax and El Comandante. like this.

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