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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    If I could, I would but people tend to believe I have "power" over the devs.
    They don't care about me. Period.
    About the frost thingy ? Told them mine wasn't working properly (on/off). They saw my battles. Saw there was something weird. Investigated the codes and fixed the bad coding. That's all.

    Message Rovio Customer Support maybe ?

    I'm just a player.
    Miathan and behumble like this.
  2. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    We get your whole TOS thingy why spam it all over the forum. What people over here do should least concern you for that matter! So maybe just try chilling at the bay?
  3. Concerned Citizen

    Concerned Citizen Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I am not upset that you sided with the non-farmers. I think it makes sense and I respect your decisions as I understand there must be harmony and balance between the F2P and the P2P communities for this game's continued success. My concern is that by coming out so strongly on the side of the F2P players, you have disenfranchised many of the farmers and some of the biggest P2P players in the game. The punishment is very harsh and removes all progress and rewards earned in the game in the last two weeks, both legit and farmed. I fear that if you do not take a more moderate stance and reach out to the very upset P2P community you will not see further investment from these types of players. Taking away the rewards is fine, but stooping to the level of the trolls that are shaming and bullying the farmers now as they celebrate their victory is not cool. If you are not more diplomatic and take more responsibility for your mistake, you will alienate yourself from a lot of people that are very active, have spent a lot of money, and genuinely care about this game.

    In short, please don't make a scapegoat of your most profitable client-base.
  4. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Okay, so...repeating yourself doesn't answer the question I asked you after your last post.
  5. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Same applies to you why does any of this bother you when you got your fajr share of 42k tokens?
  6. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Thanks for your concern but dont think people who have spend more that $10k on a game would need your help with how to read and write.
    Babablacksheep, Wishaal and Ovidmikel like this.
  7. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Man this thread is no longer used for feedback instead turned into a pissing contest from the players posting above me.
    acerbix, Ovidmikel and Bunta like this.
  8. magician

    magician New Member

    24 Aug 2017
    Babablacksheep and Arrow--> like this.
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I expect, players got a reward as an extra measure, to make sure they weren’t disadvantaged compared to exploiters.

    The players who didn’t get rolled back may have incurred a debt, but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily behind everyone else. They still get to keep all thier stuff, and it may take weeks for others to catch them up. During that time they will get to enjoy better equipment, higher infamy, etc...

    The reward is just an extra measure to make sure that the people who didn’t exploit the loophole, aren’t left feeling like the exploiters did better out of this, despite breaking the rules.
    BattleRascal likes this.
  10. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    It is what it is. No need for more "saltiness" from both sides.
    It's over. Let's all just chill and rekt each other in the bay.
    Some people said they quit but I doubt that and will come back eventually. =)
  11. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I propose you read riptides post just because YOU SIR think it don't make YOU RIGHT apperantly itunes disagrees with YOU SIR. Ado alto of other folks including me god day sir
  12. Concerned Citizen

    Concerned Citizen Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Sorry, I didn't see you responded.

    I think they ought to distinguish between the earned rewards. Bunny made a good post about what was lost that describes this aspect in full detail. It's as if all leveling, game progress, sugar and gold rewards for two weeks of playing are gone now. You may claim that that's fair but it wasn't explicitly clear it was an exploit or that it was against the rules until the announcement. Everyone was sincerely trying to determine this from conversations with admins and devs, but the responses were varied and ambiguous and unclear.

    My main point is that the community should do more to come together after this deep divide, and hanging the farmers is not the way to do it.
    MidnightXDawn and Bunta like this.
  13. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Exactly sir, u have the right to "request" does not mean u have the right to a refund..u hit the nail right on the head chief

    RIPTIDE Member

    20 Sep 2017
    U.S. Navy
    San Diego, California
    I said you have the right to request a refund!!!!! learn how to read.....
  15. zhinji

    zhinji Member

    8 Sep 2017
    It made me enjoy the game and made me stay late at night too hehehe everyone was active , how I wish they could come up with an event .
    Babablacksheep and Wishaal like this.
  16. magician

    magician New Member

    24 Aug 2017
    i only want this for all farmers
    "players who abused this loophole to gain guild tokens will have their token balance set to a negative amount proportional to the amount they gained.
    This means that any guild tokens earned after this will be used to "paying back" their "debt". Once the "debt" is paid, they can go back to earning guild tokens like everyone else."
    and i am totally happy
    Babablacksheep and Sir Fix-a-Lot like this.
  17. Concerned Citizen

    Concerned Citizen Member

    13 Oct 2017
    This place is for feedback on what happened, please stop spamming and picking fights under the guise of "warning" us all how it really is. The devs are perfectly capable of doing so for themselves and you are not their messenger.
  18. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    The point is EVERYONE is suffering from ROVIOS mistake age spent over 600$ on this game and too some I know that's not much . so I've paid for my gaming pleasure and alto of f2p . I only hopped from guild to guild finishing fixer quests. And would never did that except for ready.g this post. So call me a cheater who cares its just ridiculous to.pour salt on.top of wound spy rewarding players who did nothing AND PUNISHING EXPLOITERS ONE OR THE OTHER WOULD HAVE SUFFICED

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  19. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Is this not feedback? One side says hey rovio u are wrong because of this. Tbe other side says hey ppl they are not wrong because of this....but ill leave u guys to it, tbe devs are watching all these comments so maby they will chime in on the subject...one has liked the post i shared with the TOS so maby they agree with me....maby they dont idk :) good luck to anyone doing the refund thing, hopefully u do it in a lagit way and not a lieing way...if u do then hopefully u get punished for lieing also....again, that is all in the hands of the developers of the game. Best of luck to u all and hopfully yall take ur punishment and make the best of it and ill see ya in the bay :)
    acerbix, BattleRascal and Miathan like this.
  20. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    These "honest" players instead of providing feedback are just starting a flame thread, trolling, arguing and picking fight over these "exploiters". They act high and mighty over other players. The "exploiters" are already punished and you got your rewards, isn't that enough? why are you guys still salty about all of these?
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