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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, true. Time to kill it tho, don't you think? Love your fixer plays, btw.
  2. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    after reading the posts posted here the questions or arguments made by players
    after reading most of the post posted here in this thread ur queries boils down to 5 questions

    1.We didn't know it was a exploit?
    2. We lost the goods we earned fair and square by farming our quest board and we lost all those rewards earned from the battles we did?
    3. The punishment was too hard?
    4. Miscommunication on rovio part?
    5. Miika said this and that?

    seriously we didn't know it was an exploit?i truly find it hard to believe we visit forums every other day and this problem was posted by members on day 2 or 3 after the update launch.
    most of us started using this exploit when we saw those post and moreover we all have logical mind we did figure out it was an exploit thats why we used it didn't we?
    The forum community is 12000 members strong at least 8000 of us visit forums every other day we could have told our guild mates to stop this rest you can do the math 8000X 25 members the result would have been amazing.
    somebody compared rovio to government and players to citizens using this argument to shun rovio 's mistake. tell me if a govt brings a policy with a loophole and you exploit it, is your exploit valid? were you a good citizen. and if govt punishes you for that its not a valid excuse stating that we didn't know. we knew thats why we did it.
    example: Jordon belfort aka "the wolf of wall street" read his story.
    ans 2.
    yeah we lost goods we earned fair an square by farming.
    I just want to ask one question would we have played that much game if we were not exploiting quests?
    yeah we would have played games to help our quest but it wouldn't on the scale we did if we weren't exploiting the guild quest.
    ans 3.
    the punishment is bit harsh yes but rollback is justifiable. Now some of us will say we got this thing fair and square from farming so its not fair. but we did get those item pieces(epic/rare/legendary) , parts(epic /rare / legendary) and gold from selling perks which allowed us to get those perks and item in first place so the rollback is justifiable.
    What isn't justifiable is negative tokens rovio the rollback is enough punishment (as these people lost training time, item, perks, acquired there is no need for negative tokens as players will just throw their matches and will not work with guild as they don't have any goals to work towards too aka "rewards".
    ans 4.
    Yes there was miscommunication on rovio's part so they should provide a small compensation to player for the gold and sugar they earned from matches fair and square during this time
    and still this is no reason for exploiting the system read ANSWER 1 for further clarification.
    ans 5.
    @Miika comment made me do this.
    first of all that post doesn't state making new guild and doing easy quest and then move on and make another guild to exploit the system as okay or justifiable it was mentioned for guild mercenary idea that @yellowocean posted in his wonderful post of suggestion on guild quest and other ideas to make game better.
    2. @Ovidmikel pls post the whole pic nut just a cropped up version of it i believe the comment made by @Miika was under the context of guild mercenaries not this exploit asked by a fellow forum member
    Aamos, KRaZE and A55A51N like this.
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Their job to do it? How long are they supposed to take to deal with the issue? That's not something that can be done in a few days, meanwhile the exploit was still going on.
  4. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Ppl think rhey can just snap there dev fingers and its all fixed...it takes time and work ur right
  5. baysider

    baysider Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    wow dont care i quit for the same reason monobrow quit a while ago. i spend over 1000 usd and i dont get enough epic tesla overboost or flare to play enforcer. i got rare and epic blasr cannons enough for t5 but the rest is too expensive so i say good riddance to this nonstop money pit. i have given them more then they deserved i dont care for this greedy company that makes me pay for items i dont want to use and makes you wait months and months for training to use certain items. boring grindfest im done with it. too much time and money all for nothing was all work and frustration and notvreally that fun. i am glad it is over before i have to spend another 500-2000 usd just to have a decent nightmare enforcer setup and items are nerfed. goodbye battle bay i won’t miss you one bit.
    behumble, Babablacksheep and Arrow--> like this.
  6. aaazzzaaa

    aaazzzaaa New Member

    5 Apr 2017
    and who do you think will do it?.i dont know how long but i know Devs are better than doing "rollback" as punishment. My point is the Devs should focus only on illegal token accumulation and related to it. What about what we have accumulated legally like grinding for sugar etc..thats why in my first post im asking them to investigate it properly.
    MasterMind likes this.
  7. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    some other queries
    1. we will not spend more on this game
    we are leaving this game?
    2. conspiracy theory : a whale cries the developers listen?
    Ans 1.
    first of all we spent more on this game to get ahead of other people not because we loved the game or wanted to do some charity for devs and when developers bring an update that brings fairness to the game and it hurts us a little we start threatening them with money and making player base small by leaving thats bullying and is uncalled for.
    stop lobbying and take a minute to understand the update there is a clause in the update with states tha
    In this particular instance, if you claimed more than 2 full boards of guild tokens from the same difficulty during the same Rivalry (Guild Quest Week), then you are considered to have abused the loophole."
    pls read it carefully and understand it. more than 2 full boards
    hope you get my point.
    We should appreciate the dev were fair to the whole community and if any other cheating occurs in future they will be fair then too.
    Ans 2.
    this is just a nonsense theory just to take out an anger on devs.
    please stop spreading these rumours as they don't make sense because if devs thought like that they wouldn't have rolled out this update in first place as it affected a lot of whales too.

    PS: and lastly all of us who have posted the above two question we knew this was an known issue on forum but still did it because we were fearless as we thought rovio won't do anything but when rovio rolled out that notification few days earlier we got afraid and stopped doing it and now we want to threaten developers in rolling back this decision which is pretty bad on our part.
    all i all this punishment was fair except -ve tokens as explained in my other post
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2017
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  8. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    But I will leave investment when i know its not worth it. The people who invested would have left already, but as you can see the Title it's about feedback and they are giving one

    Bullying ssly, read the non exploiters comments please, a guy came to ask help for his legitimate big torpedo obtained by spending money [He was quite polite, wasn't against rollback, just wanted his legitimate claim] . He crushed by non exploiting bullies, considering that dev should have clarified it

    Don't be bunta's lawyer, he can defend himself. And BTW that topic has already been buried, why bring it back???. AND tagging bunta's name to get his like is just SAD.
    Fred91704 likes this.
  9. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    it´s very easy WHY not all of us did the exploit? because that was obvious not fair... and finish ... all this people crying it´s just ridicoulus.
    Crashedup and A55A51N like this.
  10. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I am being polite by saying stop spreading such rumors they just cancerous I am nobody's laywer that was uncalled for.i with remove the tag that is just sad u calling me a like hog
    2. Bullying yes lot players do seem that way i can name call them but it's not the right way and it's just makes those player guilty I am sorry for what other people did to the player who came asking for help with his big torp but u have to remember i was not one of them and i don't represent anyone.The qoute was for people who were doing it.
    3. If u are leaving them m sorry to see a good forum member go I don't know about how u play as I have not fleeted with you.
  11. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    its pretty sad that the battle bay community is divided into 2 fractions now.. farmer and non farmer.. some stupid retarded comments are flying around.. we farmers feel that the punishment is not being done right... and what the heck non farmers are doing? Commenting on every sh*t we farmers ask for? Farmers already got punished for the action and you guys are already rewarded. So stop being an A** hole and let us demand the punishment that We think is right
  12. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Forum is my life, i made good friends here. I m not leaving it always here to help.I left game genuinely, deleted it, but i will be on forums for sure TO SEE YOU GUYS PROGRESS

    Extremely sorry if i took you in wrong way. Sometimes you get hurt by players to such an extent that you loose sight of what's good and what's bad, sorry if I took that out on you. YOU MAYBE POLITE, BUT YOUR WORDS WERE PRETTY HARSH, YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR TAKING OUT ON YOU.
    Crashedup and Wishaal like this.

    RIPTIDE Member

    20 Sep 2017
    U.S. Navy
    San Diego, California
    I just want to make a point here.

    I chose to not farm yet I ended up with a negative rewards balance. Hence why I will fight Rovio until I get my rewards balance set to what I had. Which was only about 2k and some change. I did not gain anything but one epic perk so you know I played fair. Just because I went back and fourth from evolution and arctic armada does not mean I’m farming. I was trying to find a home after I left REVENANTS and I was trying to find which one was more comfortable. I made the decision to stick with evolution at the time because I could fleet with more nightmare players to accomplish quests for fleeted quests verses arctic armada who only had 3 nightmare players at the time. I got punished for this and I demanded a refund and Apple supported my case and the blanket punishment was not justified properly.
    zhinji, Ovidmikel, behumble and 3 others like this.
  14. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    By admitting to hopping I was very well aware of all the hate I might receive from non-hoppers. And I was also aware that lots of people who respected me would instantly lose all respect for me the moment I admitted to hopping. But that's ok. We made the decision to hop, so now we have to face the consequences.

    So please hang in there together with me. And try not to respond to the (Salty) non-hoppers. At this moment most of them are just blinded with anger and rage at us, so no matter what we say, they'll still think the same about us. Just give it some time, and eventually they'll forget it and become your friends again.
  15. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Not all non exploters are bad, FOR EXAMPLE KITTERINI, HE took a stand against cheaters and now that justice he is obtained he will be there to help the RIGHT.

    THE non exploiters you just saw here are trolls indeed. Search thier content out side this thread, you will see they mock people everywhere and are in denial in almost every single thread. Since you are new to community you might not know them very well. BUT 1 month ago i and Wishaal discussed in personal chat about which guys should be ignored in forums and Frankly, 90% of those mockers are here
    Cyn, Fred91704 and Wishaal like this.
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I feel likeu found my personal view pt was harsh I will remove it no point in making someone mad lol.
    I am a farmer like u guys and I believe the punishment was fair but what I don't believe was fair was -ve tokens that what I did mention in my first and second post.
  17. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Don't remove it, its fine . HAPPY to argue, if the conclusion is good (just like we came upon)
  18. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    I disagree. Mine example fits perfectly because basically u stole advantages from people (citizens) who got them fairly (donating or grinding looong time) AND the devs (government).

    Ur example is about stealing money (not paying taxes) from government only. Ofc fair government wouldn't punish thieves who stole ITS money only because of its mistake.
    But government HAS TO punish thieves if they steal from simple fair citizens (even because of governments mistake).

    And I wanna repeat one thing: in every MMO I've played people get banned for strong abuses w/o any announcements. No need in that. That's too obvious to be announced every time.
  19. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    We didn't steal from you guys. When i exploited my aim was to get better at what level i was and never during cheating did i think that o would beat rock n rolla by gaining more perks than him, by stealing what he deserved. I think you are pretty adept at using Canon and if had 2 or 3 epic perks better than you won't make me good at using them. WE DIDN'T EXPLOIT BECAUSE WE WANTED TO BEAT NON EXPLOITERS OR STEAL FROM THEM, WE EXPLOITED TO INCREASE OUR OWN PERSONAL LEVEL OF GAMING AND FRANKLY JUST LIKE YOU GAVE EXAMPLE, WE STOPPED STEALING ONCE THE GOVERNMENT LAW (GRIM'S ANNOUNCEMENTS) WAS PASSED
    Fred91704 likes this.
  20. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Yup indeed not everyone are bad.. but cant u see some non exploiter are giving their opinions which are unnecessary and i dont see what they are trying to achieve by doing it. Not constructive at all. Its like troll is in their blood lol
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