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Event Perks-Pieces and Guild Tokens-Rewards

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Nicolas, 24 Jul 2018.

  1. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    New players get a lot more pieces-perks-parts than what old players used to get when they started playing the game.
    They get rewards from events/guild raffle.
    When I started playing there weren't any event or guild raffle. u need a perk. we had to wait for a month to get a useful epic perk from the shop.
    The only way to collect Perks-Pieces-Parts was the shop.
    Now, u can easily collect "OP" Perks-Pieces-Parts from shop, events, and guild raffle.
    Players used to pay money to get these items. Now, new players get these for free.
    Why to spend money on gear in a game if it's going to be for free in few weeks?
    Now, newbies are collecting op weapons. They will be the next generation of sealclubbers.
    "Maybe" In few months, Rovio will give ppl legendary weapons for free to keep the game balanced for new players.
    In few months, they will get a fully upgraded gear for free. Again, to keep the game balanced for new players.
    What is the purpose of leveling up if we are going to get a fully upgraded gears?
    What's the purpose of common, uncommon, and rare items if we are going to get epic and legendary items?
    Are you sure that devs aren't doing a mistake here?
    Are you sure that the game isn't going to lose its popularity?
    It's already losing its popularity. A majority of old players left the game.
    The only solution:
    Rewards should be based on leagues.

    btw, maybe Rovio should improve common, uncommon, and rare items to keep the game balanced instead of blaming sealclubbers. Again, the rewards system is making this problem worst.

    • WarHawk •
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2018
  2. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Okay, now i see the problem you want to refer to. but imo its the Devs decision to have player easier to obtain Item (Perks-Pieces-Parts), it will be a problem however if Devs discriminate on to who they make Item are easier to obtain (for example newbie/veteran only are easier to get item) from guild raffle and may be shop.

    So first, about guild raffle. I don't have problem with in obtaining item through guild raffle. I don't know about other player but for me, event in guild raffle i rarely get the Item that i wanted. For example ,when there is BC damage perks, Epic Piece, Red/Yellow Legendary Piece in the bonus raffle in guild raffle, these are the item i really wanted for my setup. However i rarely get this item eventhough it is available in guild raffle. So imo, as you say we have more chance to get this item now, however it is still hard to obtain these item. especially if your setup only focus on few or specfic Red/Yellow/Greem item. imo opinion the problem in guild raffle are the free rider, those who dont usually contribute much to guild quest but they still can get guild raffle token, and some guild have strict rules if playe doesnt contribute enough they will be kicked but sometime they dont.

    Second, obtaining item from event. This event only offer legendary perk beside other part, perk, item pieces (again the chance to obtain legendary piece is only 1% and epic piece is only 20%). Previously it was easier to obtain legendary perk because after spending certain number of battle coin you will definitely get rare/epic/legendary perk. correct me if i'm wrong previously we have to spend 90 battle coin to get legendary perk. Now the Devs change the system (it is harder to get legend perks now). you will only definitely get a legendary piece if you have spend 900 battle coin. you can still get legendary piece but the chance is only 1%, so its like on 100 try (3500 battle coin) you will only get 1 legendary piece. Moreover, it is not easy to obtain battle coin especially with player who purposely decrease their GC and the system itself that seems not yet balanced that put player in event battle. To conclude now player have better chance to get good item, however it is still hard and unlikely to obtain the desired item.

    I disagree with the opinion that it is free to get legendary item. It is however, now you have higher chance to get legendary item from achievement reward. but that takes a lot of grinding. I still havent complete my second legendary item achievement because that is not my primary weapon. If i insist to grind to get other legendary weapon achievement which are not my usual primary weapon too much, i usually ended up losing infamy. This maybe doesnt apply to people who can use any weapon and already have a pretty good weapon to complete the weapon achievement. But in my logic, it is likely harder for new player to complete weapon achievement compare to older player. Why? because new player are highly likely (if it is not definite) to have low damage weapon to complete the weapon achievement. Older player however already have developed weapon with their rare/epic perks equipped. So yeah, older player still have the advantage here compare to new player.

    Lastly, if i'm not mistaken season reward are already different base on which league (Challenger, Warrior, Master, Ace, Nightmare) you are playing. for example Ace player will get Epic box Crate as their season reward, Master player get Rare box crate as their season reward, Nightmare player get legendary box crate as their season reward (Please correct me if i'm wrong because i know this from a youtube channel). So there higher league player have better reward in the system.
  3. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    So should be both event rewards and guild raffle rewards.
  4. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    For event, i disagree, event battle doesnt even affect infamy because its matched with GS. So why newer player shoulds be discriminated to have equal chance to get good item?. It is already random enough for every player to get their desired item and now you want to make more limit to newer player?, Seriously?. I like the event reward because it promote equal chance to get good item regardless of how long you have play the game.

    For guild raflle, im not sure if its right or wrong, however i do agree if there should be reward base on contribution. But i think its more complicated to apply this rule because, firstly, no matter how small that contribution, it cannont be completed even if just 1 point less. Second damage quest might be harder for speeder because naturally they are not expected to have higher damage compare to shooter (eventhough sometime this is not the case).
  5. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Ok, Then event rewards should be based on gear score (gear score and infamy are strictly proportional).
    I agree that event isn't based on infamy. Since it's based on gear score, rewards should be based on gear score too.
    Let's divide gear score:
    ........< GS < 1000 —> 90% R 9% E 1% L
    1001< GS < 2000 —> 87% R 12% E 2% L
    2001< GS < 3000 —> 84% R 15% E 3% L
    3001< GS < 4000 —> 81% R 18% E 4% L
    4001< GS < 5000 —> 78% R 21% E 5% L
    5001< GS < 6000 —> 75% R 24% E 6% L
    6001< GS < 7000 —> 72% R 27% E 7% L
    7001< GS < 8000 —> 69% R 30% E 8% L
    8001< GS < 9000 —> 66% R 33% E 9% L
    9001< GS < ......... —> 63% R 36% E 10% L
    I will add these points to my thread.
    Stalie likes this.
  6. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    now, it's finally obvious what makes you angry, newbies are getting rewards faster than you did and you think like this "I did not have it so noone can have it now"
    Am I right? this is obvious in your posts, you're simply jealous

    they're not newbies when they get their first leggy items, you need to spenf 900 coins to get leggy perk and during that, you can recieve 2 leggy parts, they get no leggy pieces as season rewards so it'll take long time till they get their first leggy item (and they need to deal 10 milions of damage to get leggy weapon, that's crazy number for anyone who's begginer so they will get their first leggy weapon/green item from achievements after playing thousands battles)

    you need to have something to use before you get your hands over first epic/leggy items, yes leggy items are stronger than t5R, but it'll still take months for them to recieve leggy item, rare items are better for begginers because they can get them to higher levels than epics so rare items will be stronger than epics they got
    it's their game, if you don't like what they're doing with their game, stop crying here and go find new game to play (or you can even create your own game, it'll be definitely the best game because it seems that you know what's best for everyone)
    season rewards are based on your league, events nor guild rivalries use infamy (events use gearscore, guild rivalries use number of finished quests) so there is no point in decreasing rewards for lower infamy players in events and guild raffle
    yes, commons and uncommons are underused
    we are not allowed to blame someone who is exploiting the system, these exploiters/seal clubbers are able to exploit the system because they started earlier, thus they had more time to get better items so they're much stronger than normal players
  7. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I will kindly ask u to delete this part.
  8. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    and why? it's devs' decision, they decided to make the rewards in the way they did, so if you don't like, just quit the game because that's the only thing you can do (or you could stop complaining and accept the current situation):)
    and you act like you know what's best for everyone-you keep saying that these "huge" rewards are bad for begginers, yet you didn't gave us any proof for it, these were just your statements
    btw you should create mini account if everyone get's op items in few weeks, then you would have your statements proved by your mini account with totally op items after few weeks
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2018
  9. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Come on!
    This is why I hate the "unfair" rewards system.
    If u check my inventory, u will see a three useless rudder perks.
  10. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    that's RNG (and you're playing the game for some time, so you should know, that RNG is behind almost everything in BB), and all players have similar chance to get any perk, so it's fair
    What's Up Player and Aether_Zero like this.
  11. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    No, it's just an unfair rewards system. A waste of time, and coins.
  12. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    1. why unfair?
    2. which system would be fair?
    the chance of getting three same perks is low, but it's possible
    it would be unfair, if only some players had ability to pick perks, that they want, or something like that
    this system is pure RNG so you should (and you must know, because you play this game for long time) know, that there is low chance of hetting what you want, because majority of perks/items are useless for you
    I would be happy af if I got leggy rudder perk, instead of the repair box one, which is completelly useless for me:)
  13. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Yes rewards should be based on infamy. If infamy is the bassis of how good your rewards are=
    (How many leg pieces in the raffle, what can be bought out of the store, event stuff, etc) then people will be incentivised to go and stay a higher infamy rather than tank or stagnate. The rewards right now for being literally the best in the world, #1 in nightmare is pretty crappy: four legendary pieces and three epic. That's not much for someone who is good enough with good enough gear to grind out lots of games to come out on top. And to think that if a brand new player grinds out 1400 coins in two weeks they get the exact same thing bassically, of 4 legendary pieces and most likely epic and tons of rare pieces too. Which is better? I know I would rather gind the events than try for top of nightmare, it's more for being number one, I think, than for rewards now. And omevents are definitely easier. Guild raffles are now pretty much just for parts and perks for me now. I rarely ever get legendary perks or epic items from it, this i think could be boosted for higher legues but kept the same in lower ones. Events should have coin differentials for higher or lower infamy/gearscore:
    <1000 max coins: 5
    1000-2000 max coins 6
    2000-3000 max coins 7
    3000-4000 max coins 8
    4000-5000 max coins 9
    5000-6000 max coins 10
    6000-7000 max coins 11
    7000-8000 max coins 12
    8000-9000 max coins 13
    9000-10000 max coins 14
    (I don't know max gearscore anymore so I'll stop there)
    This could be done by taking the highest gearscore possible for a person so they can still use other stuff even if their gearscore suffers, or it could conversely use infamy in a similar way.

    Also the too ten nightmare rewards should include legendary perks and more pieces
    Nicolas likes this.
  14. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    This might be the highest gear score after the recent Nerf to the gear score:confused:

    Nicolas likes this.
  15. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I totally agree with this.
    Battle coins should be based on gear score. Rewards should be divided into many gear score levels: (Let's edit ur rewards table)
    GS < 2000 x of out of 5
    2000-3500 x of out of 6
    3500-5000 x of out of 7
    5000-6500 x of out of 8
    7000-8500 x of out of 9
    GS < 8500 x of out of 10
    I divided them based on average gear score per leagues.
    + Gear score should affect rewards chances
    Mr. Joseph likes this.

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