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Event Perks-Pieces and Guild Tokens-Rewards

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Nicolas, 24 Jul 2018.

  1. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    No, new players will still get good rewards based on their level.
    Players won't spend money in the game if they can collect and combine legendary weapons too easily.
    No money = Dead game
  2. Stalie

    Stalie Member

    25 Sep 2017
    The perks and rewards should reflect your infamy and captain level. Please make this happen!
    Most of my epic weapons are at Tier 5 lv50 and I'm between infamy of 3300-3800.
    So why do I and other players still get green perks in the shop and why do we get rare rewards when we really need epic and legendary perks and parts !!!
    Please do something about the poor rewards. Otherwise if you're getting the same rewards as players in lower leagues - players will "club seal" so you get the easier rewards. So no one wins because the lower leagues can't match up with someone loaded with tier 3 legendary weapons.
  3. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    I like the idea that the rewards relate to the mk of your ship you use. this would soon stop seal clubbers in the events and gives the chance to experiment if people want so a win win for all just need to get the balance right as to not punish the lower players much but make it a big enough difference to stop seal clubbers. Good luck with that devs!
  4. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    Spending is not the only way the game gets its money, the freebies model exist because of ftp users. If there are no new ftp players, the spenders wont spend anymore since the pool of players is the same, they meet the same guys every now and then so what is the purpose of spending anymore?

    The current system has its flaw like you mention in the OP, we should have some kind of perk swaping system that takes big amount of currency like gold/sugar or even pearl that newbies having difficult getting it. So, the more you advance in game, the easier it takes to swap the perks.

    Every games when it reaches it certain time, the once OP, godness or super useful items will be available for new users, and i dont find any problem that new players get the same or even better items than the veteran do.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  5. RippinKittin667

    RippinKittin667 Member

    29 May 2018
    This a major problem. Now even low ranking players can almost 1shot you when they get lucky. The barrier to entry on weapons has gotten so much easier that skill isn't always enough.
  6. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    simple answer:
    this would cause one awfull thing-the gap between old and new players would get even bigger (and would grow much faster than now), so it would be crazy for any of the begginers to ever reach higher leagues (unless he spends thousands $ to compensate it) because of the gap in rewards and items...
    Hazimi and Aether_Zero like this.
  7. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    simple answer:
    Nice Idea!
    Reason: let's suppose that Rovio didn't add this event system. no one was crying about new players who find difficulties in the game.
    Now, rewards are
    too op for new players. It should be nerfed, and it should be adjusted based on leagues.
  8. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    nerf it for everyone or don't touch it, no other alternative:)
    the gap between old and new players is here, it was possible to reach NM with t3 rares and epics, now you need t3 rares and epics to get to master because there are sitting frigging mk6 ****** with maxed t4 epics, with old rewards (no raffle nor events), it would be impossible (or it would take years) for the new players to get to ace and above due to this gap
    next time when suggesting something, look at your idea from more points of view, this idea seems to be good when you are end-game player (NM league) but it's awfull when you look at it from begginers'/mid-game players' point of view
    yes, rewards for the new players should be decreased (but there's already level limit for entering events) but not that hard, what you suggested would probably kill the game, maybe not right after your idea's introduction but it would kill the game in weeks/few months because low/mid infamy players woudl realise that they have no chance to get higher without being whales so they would probably leave
  9. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    There's no gap between new players and old players. Im an old player. We didn't have any way to collect parts-pieces-perks. The only way was in shop and if ur lucky u will get one rare piece from stars crates (maybe two times per week). Now, ppl who just joined the game can build epic & legendary weapons in two-three weeks.
    They need to train - play hard - and gain infamy, then they deserve these op pieces.
    Last edited: 25 Jul 2018
  10. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    All old players worked so hard, spent time and money to become what they are now.
    They are skilled.
    New players can collect and combine op weapons in one week. It took us months to collect pieces to build a legendary.
    There's no gap between new players, and old players. It's just a different time. We joined the game one - two years ago. We are skilled. It's not acceptable that someone who joined yesterday can build op weapons in no time. They need to work hard to deserve the rewards. They need to spend time, play more, gain more infamy. They need to gain skills.
    u can't gain skills while facing bots.
    It's about fairness.
  11. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    no gap? old players had much more time to grind sugar, gold and dupes so they have better items and crew trainings, some of them are in ace or NM (they should be there), but some of them are deliberately sitting at lower infamy (it's full of mk6 shooter here, around 1.2k infamy) and those infamy tankers are blocking the progression of newer players because these new players have to grind more to get over these tankers
    I meet t4 epics in every other battle, t4 epics are normal for ace players, but some players decided to sit at low infamy with insanely op items
    as I said before, it was possible to reach NM league with t3 rares, now you need these (or stronger) to get to master (!) still no gap? yes, they might be able to build epics and legendaries (those only after reaching certain lvl due to captain lvl limit for events) but not that fast and only low t1 usually because of resources required to upgrade, there are seal clubbers at lower MKs in events and they're making it much harder to get any rewards for those new players, why? these seal clubbers deal like 17k damage in mk3 boats while others in their team do around 2k, the coins that these new players get are low so they're not really able to get legendary items in like two weeks

    setups in NM (not all, just took setups I was able to find):
    Screenshot_20180725-143252.png 7 months ago
    Screenshot_20180725-143107.png 11 months ago
    Screenshot_20180725-143003.png 1 year ago

    what I have to face:
    IMG_20180725_145110_619.jpg IMG_20180725_145047_978.jpg IMG_20180725_145021_009.jpg IMG_20180725_144954_330.jpg
    Last edited: 25 Jul 2018
    RippinKittin667 likes this.
  12. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Achievements run out you know. There is no other way to quickly win pearls and leggy pieces.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  13. FiiNami

    FiiNami Active Member

    26 Mar 2018
    Brexit mean Brexit

    Battle Bay is coming home
  14. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I just want to share my view about this discussion. Basically I agree with @ShipCrusherCz . In my opnion this idea will just discriminate new player and older player will have more advantage. furthermore it will make stronger player (and older) will be stronger and new player will have harder time to catch up.

    I may not be an old player but i'm also not a new player, i'm currently playing in ace 1. I understand that now BB player is having easier time to get good item but isn't that a good thing? Firstly, it can attract new player to try and play the game (this is good for the devs cause it offer more potential player and probably potential player who would make BB in-app purchase) and second it is also good for old player since we can better our setup gear. if this idea is applied it will just favor the old player by abandoning potential new player and i think this will not be good for the game in the long run.

    Lastly about the claim that new player can get good item such as legendary item easily, i don't think this is the matter here. what needed to be proved is that whether new player have more legendary item than old player which is in my opinion it is not likely because new player are likely to have uncommon/common item which takes them longer to get the legendary weapon through achievement.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  15. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I think warhawk has valid points but probably didn't explain it with this audience in mind.

    I'll try this another way ...

    Do rewards typically increase as you perform at a higher level .. in BB and most other games?

    Yes. The more guild quests you do, the more tokens you get. The higher you are in infamy, the better your league rewards get.


    Because the progress is rapid at first - transitioning from commons to uncommons to rares. The transition to epics takes much longer than the 3 previous stages combined. In order to keep players from getting bored, the number of higher end rewards increase - slightly. Once you have your full set of epics, you have one thing left to play for - a top 100 or top 10 or top place in the season, because it would take 10 or more years to get a decent set of legendary items.

    Then they add events - and it gives you hope that transitioning to the new level of gear won't take 10 years - but the system is somewhat flawed.

    Newer to mid-level players are speeding through their progression at double or triple the rate you did, often skipping directly to epics and T1 legendaries before they even max out a single rare item. And, you're starting to feel stuck.


    Because weapon damage scales up faster and higher than hit points .. Every match at the highest levels keep you on edge. Hit one mine and it wipes out more than 50% of your health. One big torp - 33%. One crit sniper - 20% gone. One little mistake and you're dead in 2 seconds - 0 coins. Lose connection for a few seconds - 0 coins. One floater - 0-2 coins.

    So, you think why should I struggle for coins in mk7 matches when I can hop in my mk2-5 ship and seal club .. it's like taking candy from a baby.

    So, is higher coin rewards for higher tier ships really such a crazy idea ...?

    He's not asking that coins be taken away from anyone .. he's simply asking that they're scaled up to match the difficulty level of higher tier ships.

    As an immediate benefit to low or mid-level players, there will be fewer people in their seal clubbing mk3s.

    As a long-term benefit, once you reach the higher tiers of ships, you'll be rewarded at a higher level.

    You've been a little spoiled with progression compared to the OGs that played for more than a year before they got their first decent epic. Trust me when I say that the rapid progression you've experienced will come a screeching halt once you hit a certain level .. and the game will lose all interest for you if it remains as it is.
    Last edited: 25 Jul 2018
    Nicolas, envylife and Mad_Bulls_007 like this.
  16. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Especially PVP games!
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  17. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'd really like to see progress consistent at all levels.. At lower level you can quickly evolve common/uncommon items, and right into Rares. Now they are getting Epic and Legendaries, so it's got to be exciting in the beginning. At higher level, progress is like beating your head against a wall, sitting around and waiting for epic dups, struggling to find enough gold to buy epic parts to level up epic items you have laying around, most of which you don't like, all the while praying not to run out of epic cells. IMO it's the higher level that needs the progress acceleration to match what you experience getting into the game in the first place.
    xArrogance and Nicolas like this.
  18. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Thank you!
    You did just explain everything that I was thinking about.
    xArrogance likes this.
  19. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    To put it another way, once you have your full set of epics, you can push up the infamy ladder as far as your skill allows ... but that's about it. And that gets boring after a few seasons.

    The way the crew training is set up, you're stuck with one ship and 8-10 items at an optimal level once you hit captain level 50 .. So there's no real variety (other than seal clubbing), unless you want to switch talents over for 24 hours (or spend 600 pearls to do it instantly) to play a different ship with different items.

    So, events give us some glimmer of hope for upgrading our gear one day .. but one new legendary item a month (if you're able to grind every single event) isn't quite the ray of sunshine you were hoping for ...
    Nicolas likes this.
  20. FiiNami

    FiiNami Active Member

    26 Mar 2018
    Couldnt care less what you all top player want to asl to accelerate your own progression but again, stop asking dev to discriminate new players

    As for guild token, yeah fair enough if you do 72 quests you deserve a bonus

    So again, ask anything you want for top player but dont bother the new/mid player..no reason to stop us getting leggy, no reason at all!

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