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Event feedback. Worst event yet?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Joey who, 13 Jul 2018.


Worst event yet?

  1. Best event yet

  2. Worst event yet

  3. Not the worst but still a horrible event

  4. Not the best but still a good event

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  1. Sholie19

    Sholie19 New Member

    7 Apr 2018
    I’m at 6.3k and every game I am up against minimum 7k opponents... all of them. Yeah I’m done
  2. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    You've said that a few times now.... Don't let the door hit you on the way out ;)
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  3. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I don’t think this is the worst event. The 5v5 TDM with reduced cooldowns was my least favorite event.
  4. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    I like 5v5 more than 1v1 and 2v2...:)
    My favorite event is 5v5 cap or kill.
  5. FiiNami

    FiiNami Active Member

    26 Mar 2018
    I think he hit it already
    Aether_Zero likes this.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is the first event I've been able to use my full/normal rated load out without being seal-clubbed due to my T5E Shield. The grind has increased as matches are longer. It feels almost like a normal match except we get Coins instead of Stars and there is much less variety of boats. It appears EventMatchmaker(tm) is now matching MK levels.. so where I'm using to seeing MK5-MK7 in my matches, I'm only seeing MK6's in this Event. That's fine.. better than the head scratching algorithms used in prior events. Win/Loss rate is about 50%. Fixers are big in this event.

    I'm dismayed to see yet another Fixer-heavy set of Perks. I've now had to carry over Coins for 2 Events and Guild Raffles for 3 weeks due to the maddening prevalence of Fixer items, and I haven't a Fixer, the training, nor the items. Out of impatience I redeemed 900 coins anyhow, and unsurprisingly got a Legendary Fixer Perk, the worst of the two... and everyone can guess which that is. I'll just carry over the other 1000+ Coins to some point in the future. RNG for Legendaries has been brutal for me, 0 for 3 in items/perks that I can actually use.
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  7. FiiNami

    FiiNami Active Member

    26 Mar 2018

    See this is the kind of thing I was talking about I mean me and the top guy in my team dealt more damage that anyone on the unfriends but we got less coins than their lowest damage dealer wtf?

    In 1v1,we could both get 6 coins regardless of result like I lose 2-1, I do 10k damage he did 7k but we got 6 coins each, thats cool..
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  8. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Guessing this event is more weighted towards winning, rather than damage. Possibly to stop mine spammers suicidibg while covering the cap zone
  9. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Hmm now I'm starting to question the matchmaking

    At least it's just one match... for now.
  10. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    I've had a horrible time with match making in previous events and the long waits before receiving my ass kicking was no fun either
    Last event was by far the worst I waited well over a minute for a match where I was the only mk5 with gs of 6.5k mixed with 3 mk6 or even 7 boats with 8-10k gs
    I know I'm a broken record lol
    This event tho I tip my hat to the devs :) time searching for trouble has been no different for me then normal matches even while fleeting and I've not seen a single mk6 in my matches :) nearly all mk5s like me some weaker gear but some stronger but over all majority of matches feels like every one can hold thier own
    Only non mk5 boats I've seen are mk4s belonging to higher lvl players
    Big step in the right direction (at least for my situation) cheers ravio

    Tho my lvl17 mate is still having a bad time :(
  11. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    KINGIVANOV likes this.
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