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Enough with the perma-stun and perma-shield

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gallo_Rex, 10 Jun 2017.


Agree or disagree?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. canyouchange

    canyouchange New Member

    8 May 2017
    There needs to be action here! Gallo has valid points.
  2. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017

    Yes, totally agree with you, i've been saying that for quite some time - speeders and enforcers have been the dominant boat type for quite some time. although i don't think it's because of the tesla shield/bolt. my own opinion is that the imbalance is caused more by the ship attributes itself... in my league, it's not uncommon to play with speeders who have a higher HP than my shooter. the ability of speeders to equip big shields without consequence is one of the major reasons they are dominant. they have speed and maneuverability while having the option to get just as beefy as the supposed beefy boats (defenders, shooters).

    i've already suggested to the devs these tweaks but i don't know if they have considered them:
    1) increase turret turn speed of shooters and defenders (shooters/defenders should have higher base stats compared to speeders/enforcers)
    2) adjust base HP for all ship classes: shooters/defenders should have a significant HP advantage against the yellow boats.
    3) add a weight parameter: boat classes have their own weight capacities and all items have corressponding weight. overloading will result in max speed penalties for the boats, acceleration will also be affected. (simply put, if you wanna get beefier, it should cost you some speed and vice versa)
    4) add a stability parameter: this entails a sort of knockback feature as well. boats will have a stability rating (tank type - agility type), weapons will gain a knockback rating/parameter. knockback feature means a boat hit with a weapon that has knockback ability will momentarily shake and won't be able to target so well. tank types will have higher resistance to knockback and agility types will not.
    5) power/torque vs speed: this is related to the stability paramter. boats that are power/torque type, will have slower acceleration but won't decelerate when going up a wave or when being hit by strong knockback weapons. speed types will have good acceleration but can be easily bothered by strong hits and will decelerate when going up against a wave.
    6) modify the railgun: give it a charge ability - railgun now has lower cooldown, let's say for example, at 6 secs. but at the minimum cooldown, railgun will only deal 30% damage, maximum damage will be achieved once it charges up to the max (default) cooldown of 22 seconds (the proximity factor will still be in included, meaning at minimum charge of 30% damage it wil still have to be multiplied to the proximity factor) - this will give defenders/shooters a very good shield counter since railguns currently can cancel a shield regardless of damage dealt
    dikshift likes this.
  3. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Speeders are op. It's a known issue and I do believe it will be dealt with very soon. When it is, I look forwards to squashing a lot of banana boats.

    I spend most of my matches stunned as well. Orpheus loves to stun me for 14 seconds and then come back and restun me again while he blows up my whole team. Lol. But not really laughing... :mad:

    There's a brief window at the end of the fight, when they are all shooting me, that I can actually return fire. I can sink a couple, but I go down inevitably.

    I believe one fix is to give defense perks an additional... perk. They should also reduce stun duration and frost slow effect. Training could be possible to increase this too. Then they might actually be useful.

    I'm sure there are other options, just as I'm sure a fix is coming. :D
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    If u cant beat em join em..
    HappyUnicorn789 and P0rthos like this.
  5. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    minor note, but I think I saw that clip of a high level fight between a speeder and a shooter was one of Porthos' youtubes iirc. (I haven't watched any other battlebay besides GenkiGamers, and its def. not him)
  6. Gallo_Rex

    Gallo_Rex Member

    26 May 2017
    Denver, USA
    Thank you everyone for contributing to the conversation. There seems to be a general consensus about the state of ship balance. I'm going to assume the downvotes correlates to the fact that 50% of people are running speeders anyways. :p;)

    In no way was this intended to be a dig on people who run speeder, but highlights something that affects all of us non banana-boaters. I hope once some much needed balance issues are fixed, the rest of the speeders will enjoy playing down on earth with the rest of us plebs. I know Porthos and us defenders look forward to making up for lost time. Hehehe. Game on Battle BAEs!
    luiz.jun likes this.
  7. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    i believe people like fast paced gaming, that is the reason most choose speeder. i personally dislike the other boats, because of their slow speed. its not the fault in the ship, enforcer can run same setup (i dont like enforcer either). even fixer can equip tesla bolt. imho, if you take away their tricks and nerf speeders, they will lose the ability to combat the other ships...
    14s stun may be long, i agree, but there are ways to shake it off. rather than waiting for it to magically disappear, why not making yourself useful and try to block some shots for your teammates, if you like defender so much. or initiate a push as a shield for others, idk.
    maybe lowering the duration or increasing cooldown of tesla bolt may make it more balanced.
    about tesla shield, i dont see anything wrong with it. its easily taken down.

    if you see yourself with less hp, try reconsider your blue items or crew abilities. speeder is a support ship, not a glass cannon... shooters have the same number of blue slots. plus they have one more extra point than any other boat, so maybe we should look into that first.
    "as beefy as defenders"? surely you jest.
  8. GuerrillaPvP

    GuerrillaPvP Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Here's how I would fix this problem. Slightly decrease Speeder's reverse and/or turn speed and increase the cool down time of the tesla bolt. I really wish that more top tier game play was done in a variety of boats, indicating a balance in their ability and leaves the choice up to preference (not just to the power of one boat).
  9. JJBalla3

    JJBalla3 New Member

    7 Jun 2017
    What if there was an item that took off debuffs with like a 15 sec cooldown? Or have perks or skills that decrease debuff times. Or even perks that decreases the percentage chance of debuffs landing on you, sorta like resistance?

    Also reducing cool downs to shields and tesla bolts would make them totally useless to low lvl players like me who are still trying to obtain tire 2 items lol.
  10. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    what league are you in? if you're not yet in nightmare or ACE, then you haven't seen what i've seen... but of course, certain advantages are gained from superior items, that's why in my previous post, i was talking more about base stats adjustments to balance things out. At the same item and boat levels, speeders and enforcers totally outclass shooters and defenders, that's why i made suggestions on tweaking base stats (hp, turret turn speed). it may or may not make things more "balanced", but it is worth a shot. But the game is global now, so i don't think such tweaks will be done anytime soon. i was just sharing my previous suggestions to the devs back when the game was still in beta.
  11. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Speeder and enforcer are not the same boat at all, but they're constantly lumped in together.
    The last hp nerf has left my enforcer easily dead in two short hits, and still up against 8000hp speeders with too many blue slots and no real need for a turbo. Don't forget that defender is the only boat slower than enforcer.
    Maybe if every battle didn't have a 1000 infamy gap between myself and the top players it'd be more balanced, but it does.
    There as just as many top shooters as there are enforcers, more even.
    Give it a rest.
  12. Gallo_Rex

    Gallo_Rex Member

    26 May 2017
    Denver, USA
    Good points. This is why I personally focus on the ability to stun/shield. My problem with the balance is every ship has it's strengths and weaknesses. I'm going to speak mk6 here, because that is the apex of all boat performance. Fixers are well balanced, they don't do anything super great, but they can heal. Shooters can put out lethal amounts of damage at all times, but they're not fast and not so tanky. Defenders can do good damage and can take tons of damage, but they're slow movement with slow turning and turret tracking. Enforcers are the all-around ship. Certainly not tanky, but good equal parts mobility, damage, and utility. Speeders are the best at MOBILITY. The damage isn't great with their weapon slots, but they're hard to hit and are intended to be hit and run.

    The problem with speeder/enforcer is it's the ONLY classes to be able to NEGATE ALL DAMAGE 80% of the time. Your strength is mobility. You should not be able to sit nose to nose next to an 8k hp remaining ship with 1k hp and win. You should not be able to 2 v 1 with a greater than 50% win rate (And my person experience is much higher than that). You have to duck, dip, dodge, and duck to survive. Shît... fixers are the only other ships that can "cancel" damage with a self heal, and even duct tape is heal over time. Being able to negate 500 hp of damage every 15 seconds equates to a un-hittable ship a majority of the time. You ever see an enforcer pop out of cover to shoot without his shield up? Never. You know why? Un-damageable. This game doesn't even target shielded ships. It's telling us not to waste our time. You can't have the best mobility in the game, the ability to tank hp higher than shooters and fixers, shut down ships for 13 seconds, cancel huge chunks of damage, and win every 1v1/2v1 possible and expect people not to call bullshît.

    I expect once a balance adjustment is made that most fixers will complain that "It's not viable anymore... they ruined it!" But I encourage all you to practice your duck, dip, dodge, and duck now, because that's where you're supposed to be viable. Not tanking entire battalions of folks who out-played your team.
    Totoro likes this.
  13. Gallo_Rex

    Gallo_Rex Member

    26 May 2017
    Denver, USA
    Last few sentences of my "manifesto" I meant "speeders" not "fixers." Sorry. Fixers are just so sexy. I must have them on the brain. ;)
    Kitterini likes this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Guys, but have we factored in the inherent raw skill required to implement perma-shield (wont talk about perma-stun)? I mean, speeders up top are using overboost, nitro, commanding, shooting AND using shields while handling a very twitchy ship! I guess we should cut them at least a little slack...but that's just me.
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    There are some amazing speeder players in the bay, no doubt.

    The main issue is that an amazing speeder player will outperform an amazing (insert any other class) player --- Which I suppose is part of the reason why most top players opt for speeder in the final days of a season.
  16. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    I may be wrong but my observation over the time, I noticed that Tesla shield blocked 100% of point damage (example cannons) it can take based on it's level.
    It will still take damage from torpedoes, mines and mortars splash damages. It can also cancel out or endure a mortar direct hit.
    Unless your load out is all point damage weapons then you will have problems dealing with a speeder or enforcer with shield.
    There are still ways to deal damage to shield user.
  17. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    this is the typical scenario when a speeder/enforcer goes up against a shooter/defender (i'll use speeder and shooter for my example)... speeder activates shield when approaching a shooter, speeder fires a shot, if shield is still active, fires a second shot, before shield is out, speeder stuns the shooter. speeder waits for a few seconds to recharge, then dives into the shooter and fires one more shot and comes out behind the shooter's gun, shooter scrambles to turn to face the speeder, just when the shooter gets it's guns in front of the speeder, the speeder stuns the shooter again... rinse and repeat until the shooter sinks...

    one critical adjustment that i've been lobbying for the longest time is to give shooters and defenders better turret turn speed... this one tweak will significantly help a shooter/defender get a better chance going one-on-one against speeders/enforcers.
  18. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    This I definitely agree with you, it is just weird to me that when I upgraded my ship to higher tier all other specs other than HP dropped.
    I can understand the drop in speed, bigger ship slower speed but turret speed also dropped just don't make sense to me. Might as well just give us additional blue slots to equip more shield.

    As for your typical scenario case, think most of the players complaining about the shield and stun experience it too many times as well. Only thing to do will be to better observe your team mates and improving on how to assist each other to avoid a game to come down to the scenario. Maybe that's how I come to playing a more supportive style now due to the frustration I been through, some one have to do it so let it be me since I'm not really a competitive guy. LOL.
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Just here to point out that your poll was poorly thought out. "Yes" and "No" are not possible answers to "Do you agree or disagree?". Should have either asked "Do you agree?" or kept the current question but made the answers "agree" and "disagree".
  20. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017

    i found this today. speeders are certainly not "op". i would dare say fixer who can equip it all. they can tank, heal, stun and dish out huge damage...

    on top of that, the variety of ships seemed normal to me. so it sounds to me like people are just bitchin about here, because they cant adjust their strategy and work as a "team"!

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