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Enforcer Combos

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by KRaZE, 13 Sep 2017.

  1. KRaZE

    KRaZE New Member

    25 Aug 2017
    hey ya'll, i am trying to find a good combo for mk5/mk6 enforcer,mainly weapon combos. i am aware of the commonly used fire+cannon combos, however that may not be an option due to low level flare gun so i would love some suggestions even if the suggestions are on blue and yellow items(pretty solid on what i will use in these areas,but i could be convinced otherwise),thanks in advance.
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    BC - BC - FG / OB - Nitro or T shield / turbo + bandage or B shield if mk6

    BC - BC - Mine / OB - Nitro or T shield / turbo + bandage or B shield if mk6

    BC - BC - Swift Torp / OB - Frost Blaster - (+ T shield or Nitro if mk6) / Turbo + Bandage or B shield if mk6

    Sniper - Sniper (or BP/Standard/LR mortar) - BP Mortar / OB - Frost Launcher +Tesla shield or Nitro if mk6 / Turbo + Bandage or B shield if mk6

    Enforcer not being able to use 2 slot red items really sucks...
  3. KRaZE

    KRaZE New Member

    25 Aug 2017
    yea wish they had done something with mk7 but they failed to capitalize....thanks btw
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
  5. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Blast Cannon / Standard Cannon / Blast Cannon. If you can aim the blast cannons, which I can't, you can do a bunch of damage. Stun, hit tesla shield 2 seconds before stun wears off and start blasting again. Unbeatable 1v1 combo, deadly for 2v1, and you'll lose 3v1 but you can make them feel it before they sink you.

    However it's impossible to get that combo past mortar spam so I may have to try something unusual with what I have. Sniper / Standard Cannon / Standard Mortar.
    I'd rather have the dual sniper combo but I cant get one to go t4 yet alone enough to take another up anywhere.

    BTW, I don't get the flare cannon thing, You need crew training for the 10 or 20% cannon boost, then inorder to make it worth it in my opinion you's need leveled up blast cannons. Oh, if you opt for Blast Cannon training you only get a 10% boost.
    Riddlerpaji likes this.

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