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Devs don't care

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 16 Apr 2017.

  1. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    You mean popular multiplayer games on PC like DOTA2? No wait, it has only one (1) map, and no single player. Or CS:GO, TF2, Overwatch or World of Tanks. Nope, no single player there either.

    Usually the best multiplayer games are purely multiplayer, instead of being a multiplayer mode slapped on top of a single player game. Battle Bay is not missing those single player elements because it would not be a "full" game, or because we would not have resources to do it. It is missing because Battle Bay is a game purely focused in a multiplayer and therefore has no space for that.
    Splash0rboy3000 likes this.
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    There has not been pretty much any change in the total amount of players since the release of v2.0. While speculating is surely fun, it does not make it true though.
  3. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Again, total players should be rising but a decline in the time each player invests in the game has the same effect. How do you account for the disparity that has snowballed out of control if not for lack of players? The matchmaker is pitting my 2300 infamy versus players with 4300, that's no small jump. This isn't broken? You're telling me that this is fine and everything is working the way it's supposed to?
  4. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Well, first of all those numbers you are saying are not possible. The lowest amount of infamy 3800+ player can be in a battle with is 2503, and that is the absolutely biggest gap the matchmaker allows in any situation.

    Is this optimal? Definitely not, we would like to keep the infamy spread in few hundreds across the infamy range. However, there has not been any significant change to any direction with v2.0 either. Maybe your infamy has just raised enough that you have crossed a bucket boundary and now you are facing different range of players in your battles.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  5. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering

    Then I guess the 20 odd games I've had in the past week with squads made from mk1 players with 400-800 infamy and mk6/mk5 players with 4000+ infamy did not actually happen?
  6. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Well, apparently they didn't, because the matchmaker never arranges that kind of battles. You have a screenshot of any of those battles?
  7. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    Cheers, that's the first time I've been called delusional...

    I did, just cleared my phone out. I'll catch more and I'll ask my people to take them, video when we land matches like that.
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    We'll go through the battle logs tomorrow to verify the maximum infamy spreads. The matchmaker is designed to have certain maximum infamy spread limits that are never to be broken, and earlier they haven't been. If those battles have now indeed happened then it is just some very recent server bug that needs to be taken care of immediately.
    kylek33 and Bomby McBombface like this.
  9. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
  10. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'll post more soon, it's a fairly common occurance now
  11. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    As a infamy 4000+ player, I had never been set up with mk1 or mk2 players unless someone used the wrong ship. The biggest gap I had seen was that when I was 4100+, I met some around 2100-2200(mainly mk4) at the bottoms of enemy's teams. Some of them I could kill with just one shot. Godlike feeling for me, but must be tough for them.
    Last edited: 20 Apr 2017
  12. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    And I know most of the infamy 4000+ players, if any of us have had situation like you said, we would have saved screenshots because it's nonsense. So I don't think your complaints are real.
  13. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    Indeed, I kept screen captures for a few days but cleared them out for space, didn't see a need for keeping them.

    And to that comment^ Who are you? Am I supposed to care what you think?
  14. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    This is the end result, not the start, but there was a mk5 around the 3900 mark and two mk2s around the 850-950 mark, still a gap of 3000 +/- infamy.

    Attached Files:

  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Still not true, you must be just remembering wrong. We checked the logs and the absolutely highest infamy gap during this update has been: low: 2333 high: 4562 gap: 2229. And the lower the players are the more strict the limits are, which means there are never 0 infamy and 2200 infamy players playing together.
  16. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Okay so you've discover a fault, yes? 4562>3800 and 2333<2503 so that and other matches like it were out of the allowable range. And to be blunt, a gap of 2229 is so horrible I can't think of a family friendly way to describe it. A maximum disparity of 500 seems fair, 1000 in extremely rare circumstances like 4am on Christmas Eve kind of rare.
    Bomby McBombface likes this.
  17. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Yes, there was an offset of 200 infamy points, which has been live for a week. So the limit was actually 2303 for a week.
  18. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    Hmmmm, I'm a scientist that deals with immense data quantities as part of my work, I've never remembered something incorrectly or wrong before when dealing with that subject matter, highly doubt I am with your minimal game.

    As per my screenshot above ^ the mk5 player had 3900 infamy, the mk2s 850-950, and after a horrible MM string I was at 1216.
    3900 - 1216 = 2684, that's outside your ""concrete"" facts for matchmaking.

    3900 - 850-950 = 2950-3050....

    Others have posted similar here and across various fb groups, games forums, and message boards. You have repeatedly said certain things were impossible only for everyone to show you you were incorrect and that those issues were in fact possible and were happening.

    I'm surprised you think that there can't be issues that can escape log analysis, infrequent slips can bypass detection, concrete data faults show up...
  19. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Well I'm not sure what else to tell you other that that based on the actual authoritative battle log in the database that kind of battles have never happened. Next time you see this please send us a screenshot.
  20. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Does it really have to be that high? Over 2000 is huge in this game. It's not like we're dealing with 50,000 vs 52,000, that wouldn't be a big issue but at 2000 vs 4000 the difference in ship performance is impossible to ignore and nearly impossible to overcome. Yes the teams are somewhat mixed with highs and lows on both sides but it's no fun to be the guy that gets one-shot killed in the first minute of the match or, if you manage to survive past that, shooting them with your inferior weapons. It's like trying to cut down a tree with a butter knife.

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