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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. NaveFantasma

    NaveFantasma Member

    21 May 2017
    ROVIO dont you see all the players are unhappy with that??? What are you waiting to go to the old systems???? Do you wait to loose all the gamers? Are you waiting to make die this game? Moove on!
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I like how weapon upgrading works now (aside from the pace you acquire duplicates). I don't miss keeping a constant full inventory & feeling forced into un-optimal fusing almost daily. Being able to stockpile resources in periods where you lack duplicates is also nice.
    The shop (and RNG reign) however:
    Finally got to 3900 pearls - My reward? Blue legendary piece & an epic Frost Launcher.
    If the purpose was to remind me not to buy pearls then mission accomplished Rovio :) Joke's on me!

    Dear god I miss being able to gather 150 stars & when I could use my pearls to either make up for missing stars or to pinpoint purchase epics I actually wanted.
    Oh well, no point complaning - The Excel boys have decided that RNG = higher profit margin, so thats how its gonna be :(
    Helius Maximus, D3X and Rock'N'Rolla like this.

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Oh my god... makes me wonder if I should just spam my saved up pearls in rushing crew training. Did you get at least some rare and epic green pieces?
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I got a rare Box Launcher (and a rare Cannonade, which was the highlight I suppose)!
  5. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Well you are a seal clubber I have seen you in my games.Yes the current system sucks but stop manipulating the system before complaining.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is the unfortunate situation of the game right now. As more players get to a level where they realize resources is more important than infamy. Realize that the shop is more RNG than anything and realizing they need lots of money to progress, its sort of a middle-finger retaliation protest against the system; Screw you Rovio for not letting me get by Big Torp, so i'll drop to X and farm easy noobs!

    The two issues are more connected than you think.
  7. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Most people do not realize this.The two issues are basically twins lol.
  8. saracollins

    saracollins New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    I don't have any issues with the current shop. I think its great! You get a free crate and a star crate and once a week 3 premium chests.

    Its just like in any other mobile game. You open a chest without knowing what's inside.

    If you feel you're unlucky, get yourself a lucky charm or something and stop whining.

    Epic item are supposed to be hard to find, otherwise everyone will be using them. If you're not content with your t2 epic gun and tired of waiting, ditch it and build yourself a rare one, or an uncommon one...
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Um... eh, ok I'll reply nicely...
    That's fine if you feel that way, and initially for levels under 20 things are dandy and you seem to progress fine (or appear to be). Once you realize that the Commons, T3 Uncommons and even Rares simply aren't good enough for the future, you're looking for Epics or better. There's no good mechanism for Epics. Which is why I urge new players to read the thread thoroughly before making any judgement or posting on this thread. What you've mentioned already have been said earlier, but this isn't about the initial stages, more of mid-later stages of the game where progression in the game is at a crawl or a standstill. Even if you pay for crates, you may not get what you ultimately want. That's the point of this thread.
  10. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    The thing is that you didn't taste the previous version which had 3 basic functions:
    1. 150 star epic chest in almost every store refresh.
    2. Complete epic weapons in store once in a while where you could choose to buy it or not.
    3. You could sell weapons you didn't needed for gold.

    This allowed the game to be less RNG and be able to buy, upgrade and evolve the gears you actually liked.

    I'm glad you are happy with the current system and I reapect your opinion, just don't judge the rest of us that want a system a little less RNG. I'm pretty sure if you had experienced the previous system, you also be missing it.

  11. saracollins

    saracollins New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    Rares are perfectly usable and competitive. What you want to see is for everyone to be running around with a bunch of t5 epics and reach nightmare league without any extra skill. Because thats what will eventually happen when the game tries to keep you at 50% win ratio. There will always be the underdog team who loses. Even the skill less will eventually learn, get a few good wins and move up.

    The current system for epics is perfectly acceptable. You can have an epic in 3-4 weeks, yes, it may not be the one you wanted, so better luck next time...
    If everyone maxed out their gear in a couple of months, where would be the fun in that?
    Those who pay for their gear, mostly aim for the legendary pieces, and are probably swimming in a bunch epics anyway.

    Well, the previous upgrade system was way different than the current one. So its logical the shop had to be altered as well.

    Although #3 should have stayed. Selling items for gold. The achievement would have made more sense, instead of just buying perks and selling them for half the price...
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Rares are competitive up to a point. When Epics were the best weapons, I would say yes, but now with Legendaries that's a different story. T5 Legendaries almost double in effectiveness to a Max T5 Rare. It's only natural that once you reach 3k infamy that you'll want to get at least Epics above your rare items to stay or be more competitive with top players with Max Epics and P2W Players with high level Legendaries.

    Once your win ratio levels off to about 50% or slightly less, you get to that level where there isn't really a person that is "skill-less" per say, just players that are more naturally talented than others that are excelling, players that are hot, players with a good or excellent build, normal players, and or players that are off their game. This happens to all of us, no?

    Right, and before this system, the random part was the store. You could choose not to buy it and save it for another day. Right now, to get 1-2 epics a week, you need to play 3 hours a day to buy all the weapon parts to get 1 epic and to even see what it turns into. More than likely, it isn't what you wanted.

    Nobody is asking for maxing their gear in a few months, but have some sort of gradual visual progression.
    The previous system took a year if not more to get Epics to T5 or close to max (according to P0rthos). The new system seems to have taken that and stretched it out even further for Free-to-play and Pay-to-Play players, and because of the random aspects with the crates and shop and the item parts, each player has a distinctly unique and individual to the account - chances at progression(some luckier than others) which isn't exactly linear anymore.... it's 1.5 years+ multiplied by (RNGX) = end game? Pay-to-Win whales don't care, and are pretty much getting the crash course in a month and pretty much buying all the lotto tickets for an exorbitant amount of money. Some P2W players are already reaching 4K infamy now in 6 weeks since global launch.

    They did it before Global Launch. So it's obvious that they altered the shop to be more profitable , as Rovio as knew they have a good game in their hands.
    As for selling for gold, they took it out so that you needed to re-earn that gold to purchase shop items. It made sense to keep perks sellable since they are so rare in the shop anyway to allow to be able to complete that achievement, as well as the ability to remove it from your inventory.
    Last edited: 21 Jun 2017
  13. saracollins

    saracollins New Member

    18 Jun 2017
    If so jelly of all those p2w, why not join them? Its a free game with expensive inapps just like any other. What did you expect?
    Reading the thread, you sound like a broken record. Wish I had all that time like you, complaining all day on the forums. Maybe put it to rest already?
  14. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Not. This is a new game in terms of global launch, the shop and the upgrade/progressiive system is likely one of the largest factors of players quitting. p2w should not be where games are looking to be the biggest revenue marketshare in their users, target the majority common user that pays monthly or at least more than one time. There's probably a handful of players paying 10K, whereas there's likely 50,000 players paying $50. Which is better? Rovio should be a company that understands this based on their previous NON-P2W with minimal or no IAP Progressive bundle system and still manage to make millions and millions of dollars in profits.
    Haha, good one? I check it periodically, but not all day and thanks to push notifications from this forum I don't need to check it. Furthermore, I only sound like a broken record because everyone who posts for the first time respond the same way without going through the entire thread before commenting. Too lazy to read. As for putting it to rest, you actually bumped it by replying, no?

    let's get back on topic, I responded to your comments above. so if you like to respond, respond to those. Keep it civil.
    Last edited: 20 Jun 2017
    Epicmonolith and KilleWh4le like this.
  15. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Progression is held back by too much RNG in terms of needed weapon upgrades at early stages, which is important for player retention. When I started a month ish ago, I thought item pieces allowed you to pick but even that is pure bs RNG. Atm I'm being carried hard by players around 2k infamy while still holding T1 rares, surrounded by epics and legendaries but I guess this game has a heavy focus on the pay2win aspect. The special offers sucks

    Don't even get me started on the grind on obtaining the necessary amount of gold for purchases on top of ship upgrades. I honestly doubt this game will be able to be as successful as big namers such as Clash Royale with its current mechanics but this is a whole different issue. Slowly stops ranting...
  16. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Up till now I'm still disappointed by this shop system, and the new levelling up system. Nothing but a money grabber. While the battle system is still fun, hopefully the guild war can come soon to save this game.
  17. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I suggest you not waste time arguing with such players lol.They clearly are new and dont know the road ahead.The gap between p2w and ftp players in this game is ridiculous.
  18. KilleWh4le

    KilleWh4le Member

    30 May 2017
    I am getting so tired of farming those epic pieces.......
    It feels like keep buying over priced lottery tickets with hard earned money :(
    I am in ace1 league but it still takes too much time to farm golds. can't imagine what it is like for players in lower leagues... probably can't get any items without multiple hours of daily grinding.
  19. Rock'N'Rolla

    Rock'N'Rolla Active Member

    21 May 2017
    U talk about epic pieces.. I waited for a month to get that rare duplicates of sniper and flare guns. 2 rares I needed per month.. And an awfull tonn of shit which I don't even want to use without a single possibility to choose.. And I play about 2 or 3 hours a day! Great job Rovio! I can't even imagine how to get epics in late game.. It seems to me that I'd better quit this game than wait months to upgrade ONE epic item to III or IV evolution. Not worth it at all!
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Between pieces in the shop, 3 full pr week & the random stuff you pick up I manage to find rares in about the same pace as I unlock the talents required to evolve. [I have spend some money & opened some 3900 crates though].
    More than anything I wish I had identified how the new shop system was designed to stop epic progression & had kept all my rares & just accepted being a rare captain.

    As a baseline you are looking at 3½ epic pieces pr week (2 from weekly quest, 1 from login, ½ from seasonal reward from 3000k infamy+).
    How on earth anyone managed to assemble pieces for 9 epics in 5 weeks is beyond me -- I buy every single epic piece on offer in the store, spend a moderate amount of money & I generate nowhere near that.

    But lets pretend 9 epics in 5 weeks is normal (number borrowed from @P0rthos) & estimate how long it will take to reach T5 epics using the (in my opinion) vastly overshoot rate of acqusision:
    34 different epics (assuming equal droprate for all), i.e. 2,94% chance of getting the epic you want.
    9 epics in 5 weeks (35days) = 0,26 epics pr day /// 3,89 days pr epic (If this number doesn't illustrate how vastly overshoot this number is for most players I dunno what will). But lets assume its a normal destribution & my luck is just bad.
    With a perfect destribution (some will be lucky, others will find frost launchers & duct tape):
    - 132 days required to find a specific epic.
    - Expected time to find 6 duplicates 794 days.
    - Expected time to find 5 (assuming you spend 3k pearls on #1) 660.

    Now lets try my experienced acquisision rate instead.
    3½ epic pieces pr week guaranteed.
    2½ epic pieces from the shop weekly.
    4 epic pieces from random places (Scrapping, the odd chance of a full epic from boxes etc).

    1 epic pr week = 7 days pr epic.
    - 238 required to find a specific epic.
    - 1428 days to find 6 duplicates --- That's almost 4 years.. I.e. if you aren't willing to spend a significant amount of money then focus on rares.. You won't reach max level epics before this game has died out anyway.
    - 1190 days to find 5 duplicates.

    Can we stop the nonsense that the current system allows for the same pace of growth as the old? I can understand why this doesn't feel like an issue at low level or for people with mk4/5 epics who fight others using the same items. It's rather depressing constantly fighting players that are using items that I know I will never get anywhere near.

    @Miika Time to admit that "we've run the numbers and the new system is very generous" was either by usage of a broken calculator or just a flat out lie?
    Or put in a more polite way: Is it intended to take 4 years (for people who spend 20-30$ pr month) to reach T5 epics? If not then you need to chance something :)
    Totoro, Netsa, TheRedSpeeder and 8 others like this.

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